
  • S01E03 Mythtakes Happen - Minions: Rise of Gruvold
    Mar 14 2025

    We return to the glorious city of Heliakon and imagineer Orcs, but here we come to an impasse. Do we stay with the depressed and pessimistic orcs wrought by Chris or do we instead make a place in the world for Aaron's all-singing, all-dancing magical bard orcs? Listen to find out.

    We learn about the famous Stratomaach Serfé Mirakore; Queen of the Golden River and her contributions during the great war which tore our city asunder. We define a God important both to Orcs and the Great Consociate Empire, talk about the military ranks of the Unfettered League and even have a small gander at the useful, but sticky Slime Amulets,

    Once again recording from a (slightly clearer) fish tank.

    Join us, won’t you? Some Mythtakes Happen, but these ones are on purpose.

    Episode 3: Minions - Rise of Gruvold Supplementary Material:


    Consider supporting us: patreon.com/MythtakesHappenPodcast

    Looking for a Game Master in Adelaide? Check out: https://metalphoenixstudio.com

    Episode 2: Minions: Rise of Gruvold Supplementary Material:

    Find us on these dystopian socials:



    Threads and Insta:


    Trigger Warnings: colonialism, war, death

    Tags: #worldbuilding #dnd #gaming #roleplaying #rpg #settings #creatures #ghouls #dwarfs #fantasy #imperial #podcast #creativity #collaboration #dungeons, #orcs

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    57 mins
  • S01E02 Mythtakes Happen - Glass Half Ghoul
    Feb 14 2025

    Episode 2. Recording in person, but from a fish tank. We learn about the ghouls of Heliakon, and meet Liman Jorush, a very nice man with nothing to hide. There are secrets hiding in these undead creatures which could spell the end of the city. We zoom out of Heliakon itself and take a look at the great continent of Delmarin and the nations and city-states which still fiercely cling to independence despite the presence of our two hungry imperial powers. What can they do in the face of such cultural and military behemoths?

    We take a look at DUNGEONS. Beneath this ancient city lie the Deepvaults, labyrinthine corridors and remnants of previous civilisations. In their depths, the Unfettered League and the Great Consociate Empire both dig into the past to secure a future of their own design. But how deep is too deep?

    Join us, won’t you? Some Mythtakes Happen, but these ones are on purpose.

    Consider supporting us: patreon.com/MythtakesHappenPodcast

    Looking for a Game Master in Adelaide? Check out: https://metalphoenixstudio.com

    Episode 2: Glass Half Ghoul Supplementary Material:


    Find us on these dystopian socials:



    Threads and Insta:


    Trigger Warnings: colonialism, war, death, undeath, body horror, family violence

    Tags: #worldbuilding #dnd #gaming #roleplaying #rpg #settings #creatures #ghouls #dwarfs #fantasy #imperial #podcast #creativity #collaboration #dungeons

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    1 hr
  • S01E01 Mythtakes Happen - Heliakonversations
    Jan 14 2025

    In the first episode of Mythtakes Happen, we begin to create and define a fantasy world centred on the partitioned city of Heliakon. It is an ancient metropolis carved up by two great powers who once fought to a standstill before signing the armistice which led to its partition.

    Who are the Unfettered League and the Great Consociate Empire? What do they want and what will they do to get it? We visit Brightmarket and the mysterious Brazen Dome as well as the district of Melodwynn. We meet the Interbellum Guard of the Serpentine Wall, talk about magic in our world and so much more.

    Join us, won’t you? Some Mythtakes Happen, but these ones are on purpose.

    Consider supporting us: patreon.com/MythtakesHappenPodcast

    Episode 1: Heliakonversations Supplementary Material: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rVeMbsGImBLDcEsFqZP1DfdhwMx_pptZoNuakZlZVGE/edit?usp=sharing

    Find us on these dystopian socials:



    X, Threads and Insta:


    Trigger Warnings: colonialism, war, family violence

    Tags: #worldbuilding #dnd #gaming #roleplaying #rpg #settings

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • S01 Bonus - Small Mythtakes - Slovenly Pork Man
    Feb 28 2025

    Chris and Aaron are back at it with a True Seer, dirty socialist mathematics, an amulet of fun and a cat religion. In Small Mythtakes we continue our quick format for quick thinkers (not Chris) where each host presents the other with an Artefact, a Place and a Person and the other host has to come up with how these things fit into our world on the fly. And we do a good job this time.

    Are some of the setting references not making sense? Good. Keep listening. They are from the future.

    Join us, won’t you? Some Mythtakes Happen, but these ones are on purpose.

    There exists a RAW, uncut and sexy version of this recording as a video. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/k51Zzv03xnU

    Consider supporting us: patreon.com/MythtakesHappenPodcast

    Looking for a Game Master in Adelaide? Check out: https://metalphoenixstudio.com

    Find us on these dystopian socials:



    Threads and Insta:


    Trigger Warnings: colonialism, bad(???) humour

    Tags: #worldbuilding #dnd #gaming #roleplaying #rpg #settings

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    31 mins
  • S01 Bonus - Small Mythtakes
    Jan 31 2025

    Chris and Aaron play a dangerous game with teleportation and cults. In Small Mythtakes we try out a quick format for quick thinkers (not Chris) where each host presents the other with an Artefact, a Place and a Person and the other host has to come up with how these things fit into our world on the fly. There's a well, a staff, a cult leader, a peace sceptic and the best Joker™ themed weapon that money can buy.

    Are some of the setting references not making sense? Good. Keep listening. They are from the future.

    Join us, won’t you? Some Mythtakes Happen, but these ones are on purpose.

    Consider supporting us: patreon.com/MythtakesHappenPodcast

    Find us on these dystopian socials:



    X, Threads and Insta:


    Trigger Warnings: keyboard clicks, colonialism

    Tags: #worldbuilding #dnd #gaming #roleplaying #rpg #settings

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    20 mins
  • S01 Bonus - Heliakonception
    Jan 6 2025

    Before we begin the episodes proper, we need some structure. This is where the core concept for Heliakon came from, edited to remove the long, sad silences which punctuated this historic recording.

    The creative process requires a base from which to build, foundations which can be expanded, altered and negotiated in order to formulate a setting. Enjoy this recording of two middle aged men talking about a fictional setting as we prepare for our journey to Heliakon.

    Join us, won’t you? Some Mythtakes Happen, but these ones are on purpose.

    Consider supporting us: patreon.com/MythtakesHappenPodcast

    Find us on these dystopian socials:



    X, Threads and Insta:


    Trigger Warnings: keyboard clicks, colonialism, slavery

    Tags: #worldbuilding #dnd #gaming #roleplaying #rpg #settings

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    29 mins
  • S01E00 Mythtakes Happen - Shadows Over Yaranga (Pilot)
    Dec 31 2024

    Something rotten rests at the heart of Yaranga, an Australian town with dark secrets. In this ‘proof of concept’ pilot episode of Mythtakes Happen, we create a fictional town with eldritch problems, a self-contained setting you can use in your games of Call of Cthulhu or any other modern horror roleplaying game.

    Join us, won't you? Some Mythtakes Happen, but these ones are on purpose.

    Consider supporting us: patreon.com/MythtakesHappenPodcast

    Shadows Over Yaranga Setting Document:


    Find us on these dystopian socials:



    X, Threads and Insta:


    Trigger Warnings: body horror, violence, misogyny, kidnapping and abduction

    Tags: #worldbuilding #callofchthulhu #lovecraft #cosmichorror #dnd #coc #gaming #roleplaying #rpg #ttrpg #settings #creativity #art

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Mythtakes Happen "Heliakon" Teaser
    Dec 14 2024

    Mythtakes Happen is a worldbuilding podcast with the pilot episode coming January 2025.

    This is a teaser for Episode 1, coming February 1st. We will lay the foundations for the vibrant, partitioned city of Heliakon and spend 12 delicious episodes adding depth to the setting.

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    3 mins