• Avoidance
    Dec 20 2021

    Very often clients will arrive with Abi and Jess and, unconsciously be avoiding something: a conversation, a task, skill learning.  So, what is behind that avoiding?  Well, this week, that’s what the subject is.  Why do we avoid?  What are we protecting ourselves from?

    The podders give you ideas of how to get to the meaning behind any avoidance and then ways that you can challenge your own patterns. 

    So, sit back, listen and enjoy…..then go towards your fears……

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    17 mins
  • Commitment and motivation
    Dec 13 2021

    A lot of Abi and Jess’ clients arrive with the dilemma of a Well Formed Outcome not being acted on. In other words a goal not being achieved or worked towards.  Why?  Well, at times the words ‘I just don’t feel motivated’ come to the conversation and this seems to be the key for the client, they are waiting for the ‘motivation’ to come.  However, what if it never arrives?
    So today the ladies talk about turning these static words into more active ones to create more control and also focussing on the commitment and action instead of waiting for the magic motivation (we can’t all embody Mr Motivator!)

    What about you?  How do you commit to something and what do you use to help you to keep acting towards the goal?

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    17 mins
  • Return to Goal Setting
    Dec 6 2021

    So, having reassessed, where do we go now?  Do you set one goal and move on or regular short, sharp, achievable goals?

    After questions from the listeners last week, these two lovelies decided it was time to revisit goal setting: its pitfalls, the benefits and how the heck to do it in the first place.  They talk you through how to set your Well Formed Outcome (NLP) so have that pen and paper ready to make a change.

    Thank you for listening and thank you peter@genius.coach for our helpful Acronym.

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    15 mins
  • Podcast 33 - Re-assessing
    Nov 29 2021

     Today Abi and Jess have a slight disagreement - it all started when Abi said that Jess’ new hair colour looked ‘fine’......from here on in, Jess was up for some retaliatory banter.

    Seriously, this week we talk about how to reassess situations which may feel like they’ve run out of energy, they don’t feel ‘right’ or you just want to have another look at why you are doing something. 

    From this reassessment we can often see bigger pictures of our patterns in life which can be helpful when reassessing our bigger picture and working out what is serving us.

    So, from Abi and Jess’ reassessment of the podcast, fear not listeners, we’re carrying on!

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    21 mins
  • Dreams
    Nov 15 2021

    Do you think your dreams mean anything?  Do you think others can interpret them for you?  Today Abi and Jess look at how unconscious thoughts may be guiding you and how much perhaps they are just de-cluttering your mind.  
    In coaching clients will often bring the contents of dreams to the meeting and, most importantly, they don’t do that by accident.  
    Abi and Jess think about whether dreams have been affected by our modern world and have some ideas for how you can find the meaning of your dreams.

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    16 mins
  • Addiction
    Nov 9 2021

    This week Abi and Jess discuss addiction: addictions have been with humans since the very evolution of us and are doubtless here to stay.  When addictions are severe they are obviously the territory of a healthcare professional and it is always wise to check this out with a doctor. 

    However, NLP and coaching can help those of us for whom addictions have become a crutch and for those things we would like to change or stop doing.  How do we do this?  Knowing that every behaviour has a positive intention, an NLP master practitioner can help find the positive intention of that behaviour (be that an addiction, a mood, a reaction etc) and once we uncover the intention, we are all able to generate various choices and options to fulfill the same need.  Sounds easy?  Meh…..not always when we look at things ourselves, this is where you ask Abi or Jess for help!   However, there are a few things you can do yourself so listen in to find out more.

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    16 mins
  • What do you do when others expect things from you?
    Oct 19 2021

    If someone is expecting something what is your responsibility, how do you cope when lots of people are looking for something that you need to give them.  At times it can just get on top of you…..and this week it was Abi’s turn.

    The modern world, social media, being a parent, friend, juggling jobs, housework.  Normally it’s all ticking over until, one day, maybe an unexpected event comes along, or maybe one job too many and yikes, game over!  Your brain starts to panic and all of a sudden it just seems too much.

    Abi and Jess discuss ways to combat this panic and the moments of CRUNCH in our lives.

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    14 mins
  • Podcast 29 Does Social Media give you FOMO?
    Oct 17 2021

    Have you ever looked on a social media platform, seen something that some friends are doing and felt like you are missing out?
    In fact, does that missing out really make you feel like you have something missing?  What is the lack you might be feeling at the time and what is the social media mirroring to you in your current day?

    Abi and Jess discuss what the brain is doing when it is looking at social media, how times have changed and how they are continuing to change for society in this modern world.

    With some tips and ideas for how to change this feeling of FOMO, Abi and Jess give you a fab podcast listen.

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    19 mins