• “I Do Some of My Best Worrying When I First Wake Up
    Sep 19 2024

    It’s reality for Perry. Like yesterday, within 90 seconds of waking up his worries went from trivial, “How am I gonna get my Starbucks app to work again?” To heavy, “I wonder if dad’s gonna be OK after his 2 ER visits.” And everything in between!

    Steve Norman joins the team, and he, Perry, and Shawna kick off the podcast with a conversation about what to do with those trivial and overwhelming worries. Steve works with Winning at Home and is host of The New Norm podcast.

    Then, Shawna admits she has perfected the art of holy procrastination. How do we focus on the task at hand and refuse to get sidetracked with distractions?

    Then, Perry shares about a season of life when he went from lots of open doors doing the things that were giving him joy, to cleaning toilets. A conversation about when God “Shuts us in.”

    And last, Shawna’s feeling a little overwhelmed at all the opportunities in front of her. She asks Steve, “How do you maximize your gifts and times within limits?”

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    27 mins
  • “Don’t Even Think About It!” – Perry
    Sep 18 2024

    Perry had just fouled Chris hard in a hoops game. Chris made a move toward him but Perry had the ball in his hands. That’s when he said to Chris, “Don’t even think about it.” It’s a conversation about all the ways we try to get the verdict that we’re a good person by our performance!

    Shawna has a distinctive desire to protect herself, to be safe. Because of people who have hurt her she’s leaned to protect her heart. A few years ago she realized that she had transferred that hurt onto her relationship with God. She’s learning to trust Him more.

    Shawna longs to follow so closely to Jesus that she’s covered in the dust that Jesus kicks up with his sandals. To be so close that everything of him gets baked into us. Yet we often wander from following close and become upside down with no way to right ourselves. What do we do then?

    When Shawna was little she climbed up on her dad’s lap when he was sitting in his recliner. That was such a safe place where she knew she was always welcome. Whether our dad was the worst or the best we all long to be loved. God wants to reparent us – to love us the way we long to be loved.

    Support the show: https://give.moodyradio.org/fall-share?v=def&appeal=MRWM&_gl=1%2a142i9we%2a_ga%2aNTE4MTE5MmUtY2U1Yy00YmQ3LWU4MmUtNjEwYTQ5YzAyODRj%2a_ga_4WH1937046%2aMTY5NTExODEwMS4yOTkuMC4xNjk1MTE4MTAxLjYwLjAuMA..&_ga=2.197426156.215784306.1695059984-1182841406.166859587

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    20 mins
  • Following Jesus With No Plan B
    Sep 17 2024

    Raeanne Newquist and her family sold their home in Southern California and gave up everything to serve God on Mercy Ships. In the early days on the ship there were some tears which made them wonder, “What have we done to our children?”

    But those tears were nothing compared to the tears that were shed when they had to leave the ship ten months later. If you trust God, He will provide for you.

    Globally, 5 billion people lack access to safe surgery, Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to transform lives and serve nations. Following the 2,000-year-old model of Jesus, Mercy Ships is bringing hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor.

    People like Rougie, who hadn’t felt a human touch in over 10 years found healing, hope & community aboard Mercy Ships.

    Support the show: https://give.moodyradio.org/fall-share?v=def&appeal=MRWM&_gl=1%2a142i9we%2a_ga%2aNTE4MTE5MmUtY2U1Yy00YmQ3LWU4MmUtNjEwYTQ5YzAyODRj%2a_ga_4WH1937046%2aMTY5NTExODEwMS4yOTkuMC4xNjk1MTE4MTAxLjYwLjAuMA..&_ga=2.197426156.215784306.1695059984-1182841406.166859587

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    21 mins
  • God Spoke Through the Muppets?
    Sep 16 2024

    Yep! Shawna had the Muppets song stuck in her mind for months before looking up the lyrics . As she read them, she knew God was speaking to her, “It’s time!”

    In Perry’s senior year at college he became acutely aware of the sins of his teenage years. He felt he deserved judgement. That’s when his heart really came alive to the truth of “No condemnation!”

    Shawna’s friend has been feeling anxious and fearful about the election, what it will mean for her, for our country. Perry’s been feeling anxious about his suffering friend and his dad. What do we do when anxiety overwhelms?

    Our culture screams, “It’s all about you!” So do our own hearts. We fall into entitlement and self-importance and forget who we really are. To recover the truth of who we really are, everything that we’re looking to for our identity must be stripped away.

    God is our rescuer. And He’s really good at it. He rescued Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego from a fiery furnace and afterward they didn’t even smell like smoke! He can rescue you and me, completely!

    Shawna’s friend set up a meeting with the school so he could advocate for his adopted daughter with special needs. As he was telling her about it Shawna couldn’t help but think, “That’s what God does for me!”

    Support the show: https://give.moodyradio.org/fall-share?v=def&appeal=MRWM&_gl=1%2a142i9we%2a_ga%2aNTE4MTE5MmUtY2U1Yy00YmQ3LWU4MmUtNjEwYTQ5YzAyODRj%2a_ga_4WH1937046%2aMTY5NTExODEwMS4yOTkuMC4xNjk1MTE4MTAxLjYwLjAuMA..&_ga=2.197426156.215784306.1695059984-1182841406.166859587

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    35 mins
  • Shawna Woke Up and Realized She Was Praying
    Sep 13 2024

    You can have an ongoing conversation with the God of the universe. Shawna woke up in the middle of the night in a youth hostel in Vienna, Austria to find she was already praying, while she slept. Is that possible? Is that biblical?

    Perry shares the wrestling match he’s been in with God through his journey between the lie of shame and the love of God and how that in the wrestling we come to really know God.

    So much of our time is spent regretting the past and worrying about the future. What if we stayed in this moment? What if we lived as if God is with us, right here, right now?

    God took a simple song that Perry wrote in northern Thailand in 2000 and has been multiplying it in that far flung place ever since. It’s all about how God makes much of our little.

    Maybe you wonder why God put you in your family, or at your work? Why, Lord? Esther was an unlikely queen, but God used her position to save an entire nation. He has a purpose for where he has you too!

    Perry talks more about his journey of being healed from shame. An early experience caused him to think his mom was ashamed of him, but found out years later that his mom was actually feeling ashamed of herself.

    Last, we have the treasure of the Holy Spirit in these weak jars of clay to show that our power comes from God and not ourselves. Perry experienced this first-hand on Tuesday night!

    Support the show: https://give.moodyradio.org/fall-share?v=def&appeal=MRWM&_gl=1%2a142i9we%2a_ga%2aNTE4MTE5MmUtY2U1Yy00YmQ3LWU4MmUtNjEwYTQ5YzAyODRj%2a_ga_4WH1937046%2aMTY5NTExODEwMS4yOTkuMC4xNjk1MTE4MTAxLjYwLjAuMA..&_ga=2.197426156.215784306.1695059984-1182841406.166859587

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    36 mins
  • “I Faceplanted Sharing My Faith”
    Sep 12 2024

    Perry felt prompted to share God’s love with a barista at a favorite coffee shop. The moment came, he took the risk, shared what was on his heart, and faceplanted. Or did he?

    God is working out the immaturity in us, but it takes time. Take heart my friend, as we mature spiritually, we are becoming more and more like Jesus!

    Perry woke up last week with an ancient sin on his mind. It was like stepping on a thorn. But it reminds him how much he needs Jesus and how much we need to remind one another of the gospel!

    The third time Shawna got spoken over she started to feel small and invisible. When she stepped away from the office for lunch, someone held the door open for her at the restaurant & in that moment, she felt seen, known and loved by God. God can use us in simple ways to let others know He loves them too.

    Last week Perry had two scares. His dad called him saying, “I think I’m having a stroke.” And on that same day a close friend was waiting on test results and Perry was fearing the worst.

    Then, hearing her mom and dad pray for the other girls on Shawna’s softball team and lingering around the dinner table talking about what dad just read in the bible made a profound impact on Shawna.

    Though she grew up in the church it was the way her parents lived out their faith in everyday life that most shaped Shawna’s faith.

    Chief Innovation Officer for Awana & coauthor of Forming Faith: Discipling the Next Generation in a Post-Christian Culture, Mike Handler, joins us for a conversation around discipling our children, at church and at home.

    Support the show: https://give.moodyradio.org/fall-share?v=def&appeal=MRWM&_gl=1%2a142i9we%2a_ga%2aNTE4MTE5MmUtY2U1Yy00YmQ3LWU4MmUtNjEwYTQ5YzAyODRj%2a_ga_4WH1937046%2aMTY5NTExODEwMS4yOTkuMC4xNjk1MTE4MTAxLjYwLjAuMA..&_ga=2.197426156.215784306.1695059984-1182841406.166859587

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    28 mins
  • I Made a Command Decision to Live
    Sep 11 2024

    In honor of all who have served and in remembrance of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 we are joined by retired Air Force Lt. Col., Damon Friedman.

    After serving four tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, within the Special Forces Operations community, Dr. Friedman returned home to his family for much needed rest and peace.

    Instead, the war raged on in his body and mind making rest and peace nearly impossible.

    With gun in hand, and the lies of the enemy attacking his thoughts, the truth pierced through the darkness that had plagued him and in that moment he decided to live for God.

    His road to being rebuilt as a man of God led to founding SOF Missions, a ministry to veterans.

    Are you ready to make a command decision to live for God?

    Support the show: https://give.moodyradio.org/fall-share?v=def&appeal=MRWM&_gl=1%2a142i9we%2a_ga%2aNTE4MTE5MmUtY2U1Yy00YmQ3LWU4MmUtNjEwYTQ5YzAyODRj%2a_ga_4WH1937046%2aMTY5NTExODEwMS4yOTkuMC4xNjk1MTE4MTAxLjYwLjAuMA..&_ga=2.197426156.215784306.1695059984-1182841406.166859587

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    20 mins
  • Trusting God with All My Feelings
    Sep 10 2024

    When your heart is aching and crying out for answers, “Where are you?”, “If you love me, then why?” and “How long, oh, Lord?” where do you go with those feelings? With your anger? With your disappointment? With your despair?

    Author and speaker, Sharon Garlough Brown, in her new illustrated children’s book Not Finished Yet encourages us to go to the God who loves us.

    Sharon tells several stories of God meeting her in her questions, and her anger, speaking the truth to her heart about His faithful love. In doing so, she leaves the door open for you and I to do the same and to find the healing power of lament in being honest and vulnerable with God.

    Also, as kids we all dreamt of what we’d be when we grew up. Do you ever dream about what you’ll be like as you mature in your faith? As a grown-up Christian? God wants us to become like Jesus.

    We never know what God might do with our “Yes”. Station manager, Dodd Morris, shares an inspiring story of what God did with a puny, hesitant “Yes”.

    Lastly, there are phrases that are part of Christian culture that have become so familiar that we rattle them off without really thinking about their meaning. “God is good all the time. And all the time God is good” might be one of them. What does it really mean?

    Support the show: https://give.moodyradio.org/fall-share?v=def&appeal=MRWM&_gl=1%2a142i9we%2a_ga%2aNTE4MTE5MmUtY2U1Yy00YmQ3LWU4MmUtNjEwYTQ5YzAyODRj%2a_ga_4WH1937046%2aMTY5NTExODEwMS4yOTkuMC4xNjk1MTE4MTAxLjYwLjAuMA..&_ga=2.197426156.215784306.1695059984-1182841406.166859587

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    38 mins