• The Emotions of God
    Sep 18 2024

    God is connected to, present with, and affected by every one of his human children. As brother Paul said to the men of Athens on Mars Hill “he be not far from every one of us … and in him we live, move, and have our being”. Understanding this requisite fact, we must live with the consciousness that God reacts emotionally with our conduct, thoughts, and intentions, whether they be good or bad. Lord, bless us all to comprehend with Bro. Hamptons burden.

    Date preached: 3/7/1990

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    49 mins
  • You Don't Get What You Deserve, You Get What You Take
    Sep 11 2024

    Your consistent walk with God alone does not manifest the blessings of God in your life; it simply makes them available. If you live a life pleasing to God, then you deserve all that He has in store for you, but you will not get it unless you take it! It is imperative that we come to see that the things that we are waiting to see happen will not happen short of taking it. If we don’t take it, then we will simply go without it, no matter how necessary it is. Lord, help us all to realize this!

    Date Preached: ?/?/2002 (Macon, GA)

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • By A Prophet
    Sep 4 2024

    God's pattern of operation has been consistent all throughout time; he calls certain chosen of mankind on whom he dispenses gifting, power, vision, and authority through whom He works and leads His people. God doesn't work randomly or haphazardly, He works via a prophet, a man under divine inspiration. There are many preachers who fill pulpits all across the world, who do nothing more than add wood to the fire of the burning spiritual condition of mankind. Where no vision, prophet, or Godly leadership is the people perish. The enemy of our souls has worked hard to eliminate this understanding from the spiritual atmosphere, God help us to walk in this light.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • A Spiritual Reformation
    Aug 28 2024

    Much let-down occurred in the previous generations, leaving the current condition of the church in a mess. Now, in order to get the church in a place where she is ready to meet Christ, extraordinary work must take place. Unless we do something far beyond what has been deemed “normal”, we will most certainly go under. It is time to examine and clean up our personal experiences and the church with the same zeal with which Jesus purged the temple. The enemy is coming to destroy the church, and only those who have a clear vision, confidence with God, and are in tune with the Spirit are in position to fight him. A spiritual reformation is taking place; don’t get left behind!

    Date Preached: 1/24/1982

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    47 mins
  • Hospitality
    Aug 21 2024

    Christians without excuse, must be entirely given to fervent hospitality. If not careful, we welcome the thought of being the beneficiary of passionate hospitality but hesitate at the thought of extending it. Our making heaven is dependent on the way we spend ourselves and that which we own for the comfort of our fellow saint and human brother. May the Lord, in light of the upcoming meeting help us to be the benefactors of intense, Christian hospitality.

    Date preached: 12/19/1982

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    32 mins
  • Spiritual Authority
    Aug 14 2024

    The only thing that the devil respects is spiritual authority from heaven! This message from heaven, delivered with the help of the Holy Ghost during a fellowship meeting in Springfield, Ohio, is vital for this very hour in the gospel day. Spiritual authority is not a far-off thing that only certain saints can possess; it is available to every one of us: accumulated by living a detailed and consecrated life. Salvation is not a one-sided relationship! You don't fast and pray and sacrifice on your end and God not pour out on you in return. If you are living detailed and consecrated life, then you have authority from God as surely as you are alive: you must only exercise it. However, if there are any question marks in your life, then when the time comes when spiritual authority is needed, those questions will stop you from going any further. Saints, if your walk with God allows you to have true confidence, then it is time for you to exercise that authority. The need is very great!

    Date Preached: 12/25/1983

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • 2024 Jackson Meeting Invitation
    Aug 9 2024

    See you soon!

    Meeting Information:

    Service times

    - August 30 (7:30 pm)

    - August 31 (10 am, 3pm, 7:30 pm)

    - September 1 (11 am)

    Location of services: 140 W South Street, Jackson, Michigan 49203

    Contact: 517-782-1431

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    2 mins
  • Salvation According to the Scriptures
    Aug 7 2024

    Christianity as we know it, in 2024 is confusion. Currently there is a surplus of ideas, “brands”, and thoughts around the topic of salvation. Our only hope of properly comprehending this essential knowledge for which Christ came and died, so that the totality of His human family be reconciled to God and to each other, is that our understanding be rooted in the holy scriptures. Today, our prayer connects with brother apostle Paul, that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.

    Date preached unknown.

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    57 mins