For our theme today, we focused on John 13:34-35 where Jesus gives a brand new, never-heard-before commandment to His followers...and to us: “love one another; as I have loved you.”
Perhaps the most stunning part of this commandment is when He gave it to the disciples. It was just after He had washed their feet...after He had broken bread with them for the last time and given them the task of doing this in remembrance of Him forevermore...after He had called out Judas the traitor in their midst and sent him was after all of this that He said, “Love one another as I have loved you.”
What could be a higher standard of love than lovingly washing the mud, feces, and dirt from the filthy, bare feet of twelve men? This, the lowest task of any servant in Jesus’s time, was His choice, His chosen calling, and His love poured out onto His disciples.
What could be a higher standard of love than to break bread with the man, Judas, who would that very night betray you to the worst kind of death possible–rampant with excruciating pain, torment, humiliation, and the sin of the entire world heaped on your innocent shoulders?
What, indeed.
As you follow along with the meditation, call to mind this tremendous love that Jesus has for you...and allow it to transform how you see love for your neighbor.
If you'd like to talk more with me about your healing journey, or anything I talk about here, remember you can schedule a 15-minute call with me at this link:
In this podcast, we use sound, focused intention, and guided meditation to restore our souls. It is a guided meditation to invite your soul to rest in the peace, joy and love that is our adopted birthright as followers of Christ. We are all confronted with a world that, at times, makes us feel weary. That weariness denies the truth and freedom of God’s plan for us. Thus, we need to rest and be restored to live in the fullness of His divine love.
That is what we seek to achieve through our meditation. We balance the energy of our souls, inviting peace, joy and a deep love for God, self, and all mankind. We use a combination of Scripture, science, neuropsychology, and holistic healing that have been proven effective through experimentation over the last thirty years. Some of our meditation may seem unfamiliar to you at first, but trust the process and you will be amazed by the peace, happiness, and restoration you experience.
Here's a description of our Soul Attunement Call and how it creates soul integration:
- Promotes restful sleep by changing brain waves from beta to alpha
- Relieves anxiety or overthinking by addressing challenges you faced during the day
- Aligns your thoughts with your vision of the future for effective manifestation
- Tunes your energy to the creative harmonies found in nature for proper soul alignment and realization of your dreams
- Meditate on a Scripture verse
- Pray by listening to God for His inspiration and guidance
What we do:
- Use chanting brainwave sounds in the 432 Hz frequency
- Meditate on Scripture and affirmations in the safe space of this supportive, loving virtual community
Where, when, and how we meet:
- We meet each Monday and Thursday evening live at 10 PM Central at the following zoom link. You are welcome to join us live anytime!
- Zoom Link: