• Heart Rate Variability. Why does it matter?
    Oct 10 2023

    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is our heart’s ability to change the rate at which it pumps blood based on our constantly changing state of being. It significantly impacts how our body can react to and recover from stressful situations. HRV is a non-invasive measurement of our Autonomic Nervous System. So whether our body enters a “fight or flight” response during a high-stress situation, or it begins to “rest and digest” when the threat has disappeared, these changes are reflected in our HRV.

    Greg Elliott is an exercise physiologist, osteopath, and entrepreneur who is on a mission to help everyone own their health through education, motivation, and actionability. He is a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and wearable technology thought leader, speaker, and a sought-after healthcare practitioner. Greg knows the struggle of the juggle and keeping health a priority. He believes in a whole health approach that is supported by emerging technology so everyone can live a long, healthy, happy life. There will be many nuggets of information and inspiration to take action to be your healthiest self are guaranteed when you connect with Greg!

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    36 mins
  • Better Health Starts with Your Feet with Greg Stern PT
    Sep 8 2023

    When was the last time you gave your feet serious consideration? Maybe when you stepped on a Lego or stubbed your toe? Or maybe it was when you pulled out the clippers and got your talons under control. But would you be surprised to learn that feet and feet care play a critical role in chronic pain, mobility and overall movement freedom? Physiotherapist Greg Stern, the self-proclaimed 'food nerd', breaks it all down for us as he brings attention to the role our feet have in health AND how everything we've been taught about posture might not be what we think it is...slouching will save your back?? Tune in to learn more.

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    43 mins
  • Hyaluronic Acid. Skin, Joints, and more
    Aug 4 2023

    Did you know that back in medieval France, King Henry II’s wife, Princess Catherine, believed that if she ate chicken combs, she would become beautiful? Even before that (in the 700s) Yang Guifei, one of the four beauties of ancient China, also ate chicken combs.

    Chicken combs, as it turns out, contain a lot of a substance known as hyaluronic acid.

    Recent clinical studies show that ingesting hyaluronic acid actually can increase the moisture content of the skin. This shows up as more hydrated, and “beautiful” younger-looking skin.

    Nowadays, hyaluronic acid is not just made from chicken combs, but also from microbial fermentation. It’s found in many skin supplements and moisturizers. It’s also used as an injectable filler to reduce wrinkles.

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    23 mins
  • Astaxanthin. The King of Antioxidants
    Jul 18 2023

    Chances are, you’ve never heard of astaxanthin, and that’s OK. It certainly hasn’t had the popularity of other compounds such as lycopene, alpha and beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, or the ever-touted polyphenols. But like other superstar nutrients that come from the ocean such as omega-3 fats, astaxanthin is one you’ll want to learn more about. In this podcast, I will cover it all for you; what astaxanthin is, where it’s found in food, and if there are any health-promoting or therapeutic roles for astaxanthin supplements, and if so, what does the evidence say?

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    27 mins
  • NAD. The Darling of The Longevity World
    Jul 4 2023

    ALL living things on our planet, whether that’s a single-cell organisms like bacteria to complex multicellular ones like primates, are made of cells. While cells come in various shapes, sizes, and functions, whether those cells come from animals, plants, or bacteria, they have QUITE a few fundamental characteristics in common one of which is that they all contain an important molecule called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or…..NAD for short. NAD is an essential co-factor, involved in fundamental biological processes. Co-factors are compounds necessary for the activity of enzymes, and enzymes are needed to facilitate biochemical reactions needed to sustain life. The new frontier in NAD biology (which is why it’s the darling of the longevity scientific community and health enthusiasts alike) is about NAD’s role in different biochemical reactions and their impact on our physiology.

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    17 mins
  • Apigenin. A Flavonoid That Wears Many Hats
    Jun 20 2023

    Apigenin is a very common, naturally-occurring polyphenol found in the plant kingdom with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Polyphenols are a category of compounds found naturally in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, tea, dark chocolate, and wine for example. We’ll further explore some of apigenin’s unique properties including the evidence for its role in helping insomnia, anxiety, and depression, reducing inflammation AND why apigenin is one of the darlings of the day where anti-aging and longevity research is concerned.

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    15 mins
  • Aging and Longevity Science
    Jun 6 2023

    Many people dread the thought of getting old. Perhaps it’s because having more km on the odometer means their youth is fading. Perhaps it has nothing to do with the idea of quote ‘getting old’ but maybe it’s because they fear - or dread - the seemingly inevitable age-related diseases that come with added years. Amazingly, there are several species of plants and animals that seem to defy aging as we know it – this of course begs the question, ‘do we have to age?’In this podcast, I’ll review what researchers actually mean when they refer to aging and clarify what so called anti-aging and longevity research is all about because there’s a lot of confusion on this topic and because of this confusion, the idea of influencing the rate of aging, or the quality of aging is dismissed and ridiculed as is anyone who talks about this topic.

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    11 mins
  • LCHF/Keto Diets in Medical Practice
    Mar 23 2021

    More and more health professionals, including doctors, are challenging conventional
    wisdom when to comes to long-standing advice on healthy eating. Through their own
    experiences of becoming over-weight and prediabetic, many have turned to low-carb-high-
    fat, keto and lower carb diets to effectively lose weight, and reverse the abnormal lab
    indices that they and their peers normally prescribe medications for. Once considered fad
    diets, low/lower-carb, high-fat diets are taking their rightful place in the management of
    metabolic disease.

    Doug Cook RD: www.dougcookrd.com

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    45 mins