
  • Fix My Song
    Oct 28 2021
    Music can be simple- you have words then a great medley can turn the music into a work of art.
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    7 mins
  • When The Song Intro Fails
    Oct 28 2021
    As a musician one should play what one's ability allows, Sometimes you should just play the basic melody as an intro versus a complicated one that you can not accurately play. Make the song your own and play what your ability allows, just do it well.
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    16 mins
  • Why Black Gospel Musicians Are So Skilled
    Sep 28 2021
    The black church is a musical Bootcamp. Beyonce, Aretha Franklin, Anderson. Paak all found their start singing in the church, in Chicago, the birthplace of gospel music
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    18 mins
  • Music As A Language
    Sep 18 2021
    In Music as a Language Wooten makes the case for learning music in the same way as we learned our first language, calling for a more natural, less academic approach. He makes the point that, as babies, we weren't taught our first language or corrected when we made a mistake. We didn't even know we were beginners and got to 'jam' with people much better than us. Wooten draws on his own musical education as an example of how taking this approach can deliver great results.
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    20 mins
  • Church Musicians Leave Or Stay
    Sep 4 2021
    If you're currently facing this tough decision or if you've been at this point in your music career - You are valuable... So, recognize your worth... Some will support you and appreciate you, while others may cast you to the side with a replacement - it's time to STAY ...or perhaps it's time to LEAVE!!!
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    9 mins
  • Reasons Why You Cant Get New Musicians
    Sep 4 2021
    Building and leading teams is probably the most important role you have as a worship leader. Learning to give musicians breaks so they don't burn out and leave and opening doors for others who may want to serve.
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    18 mins
  • Country Music's Best
    Sep 2 2021
    Great country music from some of its best stars. Enjoy.
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    28 mins
  • Great Musical Tips
    Aug 6 2021
    Consistency and the ability to accept constructive criticism are paths to improve your musical ability. Learn to play as a team and play the melody. Your not a band if everyone is doing their own thing, The music then sound disjointed
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    17 mins