• How to find the money to pay rent fast when you really need it
    Apr 30 2020

    This interview was recorded for Irina’s Money Fear Busters Mega Video Summit. Jennifer Urrezio, Founder of Soul Language and a Conscious Intuitive, had 11 days to come up with the money for rent. Listen to Jennifer’s story on what she did and how she handled her two biggest fears of “Not enough,” and “I am not safe.” Jennifer found the money in the most miraculous and unexpected way, and she firmly believes it was Divine Guidance that provided the money. (Which is absolutely true, by the way.) Are you facing your financial fears right now? Will you be able to pay the mortgage, rent, and/or your bills this month? Are you scared? This interview will leave you inspired and motivated to ask the Divine for help. Jennifer shares 3 practical techniques on how to handle your money fears in the most effective way. One of the techniques includes a must-have mantra or a prayer that you can start using immediately in practically any scary situation.

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    20 mins
  • An old pair of jeans revealed its secret! A case study as a bonus to the interview with Josie Mercado Chavez
    Apr 16 2020

    During the original interview, Josie mentioned that she still kept a piece of clothing from the past. It was a pair of jeans from the time when she was her highest weight of 325LBS. She said, “It’s to remind me of how big I used to be.” Pretty innocent, right? She also mentioned that she still had a memory of her being fat and even now she would often catch herself going first to a department that sells large clothes sizes, even though she didn’t need them anymore. Also, pretty innocent, right?

    Do you have something that you are keeping as a keepsake, even if it was some challenge in your life that you had to overcome, but you are keeping this item for a “reminder”? Well, it’s not really that innocent. It’s not a reminder.

    Listen to Josie's AHA moment in this short case study that is included as a bonus to Josie's interview. After the initial interview, Josie cried for 2 days and threw away her jeans. Find out why in this short case study.

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    8 mins
  • From 325 LBS & deadly ill to 150 LBS, healthy and happy! She lost 175 LBS & found Life!
    Apr 16 2020

    If you thought you had it tough in life, watch this interview! Josie Mercado Chavez can truly testify that “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” indeed. A college graduate with a Master’s Degree in Nutrition has been struggling with obesity since she was 15. She has faced death from a deadly diagnosis over and over and over. She had been a real survivor in a true definition of the word: She didn’t die. Finally, she has made the best decision of her life by choosing life and Fortuna smiled! Irina Baker interviews Josie Mercado Chavez, Nutrition Educator. Listen to Josie sharing how it feels to be obese and deadly ill while fulfilling the obligations of being a single mom, raising children, working full-time and taking care of ill parents. After this interview, you will be super grateful for all your challenges because someone had it worse… and celebrate with Josie her achievements!

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • She Had a Successful Corporate Career but Felt Stressed & Miserable. She Had to Make a Choice!
    Apr 9 2020

    Diana was working in corporate, making great money, had great benefits, a title and on track for a very successful career. Yet she felt her soul was being sucked dry and she was slowly losing herself. She was crying in the parking lot each morning before going to work. How long could it last? Watch how Diana is going through the last clearing of the long-standing issue that kept her trapped. Diana shared what choice she had to make to save herself and most importantly, what her choice represented to her spiritually. She used to tell herself while working in the corporate world: “If I work harder, I will prove my value. They will see my value.” Was it true? Did it really happen? Did they see her value? Find out by watching this interview. Do YOU work in a corporation? Are you stressed and feel miserable? Do you believe that you have to prove yourself?

    Diana answered more questions for the podcast practice. Access Diana’s additional answers and an awareness-shifting questionnaire at https://www.radiantmastery.com/practice

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • How to Find Relief from Battling Upstream and Find Yourself in Effortless Flow of Life
    Apr 2 2020

    If you feel like salmon battling against life circumstances, running like a hamster, spinning your wheels and feel like it's never enough, and the race never stops, there is another way. Clarissa Krisjansson of Little Breathing Space Podcast (Sweden) interviews Irina Baker (U.S.A.) on how to solve any challenge you will encounter in life in the most effective and permanent way. Irina shares 3 keys to finding relief from spinning your wheels. You can apply these major keys to every situation, and they will open the door!

    To access the main points of the interview, real-life examples on how the keys work and awareness-shifting activities, go to radiantmastery.com/practice

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    48 mins
  • How to Recognize the Signs of Burnout and Stress BEFORE Illness Got a Hold of You: Advice from a Former Executive.
    Mar 26 2020

    From a high-powered executive driven life to severe burnout and illness to a truly powerful woman and professional: the journey that spread through 3 countries. When Clarissa moved to Australia from the UK and changed her job, thinking that she would start a new life in the new environment, she was disappointed. Clarissa didn’t create a bright happy future for herself and her son as she anticipated; instead, she ended up with a serious health condition. She had to slow down and tune in! Only then she got fabulous results!

    Irina Baker, M.A. (USA) interviews Clarissa Kristjansson, Ph.D. (Sweden), A Menopause Transition Specialist. Learn to recognize early signs of burn out, a sign of high blood pressure and what you need to do to get out of the DRIVEN lifestyle that brings stress, burnout, and illness. Listen to how a former executive compares two types of power: worldly and inner and what type is REALLY more powerful and why.

    To access the Complimentary Podcast Practice where you will find Clarissa's interview main points with my comments and an awareness-shifting questionnaire to help you apply the knowledge in your current life, visit https://radiantmastery.com/practice/.

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    45 mins
  • How to Stop the Coronavirus. The Spiritual Solution to the Physical Problem.
    Mar 19 2020

    Due to the situation in the world, this podcast is different from my usual interview format. This is my own teaching. As a Spiritual Self-Awareness Mentor, I will explain what the coronavirus and pandemic mean spiritually, where the virus originated, and what we personally can do to protect the world, the nation, our loved ones and ourselves. But what’s even more important, I will discuss how to stop all future calamities, including the pandemic, the epidemic, so-called “Acts of God,” and man-made disasters. There is a spiritual solution to every problem on earth. I will also offer practical steps you can take right now for protection from and elimination of the coronavirus.

    After you listened to the video, please make sure to visit http://www.radiantmastery.com/practice to receive a PDF article, a short handout with practical actions and an Awareness-Shifting Questionnaire to help you through these trying times.

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    55 mins
  • How to Find Self-Love & Self-Acceptance & Heal Your Relationships with Men
    Mar 12 2020

    If you are a woman, this interview is a must! Do all of your relationships with men work? Do you always behave, feel and are treated like a queen? Do you ever feel inadequate as a woman? Do you seek attention, especially from men? Do you have to be in the center of attention at all costs, especially, with men? Irina Baker interviews Stephanie Fraysur, an Advanced Logistics Specialist and a make-up line business owner, who has been caught up in the same pattern of seeking attention in all the wrong places until she realized that she had to take 100% responsibility. Stephanie finally looked within to find the cause of her behavior and her feeling of unloved. After the interview is over, Irina dissects it and comments on the main points to increase your spiritual self-awareness and help you apply your awareness in your situation. Irina also creates an awareness-shifting questionnaire for your deeper understanding. Access these activities, pertaining to this particular interview at radiantmastery.com/practice

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    44 mins