• ILJCD: Barriers and Facilitators to Communication Partner Training
    Mar 11 2025

    How can we best implement communication partner training with familiar partners of people with aphasia?

    In this International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders paper the authors set out to:
    (1) determine the perceived and/or observed barriers and facilitators to implementing CPT with familiar partners of adults with aphasia;
    (2) to map extracted barriers and facilitators to a common theoretical framework; (3) to synthesise extracted barriers and facilitators;
    and (4) to identify potential implementation strategies to address the most frequently identified barriers and facilitators.

    Authors Kirstine Shrubsole, Emma Power, Marie-Christine Hallé were awarded the IJLCD 2023 Editors' prize for this paper.

    The paper is:
    Communication partner training with familiar partners of people with aphasia: A systematic review and synthesis of barriers and facilitators to implementation

    Kirstine Shrubsole, Emma Power, Marie-Christine Hallé

    Examples of free, brief online training programs (less than 2 hours)

    Aphasia Institute Community Hub: Introduction to SCA™ eLearning Module, The Aphasia Institute, Canada

    • https://www.aphasia.ca/health-care-providers/education-training/self-directed-elearning/
    • An aphasia-focused, 40 minute module centred on Supported Communication principles.

    interact-ABI-lity, University of Sydney and University of Technology, Australia

    • https://abi-communication-lab.sydney.edu.au/courses/interact-abi-lity/
    • An acquired brain injury focused module (Stroke, Traumatic brain injury and other neurological conditions) covering cognitive communication difficulties, aphasia, dysarthria and alternative and augmentative communication.

    For the article referring to online versus face-to-face here is the IJLCD article reference.

    Power, E., Falkenberg, K., Barnes, S., Elbourn, E., Attard, M., & Togher, L. (2020). A pilot randomized controlled trial comparing online versus face-to-face delivery of an aphasia communication partner training program for student healthcare professionals. International journal of language & communication disorders, 55(6), 852–866. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12556

    First published:
    23 November 2022

    Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.

    Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey: uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

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    30 mins
  • RCSLT News February 2025: waiting lists grow; key events in Scotland; Speech and language therapy issues across the UK
    Feb 27 2025

    The February news podcast for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists featuring Derek Munn. Published 27 February 2025.

    We look at recent concerning news about growing waiting lists in adult community speech and language therapy in England, and also see how waiting lists compare across the UK.

    See statement: https://www.instagram.com/p/DGBH1T1IdnW/

    Derek gives an update on key topics keeping his team busy right now and we have a look at closer look at things happening in Scotland.

    This interview was conducted by Victoria Harris, Head of Learning at The Royal College of Speech and produced and edited by freelance producer Jacques Strauss.

    Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.

    Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey: uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

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    9 mins
  • What's happening at the juxtaposition of AI and speech & language therapy?
    Feb 12 2025

    Welcome to the fourth episode in our RCSLT AI series. In this episode we chat with Dr Richard Cave, Project Manager SLT at MND Association and Consultant Speech and Language Therapist, about his work in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Richard has backgrounds in both computing and speech and language therapy and he brings these together in his work with voice banking and AI, working with Goggle, MNDA and most recently in his PhD research at UCL.

    We cover:

    • Richard's journey with AI and speech and language therapy.
    • What are the opportunities with AI?
    • What are the things to be cautious about? How can we ensure people are not left out.
    • Why speech and language therapists need to be in this space.


    Dr Richard Cave, Project Manager SLT at MND Association and Consultant Speech and Language Therapist.

    Centre for Digital Language Inclusion: https://www.cdl-inclusion.com/

    RCSLT Artificial Intelligence resources: https://www.rcslt.org/members/delivering-quality-services/artificial-intelligence-resources/

    Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.

    Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey: uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

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    26 mins
  • RCSLT news Jan 2025: 80th anniversary; Senedd event; Westminster debate; VoiceBox comp & more
    Jan 24 2025

    The January news podcast for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists featuring Derek Munn, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Cara McDonagh, Director of Communications and Engagement and Pippa Cotterill, Head of Wales for the RCSLT. Published 24 January 2025.

    It's the RCSLT's 80th anniversary! In this podcast our guests tell you all about a launch of the birthday year which was held in the Welsh Senedd and also how you can get involved in the celebrations.

    In other news:

    The VoiceBox 2025 competition launched on 'Blue Monday'. It's now open for primary aged children across Scotland to share their best joke: www.rcslt.org/news/voicebox-2025…nd-on-blue-monday/

    We are thrilled to say that the Invest in SLT petition tabled by Mikey Akers will be debated in Parliament on Monday 27 January: www.rcslt.org/news/invest-in-slt…ted-in-parliament/

    The Welsh Conservatives led a debate on speech and language therapy in the Senedd: https://www.senedd.tv/Meeting/Clip/1f043949-cb18-427c-b794-151b1044adc3?inPoint=03:45:32&outPoint=04:37:08

    This interview was conducted by Victoria Harris, Head of Learning at The Royal College of Speech and produced and edited by freelance producer Jacques Strauss.

    Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.

    Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey: uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

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    11 mins
  • How is AI being used to support people with aphasia - a language disorder which affects a person's ability to speak and understand?
    Jan 13 2025

    In this, the third of our conversations around AI in speech and language therapy, we look at AI as a tool for people who have aphasia - a language disorder that affects a person's ability to speak and understand. Caitlin Longman, Accessibility Lead at the Stroke Association tells us about her work with people with aphasia and we hear from some of them about how they are using AI and also what are their concerns. Dr Abi Roper, an academic speech and language therapist and self-confessed 'techy' tells us about her research into AI to support aphasia.


    Caitlin Longman, Accessibility Lead at the Stroke Association, guest lecturer at Strathclyde University.
    Abi Roper, Speech and Language Therapy research fellow at City University and Joint chair of the Computers in Therapy CEN.


    For RCSLT Members only:

    Artificial Intelligence resources: www.rcslt.org/members/delivering…ligence-resources/

    Integrating Generative AI in speech and language therapy: a practical guide www.rcsltcpd.org.uk/lessons/ai-in-slt/

    Open access:
    Computers in Therapy CEN (‘CITCEN’) citcen.org/

    Co-Pilot copilot.microsoft.com/

    ChatGPT chatgpt.com/

    Image gen Free AI Image Generator - Image Creator in Bing

    Factsheets from AbilityNet about AI abilitynet.org.uk/factsheets/what-…-how-do-i-use-it

    Free webinar from AbilityNet about how AI can help disabled people abilitynet.org.uk/webinars/how-can…-disabled-people

    Webinar series from the Health Foundation about AI and the NHS (exploring priorities and anticipating the future) www.health.org.uk/about-the-health…re-of-healthcare

    A guide from the NHS Confederation on AI: "AI in healthcare: navigating the noise". www.nhsconfed.org/publications/ai-healthcare

    Blog from NHS England ‘How artificial intelligence is helping to speed up the diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients’. www.england.nhs.uk/blog/how-artifi…troke-patients/


    AI technologies in therapy - experiences and perceptions of SLPs
    Suh, H., Dangol, A., Meadan, H., Miller, C. A., & Kientz, J. A. (2024, June). Opportunities and challenges for AI-based support for speech-language pathologists. In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Symposium on Human-Computer Interac

    Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.

    Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey: uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

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    28 mins
  • RCSLT news Dec 2024: review of 2024; campaigns and how to get involved; news from around the UK
    Dec 16 2024

    The December news podcast for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists featuring Derek Munn, Director of Policy and Public Affairs. Dated 16 December 2024.

    • Derek reflects back on 2024, looking at some of the big changes.
    • Campaigns and how to get involved. Including Mikey Ackers' petition to Parliament which will be debated in the House of Commons on 27 January.
    • What's happening around the nations of the UK.

    Useful links:
    Inclusive Communication in Parliament coalition:

    Campaign on Primary Progressive Aphasia:

    Mikey's Wish petition

    This interview was conducted by Victoria Harris, Head of Learning at The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and features Derek Munn, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at the RCSLT. It was produced and edited by freelance producer, Jacques Strauss.

    Release date:

    16 December 2024

    Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.

    Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey: uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

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    8 mins
  • What is the role of Artificial Intelligence in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
    Dec 10 2024

    What is the role of AI in AAC (Augmentative and alternative communication)?
    In this episode Professor Annalu Waller, Professor of Human Communication Technologies at the University of Dundee and Alan McGregor, ex UK team paralympic swimmer and honorary researcher at the University of Dundee take us through what it can do now and developments they'd like to see.

    We cover:

    • What is AI's role in AAC?
    • How can we use generative AAC to expand on communication?
    • What are some of the ethical considerations?
    • What Annalu and Alan would like to see in the future.


    Professor Annalu Waller, Professor of Human Communication Technologies at the University of Dundee and lead for the Augmentative and Alternate Communication Research Group at the university.

    Alan McGregor, ex UK team paralympic swimmer, part of the Straight Talking Group – and honorary researcher at the University of Dundee.

    During the conversation Alan is supported by his assistant, Cindy Macfarlane.


    Here are some links which relate to AI and AAC:

    • https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/use-of-artificial-intelligence-ai-in-augmentative-and-alternative
    • https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/telling-tales-unlocking-the-potential-of-aac-technologies
    • https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/blending-human-and-artificial-intelligence-to-support-autistic-ch
    • https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/personal-storytelling-using-natural-language-generation-for-child
    • https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/evaluating-the-standup-pun-generating-software-with-children-with


    • Dundee Accessibility and Assistive Technology Research Group: https://aac.dundee.ac.uk/
    • Straight Talking Group: https://aac.dundee.ac.uk/stg/

    Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.

    Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey: uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

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    27 mins
  • Using Generative AI in speech and language therapy: one therapist's journey from sceptic to advocate
    Nov 28 2024

    In this, the first of our conversations around AI in speech and language therapy, we chat with Rachel Barton, speech and language therapist about her journey from AI sceptic to AI advocate.

    Rachel shares what she has learned and offers ideas on how others might approach AI in their work. Rachel also advises on areas of caution and talks about her pledge for responsible generative AI use in speech and language therapy.


    Rachel Barton, independent speech and language therapist and Professional Supervisor, Chatterbox Sussex Speech and Language Therapy Ltd


    • Henrik Kniberg “Generative AI in a Nutshell - how to survive and thrive in the age of AI”

    • Ethan Mollick “Co-Intelligence – Living and Working with AI” (2024) Penguin https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/460207/co-intelligence-by-mollick-ethan/9780753560778
    • Jordan Wilson’s daily livestream, podcast and newsletter https://www.youreverydayai.com/about-everyday-ai-podcast/
    • https://www.chatterboxsussex.com/blog - this has a more in-depth blog on the SERVE prompt framework as well as other blogs on WordMango, Bias, how AI might help with waiting times and the responsible AI pledge.
    • https://www.chatterboxsussex.com/aiworkshops - more information about Rachel's AI journey and work, with a link to suggested further learning materials including podcasts, videos, websites and research articles

    For RCSLT Members only:

    • Artificial Intelligence resources: https://www.rcslt.org/members/delivering-quality-services/artificial-intelligence-resources/
    • Integrating Generative AI in speech and language therapy: a practical guide https://www.rcsltcpd.org.uk/lessons/ai-in-slt/

    The interview is conducted by Jacques Strauss, freelance producer, on behalf of The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.

    Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.

    Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey: uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

    Show More Show Less
    33 mins