• 26. Five Signs Your Food Relationship Could Use Some Work + Three Dietitian Tips to Improve Your Food Relationship Now
    Oct 3 2023

    Our Registered Dietitian, Hannah Murray, shares 5 signs your food relationship could use some work and 3 tips to improve your food relationship.

    If you notice that your struggle with food is becoming overwhelming or affecting other areas of your life, it may be time to evaluate your relationship with food.

    Five signs your food relationship could use some work:

    1. Black and white thinking around food (ie. 'good foods' and 'bad foods' or 'clean foods' and 'junk foods')
    2. When you eat alone your food choices are significantly different than when you eat with others
    3. You use exercise as a way to compensate for eating
    4. You think a lot about food
    5. You identify as having poor willpower around food

    Three tips to get started with improving your food relationship

    1. Reframe your food rules
    2. Eat regularly
    3. Take a break from food and body focused behaviours

    You can read the full blog article here.

    Follow us on Instagram

    • Courtney: @dietitiancourtney_
    • Hannah: @dietitianhannah_
    • Vitality Nutrition: @vitalitynutrition_

    Free article, recipes, and resources here.

    Learn more about how Hannah can help you improve your food relationship or overcoming disordered eating or an eating disorder through one-on-one nutrition coaching (click here!)

    Thanks for listening!


    The Vitality Nutrition Team

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    43 mins
  • 25. Twenty Lessons from a Successful Nutrition Coaching Client | Get Started On Your Nutrition Journey
    Aug 2 2023

    Our Registered Dietitians share twenty tips from a successful virtual nutrition coaching client. Utilize these strategies to get started on your health and wellness journey!

    Summary of our virtual nutrition coaching client's tips:

    1. Add protein
    2. Focus on hydration
    3. Add fluids when you increase fibre
    4. Consistency is key
    5. Movement is a pillar
    6. Prioritize time outside
    7. Food is more than fuel
    8. Raise kids who have a healthy relationship with food
    9. Model healthy habits for children
    10. Sleep is key
    11. Too much screen time is unsupportive of mental health
    12. "Be before you become" (ie. focus on behaviours over results)
    13. Implement the division of responsibility (a strategy for feeding children)
    14. Don't be afraid of the fats in foods
    15. Food tracking can be a valuable tool
    16. Tune into body cues
    17. Add 'volume' foods
    18. Utilizes Vitality Nutrition's "Fundamental Four" as an effective + manageable approach to nutrition
    19. Create a supportive environment to make good habits easier
    20. Food isn't good or bad

    You can read the full blog article here.

    Follow us on Instagram

    • Courtney: @dietitiancourtney_
    • Darian: @dietitiandarian_
    • Vitality Nutrition: @vitalitynutrition_

    Free article, recipes, and resources here.

    Learn more about how we can help you reach your goals through one-on-one nutrition coaching here.

    Thanks for listening!


    The Vitality Nutrition Team

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    47 mins
  • 24. A Dietitian's Nutrition Guide for Runners | What to Eat Before, During, & After a Run
    Jun 20 2023

    In this comprehensive guide the Registered Dietitians at Vitality Nutrition explore key nutrition principles for beginners and advanced runners to improve performance, recovery, and meet the unique nutrient need for running.

    The dietiitans touch on key nutrition concepts for running including calorie requirements, macronutrient needs, nutrition timing, micronutrients of importance, supplements, and more!

    Some key takeaways from the show:

    • Eat enough to meet your energy requirements and work with a Registered Dietitian who can support you in tailoring your energy intake for specific performance, body recomposition, or fat loss goals.
    • Consume carbohydrates, protein, and fats in your meals and snacks to meet your need. Specific guidelines are (3-5g/kg of carbohydrate, 1.2-2.2g/kg of protein, and 1.0g/kg of fat or no less than 20% of total energy).
    • Prioritize carbohydrates before a run and carbohydrates alongside protein after a run.
    • Reduce fat and fibre in the meal or snack 0-2 hours before your run if you experience gastrointestinal upset or discomfort while running.
    • Drink water throughout the day and before/after runs using your thirst cues and symptoms of dehydration to understand your unique fluid needs. General recommendations start at 2.2L per day for women and 3.0L for men.
    • Consume electrolyte rich foods like salt, fruits, and vegetables to meet your electrolyte needs and work with a Registered Dietitian to supplement with electrolytes if needed.
    • Consider unique micronutrients by prioritizing foods rich in iron and antioxidants and supplement with vitamin D.
    • When running for longer >90 minutes create a plan for carbs, fluid, and electrolytes during your run to optimize performance and hydration.
    • Consult with a Registered Dietitian to determine unique supplements that may be beneficial for you such as magnesium, electrolytes, omega-3s, protein powders, carb drinks, and more.

    Link to our blog article for detailed notes on nutrition for running.

    Link to our Fullscript account for evidenced-based supplement recommendations.

    Link to our Comprehensive Nutrition Coaching program to get started on your journey.


    The Vitality Nutrition Team.

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    53 mins
  • Mini Episode: How To Choose The Best Yogurt - Considering Your Personal Goals
    Apr 26 2023

    Choosing between all of the yogurt options at the grocery store can be confusing! In this mini-podcast episode, the dietitians at Vitality Nutrition discuss their unique perspectives on yogurt and how to choose the best option for your personal goals! If you'd like to dig deeper into this discussion, you can read our blog article here which discusses:

    • How to select a yogurt with the most protein
    • Determining whether you'd benefit from a higher or lower fat yogurt
    • Considering added sugars in yogurt and what you need to know for your goals
    • Are plant-based options like coconut or oat yogurt better than dairy-based options?
    • How and when to select a lactose-free yogurt
    • What micronutrients should we consider in yogurt?
    • Recipe, meal, and snack ideas using plain Greek yogurt

    Follow us on Instagram

    • Courtney: @dietitiancourtney_
    • Darian: @dietitiandarian_
    • Hannah: @dietitianhannah_
    • Vitality Nutrition: @vitalitynutrition_

    Free article, recipes, and resources here.

    Learn more about how we can help you reach your goals through one-on-one nutrition coaching here.

    Thanks for listening!


    The Vitality Nutrition Team

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    10 mins
  • 23. Why Your Bloated & Tips From a Dietitian to Promote Comfort
    Feb 28 2023

    If you're experiencing more gas, swelling, or discomfort than usual it may be valuable to examine food and lifestyle choices to improve digestive health. The nutritionists and dietitians at Vitality Nutrition review actionable tips to decrease bloating and promote comfort!

    The nutritionist at Vitality Nutrition cover eight actionable tips:

    1. Reduce the introduction of air into the stomach (eg. avoid or reduce fast eating, drinking from straws, chewing gum, or drinking carbonated beverages)
    2. Reduce or eliminate food intolerances (eg. FODMAPs, lactose, gluten,
    3. Adopt habits the promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation (eg. eating enough fibre, drinking enough water, engaging in regular movement or exercise, eating breakfast, and meeting your caloric requirements)
    4. Reduce 'difficult to digest foods' if they cause issues for you (eg. cruciferous vegetables, synthetic fibre added to low-carb products, sugar alcohols, and others)
    5. Manage sodium, added sugar, and total carbs in the meal which pull excess water into the gut
    6. Manage stress and activate your parasympathetic nervous system when eating (ie. create time to relax and enjoy your meals to activate digestive processes)
    7. Track your menstrual cycle to predict cyclical changes to digestion
    8. Work with a healthcare professional, including a Registered Dietitian, for conditions like IBS, IBD, or bacterial infections (SIBO, H. pylori, and others)

    Follow us on Instagram

    • Courtney: @dietitiancourtney_
    • Darian: @dietitiandarian_
    • Vitality Nutrition: @vitalitynutrition_


    • Read the blog post here
    • Sign up for nutrition coaching here.

    Thanks for listening!


    The Vitality Nutrition Team

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    37 mins
  • 22. Why You're Always Tired + Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips to Boost Energy!
    Jan 31 2023

    A strategic combination of foods alongside lifestyle habits like exercise, sleep, and sunlight can boost your energy. In the podcast and accompanying blog post, the Registered Dietitians at Vitality Nutrition share the most effective nutrition and lifestyle habits to combat fatigue.

    • include protein at most meals and snacks
    • include fats at most meals and snacks
    • portion carbohydrates when building a meal
    • have a snack when there is >5 hours between meals
    • eat enough at the meal to feel satisfied
    • eat meals and snack(s) at consistent times of day
    • prioritize micronutrient dense foods
    • drink at least 2L of water each day
    • eat vegetables and fruits at most meals
    • prioritize at least 7 hours of sleep
    • expose your eyes to natural light during the day
    • adopt a regular exercise schedule
    • move your body throughout the day (eg. walk 5-10 minutes between meals)
    • take time for meaningful social connection
    • design your environment in an energizing way
    • track your menstrual cycle to predict cyclical energy dips

    Follow us on Instagram

    • Courtney: @dietitiancourtney_
    • Darian: @dietitiandarian_
    • Vitality Nutrition: @vitalitynutrition_


    • Free energy supportive check-list here
    • Read the blog post here
    • Sign up for nutrition coaching here.

    Thanks for listening!


    The Vitality Nutrition Team

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    32 mins
  • 21. Q&A Format + Our Personal Goals & Habits for Success
    Dec 20 2022

    The Registered Dietitian explore commonly asked questions regarding nutrition, wellness, and personal development. They also dive into light-hearted questions like their favorite foods, how they drink their morning coffee, and more!

    Follow us on Instagram

    • Courtney: @dietitiancourtney_
    • Darian: @dietitiandarian_
    • Hannah: @dietitianhannah_
    • Vitality Nutrition: @vitalitynutrition_

    Free article, recipes, and resources here.

    Learn more about how we can help you reach your goals through one-on-one nutrition coaching here.

    Thanks for listening!


    The Vitality Nutrition Team

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    54 mins
  • 20. CrossFit Nutrition - An Evidenced-Based Guide from Dietitians!
    Nov 28 2022

    In this podcast and accompanying article (link here!), the Registered Dietitians at Vitality Nutrition explore evidenced-based advice to get started on your nutrition journey will participating in a CrossFit training program.

    Key concepts our nutritionists explore include:

    1. Food & Nutrition: specific nutrition considerations for CrossFit athletes regarding the three key macronutrients (ie. protein, carb, and fat) as well as energy (calorie) balance.

    2. Supplements: A Registered Dietitian's review of the most evidenced-based, effective, and safe supplements that CrossFit athletes benefit from for optimal health and/or performance (ie. caffeine, creatine, protein powder, and electrolytes)

    3. Recovery protocols: factors that nutritionists consider beyond nutrition including sleep, stress rest days, hydration, and hormonal fluctuations that influence recovery, appetite, performance, and overall health.

    You can find the full written article here.

    You can find our free CrossFit menu plan here.

    Follow us on Instagram

    • Courtney: @dietitiancourtney_
    • Darian: @dietitiandarian_
    • Vitality Nutrition: @vitalitynutrition_

    Learn more about how we can help you reach your goals through one-on-one nutrition coaching here.

    Thanks for listening!


    The Vitality Nutrition Team

    Show More Show Less
    55 mins