
  • How Humans & Extraterrestrials Communicate
    Mar 11 2025

    Nancy du Tertre's life changed forever outside a New Jersey movie theater when she witnessed a football field-sized, boomerang-shaped UFO hovering silently overhead. This extraordinary encounter—followed by 2 years of mysterious phone interruptions featuring an unidentifiable language—transformed a securities litigation attorney & trained remote viewer into someone deeply fascinated by the mechanics of alien communication.

    Drawing from her unique position as "the skeptical psychic," du Tertre takes us through the surprising complexity of how extraterrestrial beings appear to communicate with humans. Whether through verbal speech, telepathy, or methods that transcend our understanding of consciousness, these communications reveal patterns that challenge our assumptions about intelligence beyond Earth.

    The diversity of reported alien species adds another dimension to this conversation. From the commonly described "greys" to reptilians, preying mantis types, and Nordic-appearing humanoids who might blend seamlessly with human populations, each type seems to exhibit different communication styles & capabilities. Some appear devoid of empathy, leading to speculation they might be artificial intelligences rather than biological entities, while others engage in more emotionally resonant exchanges.

    Perhaps most compelling are the messages these beings reportedly convey—warnings about environmental destruction & military escalation delivered with a curious non-interference approach that contrasts sharply with humanity's tendency to militarize encounters with the unknown. Through her firsthand experiences and extensive research, du Tertre offers a balanced perspective that brings critical thinking to extraordinary claims without dismissing the weight of consistent patterns in reported experiences worldwide. Are you ready to consider how you might communicate with an alien should you encounter one? In her interview with Stan Mallow on Paranormal Yakker, Nancy du Tertre gives the answer.

    How To Talk To An Alien, Nancy du Tertre, The Skeptical Psychic, Extraterrestrials, Inter-Species Communication, UFOs, greys, reptilians, preying mantis type aliens, Nordic-appearing Humanoids, Artificial Intelligence, telepathy, paranormal, Paranormal Yakker, Stan Mallow

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    36 mins
  • Haunting Tales of Utah
    Mar 4 2025

    Step into the spine-chilling world of haunted Utah! Author Andy Weeks unveils hair-raising tales from his book “Haunted Utah: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Beehive State” in his interview with Stan Mallow on “Paranormal Yakker”.

    Discover the origins of Utah's unique nickname, the Beehive State, and how it connects to the industrious spirit of its settlers and the ghostly tales that have emerged in their wake. Listen closely as Andy recounts the legend of the Moon Lake Monster—an elusive creature that has captured the imagination of generations and the ghostly figure of Little Vicky, a spectral presence seen by campers.

    We dig deep into other paranormal hotspots, including Mecur Cemetery, where ghost children have allegedly been spotted lingering near headstones and Utah’s Area 51. Andy also dives into tales from the haunted Brigham Young House, where paranormal phenomena abound, and shares eerie stories from the luxurious yet haunted Ben Lomond Hotel.

    Finally, we explore the mysterious Skinwalker Ranch, a site notorious for its UFO sightings and mythical creatures. This episode promises a thrilling adventure exploring the unknown that lies beneath Utah's scenic beauty.

    Haunted Utah: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Beehive State, Andy Weeks, Moon Lake Monster, Mecur Cemetery, Skinwalker Ranch, Ghost Children, Brigham Young House, Ben Lomond Hotel, The Place Heritage Park, Utah’s Area 51, Phantom Hitchhiker, Cursed Highway, UFOs, Sasquatch, Paranormal, Paranormal Yakker, Stan Mallow

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    15 mins
  • Brazil’s Roswell
    Feb 25 2025

    Brazil’s Roswell took place in 1996 in the quiet city of Varginha. Eye-witnesses reported seeing the crashed UFO and extraterrestrial beings walking around it. The Brazilian military promptly took the craft and its occupants, all of which was turned over to the U.S. military. Both governments then embarked on a campaign to cover-up the crash and silence the witnesses to it. Brazil’s leading Ufologist Vitorio Pacaccini investigated the crash. He and Fernanda Pires, a UFO researcher and Director of MUFON Canada wrote about it in their book “Incident in Varginha: Space Creatures in The South of Minas”. Vitorio talks about the book in his interview with Stan Mallow on “Paranormal Yakker”.

    Incident in Varginha: Space Creatures in The South of Minas, Vitorio Pacaccini, Fernanda Pires, UFO, extraterrestrials, government cover-ups, Brazilian Military, Fire Brigade, Area 51, NASA, Roswell, Stanton Friedman, Paranormal Yakker, Stan Mallow

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    24 mins
  • The True Story Behind "The Exorcist"
    Feb 18 2025

    “The Exorcist”, one of the scariest movies ever made was based on a real life exorcism that took place in St. Louis in 1949. Supernatural historian Troy Taylor investigated the actual exorcism. This included him speaking with eye witnesses to the harrowing events that took place, the possessed child himself, and the priests who exorcised the demon from him. Troy reveals all in his interview with Stan Mallow on Paranormal Yakker.

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    27 mins
  • Extraterrestrials Among Us
    Feb 11 2025

    Extraterrestrial beings shaped Earth’s history and their descendants are living among us today. Metaphysical researcher Constance Victoria Briggs unravels the mysteries of our planet’s cosmic past and presents compelling evidence to back her theories in her eye-opening interview with Stan Mallow on Paranormal Yakker. This episode challenges the conventional understanding of our history and invites you to envision a universe teeming with life, interconnected by stargates and portals—a "Cosmic Freeway" traveled by beings with motives that range from educational to resource-driven.

    Earth’s Galactic History, Constance Victoria Briggs, Extraterrestrials, Stargates, Portals, Cosmic Freeway, UFO, UAP, USO, Galactic Federation, Terraformed, Sky Visitors, Alien Beings, Ancient Texts, Crop Circles, Paranormal, Paranormal Yakker, Stan Mallow

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    28 mins
  • Ancient Aliens & Humanity's Forgotten Origins
    Feb 4 2025

    "Humanity's Forgotten Origins: Spaceships From the Stars" challenges everything we thought we knew about mankind's past and our connection to the cosmos. What if ancient civilizations were not just inspired by, but directly influenced by extraterrestrial visitors? Author Erik Lovin states his case for believing that in his interview with Stan Mallow on “Paranormal Yakker”.

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    13 mins
  • The Mysterious Ohio Valley
    Jan 28 2025

    The mounds & earthworks of the Ohio Valley hold secrets that could rewrite history as we know it. Fritz Zimmerman, a seasoned expert in ancient mysteries & supernatural phenomena reveals these secrets in his interview with Stan Mallow on Paranormal Yakker. Topics covered include malevolent spirits, cryptids, shadow people, giants, UFOs & extraterrestrial encounters.

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    18 mins
  • Jersey Shore Ghosts
    Jan 21 2025

    Is there really a lady in white causing mischief at the Count Basie Theater, and what secrets do the waters of the Navasink River hold? Join me, Stan Mallow as I welcome Genevieve Revenant from Jersey Shore Ghost Tours on Paranormal Yakker. Together, we uncover the spine-chilling tales that haunt Red Bank and Keyport, New Jersey. Explore the life of Mrs. Patterson, the tidying ghost of the Dublin House, and the eerie phantom faces seen in the ice at Riverside Gardens Park. Genevieve shares her firsthand experiences from ghost tours, bringing to life the spectral stories of these historic locales with her enthralling recounts of mysterious power tool malfunctions and ushers that seemingly refuse to leave their posts, even in the afterlife.

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    15 mins