• Dec 31. Community is everything.
    Dec 31 2022

    Develop a sense of community with others. No one in this world stands alone, though in many ways the opposite seems true, since we come into this life alone and must leave it again at death, quite alone. Yet we come into a welcoming family, and should so live our lives that others weep when we leave this world. Everything we do in our solitary-seeming comings and goings depends, to a great extent, on others. Expand your sense of community to include an ever-larger number of people, until you see everyone on earth as belonging to your own family, in God.

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    18 mins
  • Dec 30. Respect excellence.
    Dec 30 2022

    Respect excellence wherever you find it. True excellence is often the result of group endeavor, but it requires in every case the personal commitment of energy and awareness. Excellence, like everything else that is worthwhile, springs from within the Self.

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    17 mins
  • Dec 29. Intentions vs personality
    Dec 29 2022

    Never identify anyone with his personality. Define him, rather, by his intentions, and by the sincerity with which he seeks truth. The personality is only a product of actions and reactions over countless incarnations. The innate goodness of one’s intentions, however, has its origins at their furthest depths, in the Self.

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    17 mins
  • Dec 28. Direct energy consciously.
    Dec 28 2022

    Direct energy consciously into everything you do. Remember, energy has its own intelligence, and responds willingly to proper guidance. It can make things happen for you that you yourself could not have even planned.

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    13 mins
  • Dec 27. You belong to all nations.
    Dec 27 2022

    You belong to all nations. Only temporarily are you an American, Frenchman, Italian, Indian; Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim. You belong to all classes. Your social status is only temporarily upper, middle, or lower. No human condition can define you, for you are the pure soul, descended from God who, for all eternity, is your essential, ever-changeless Reality.

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    16 mins
  • Dec 26. Creativity and relaxation
    Dec 26 2022

    To be creative, first relax your mind, then offer it up to God. Every worthwhile accomplishment was conceived first in the Infinite.

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    16 mins
  • Dec 25. Truth is always fresh and alive.
    Dec 25 2022

    The teachings of Jesus Christ, and of every great spiritual master, are as fresh, true, and alive today as when they were first declared. Truth never changes with time. Its expression may vary with fluctuations in human understanding, but love, wisdom, and joy are eternal realities. There is no need to “pound your pulpit,” emotionally. All that anyone needs is the awareness that Truth, as taught in all true scriptures, is forever one. Our souls came from God, and our divine assignment is to merge back at last into Him.

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    16 mins
  • Dec 24. Depend on God's power.
    Dec 24 2022

    Never depend on your own powers alone. They are inevitably fragile, weak, and inconsistent. But if you place your trust in God, you will find that He readily meets your needs. Ask Him with faith; don’t plead or wheedle with Him. Say, rather, “This is what I am trying to accomplish for You. I need Your strength and guidance to do it well. I’ll do what I can, but You have to do the rest.” Don’t be afraid that you might offend Him by your presumption. Why should He mind? If your desire is to please Him, how can He not approve? Before beginning many a job that I later completed successfully, I’ve said to Him, “I can’t do this on my own, but You can do anything! So come along now: Help me!”

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    17 mins