
  • Episode 532 - How To Persuade And Earn The Respect Of A Narcissist
    Oct 9 2024

    Identifying whether someone is a narcissist requires looking for key behaviors and personality traits that align with narcissistic tendencies

    Why You Should Sleep on it Before Making an Important Decision

    Finding a narcissist involves looking for patterns of behavior that revolve around self-importance, lack of empathy, and manipulative tendencies. Want to know how to persuade a narcissist?

    Join me for this week’s podcast on How To Persuade And Earn The Respect Of A Narcissist. Discover why a narcissist thinks the way they do and what to do if they are in your path and you need to persuade them.

    Can You Captivate and Close with Charisma?

    Do You Ever Wonder How Some People Can Persuade And Motivate On Command?

    Take a quick Presentation IQ assessment. Let’s identify how to take your presentation and influence skills to the next level. You will also receive my Perfect Persuasion Presentation template and video training for helping out with my research.

    I'M IN

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    21 mins
  • Episode 531 - Using Smells And Sensory Marketing To Increase Influence
    Oct 2 2024

    Numerous studies have been conducted on the impact of scent and fragrances on association. A study conducted among undergraduate students found that female students wearing perfume were rated more attractive by male students. Scents were even found to improve scores on job evaluations. Of course, offensive odors can also be used (and have been used) to evoke a negative response.

    Sensory Marketing; The Smell of Cinnamon That Made Me Buy

    Want to know more about sensory marketing? Get your prospect more involved using their sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Join me for this week’s podcast on Using Smells And Sensory Marketing To Increase Influence. Discover how to instantly influence others using the senses.

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    20 mins
  • Episode 530 - Persuasive Pronouns - When to use I vs We vs You
    Sep 25 2024

    This Law of Persuasion states that the more skillful a person is in the use of language, the more persuasive they are. Words affect our perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions.

    Language misused will trigger the wrong response and decrease your ability to persuade. All words have emotional meanings that are different from their dictionary definitions. Understanding words and their emotional triggers will enhance your ability to persuade and influence.

    Facts alone fall short in correcting science misinformation

    By carefully listening to a prospect's pronouns and adjusting your language, you can build more trust and increase your influence.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on Persuasive Pronouns - When to use I vs We vs You. Discover when and how to use the correct pronoun to be more persuasive and seal the deal.

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    21 mins
  • Episode 529 - Science Of Horror Movies - Turning Prospect Fear Into Focus
    Sep 19 2024

    Fear comes from uncertainty, financial challenges, past experience, or the fear of making a wrong decision. So, how do you switch them from fear to focus?

    Horror films offer a psychological thrill ride

    When you shift the emotional energy from fear and doubt to confidence and anticipation, you will close the sale and leave your prospect feeling good about their choice.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on Science Of Horror Movies - Turning Prospect Fear Into Focus. You will discover the science of fear and how to use it to influence. Find out how to harness the fastest motivation tool you can use - FEAR.

    Why Do 3% Make 97% of The Money?

    This system is USUALLY reserved for my advanced coaching students. This online University will reveal cutting-edge influence techniques that will increase your income and enable you to persuade on command.

    Influence University is the first and only website to combine scientific research, persuasion software, training videos, downloadable audios, and proven exercises.

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    21 mins
  • Episode 528 - Mastering Nonverbal Cues: How to Instantly Connect or Disconnect With Anyone
    Sep 12 2024

    Whether you’re meeting someone for the first time, closing a business deal, or deepening a personal relationship, your body language is crucial in establishing rapport and trust - or inadvertently causing resistance.

    Understanding and mastering these nonverbal signals can transform how you connect with others. Here’s how to recognize the signs that show you’re making a connection and those that indicate you are triggering distrust

    Jobs That Need People Skills Are The Most Recession Proof

    Want to dive deeper into the fascinating world of nonverbal communication? Join me for this week’s podcast, " Mastering Nonverbal Cues: How to Instantly Connect or Disconnect With Anyone." I’ll guide you through each body part and nonverbal cue, helping you identify how to connect with others.

    Whether you want to make a great first impression, build stronger relationships, or understand the subtle signals that shape our interactions, this episode is for you.

    Can You Captivate and Close with Charisma?

    Do You Ever Wonder How Some People Can Persuade And Motivate On Command?

    Take a quick Presentation IQ Assessment. Let’s identify how to take your presentation and influence skills to the next level. You will also receive my Perfect Persuasion Presentation template and video training for helping out with my research.

    Click here

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    21 mins
  • Episode 527 - EQ Essentials: The Most Important Skills of Emotional Intelligence
    Sep 5 2024

    EQ, or Emotional Intelligence, refers to the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and influence your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is a crucial aspect of relationships, influence, and leadership. Unlike IQ, which is relatively stable throughout life, EQ can be developed and improved through practice and self-awareness.

    Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?

    What are the other elements of EQ that are critical to helping you influence others? How can you develop and master these competencies? Join me for this week’s podcast on EQ Essentials: The Most Important Skills of Emotional Intelligence. We will explore the critical aspects of Emotional Intelligence and how to apply them with your everyday persuasion.

    Take a quick Presentation IQ assessment. Let’s identify how to take your presentation and influence skills to the next level. You will also receive my Perfect Persuasion Presentation template and video training for helping out with my research.


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    21 mins
  • Episode 526 - Adapting your 1st Impression - Connect or Credibility?
    Aug 22 2024

    Have you ever witnessed someone lose their temper over a hotel room upgrade? It happened to me while traveling with a famous personal development speaker who shall remain nameless. After a long day, we arrived late at night for our speaking engagement, and He asked the clerk for an upgrade. She politely declined, which didn't go over well.

    6 Reasons Salespeople Win or Lose a Sale

    Finally, we need to know when to connect and when to build credibility. With some people, we sense an instant connection; with others, we need to establish our expertise first. But how do we know which approach to take? Learning to adapt our first impressions can make all the difference. Join us in this week's podcast to explore Adapting your 1st Impression - Connect or Credibility.


    Presentation IQ Assessment

    Can You Captivate and Close with Charisma?

    Take a quick Presentation IQ assessment. Let’s identify how to take your presentation and influence skills to the next level. You will also receive my Perfect Persuasion Presentation template and video training to help out with my research.

    Click here

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    21 mins
  • Episode 525 - How To Use FOMO and Fear To Seal The Deal
    Aug 15 2024

    FOMO has gained significant traction in the digital age, where social media and online marketing amplify our awareness of what others are doing, buying, or experiencing. This heightened awareness can lead to a powerful emotional response, driving people to purchase or engage in activities they might otherwise pass on.

    The Psychology Behind FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

    FOMO taps into a powerful psychological drive that motivates people to take action to avoid missing out on something valuable. You can be more influential by understanding and leveraging FOMO and Fear in your persuasion strategies.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on How To Use FOMO and Fear To Seal The Deal. You will discover how to leverage FOMO, use fear, and create more urgency using proven techniques.


    Can You Captivate and Close with Charisma?

    Do You Ever Wonder How Some People Can Persuade And Motivate On Command?

    Take your FREE Presentation IQ assessment HERE to find out now and get your FREE GIFT!

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    21 mins