• Reach A Place Called Success with New Co-Host Matty Fox
    Jun 19 2021

    Dr. J welcomes exercise enthusiast Matty Fox to the Podcast, all the way from Australia! The two friends discuss their mutual interest in, and benefits of, Body Weight Training. Matty has taken this interest to a new level during a time when gyms have been closed. His goal is to eliminate excuses by developing a program that not only can be done at home, but with minimal use of equipment. Dr. J has used Matty's Body Weight Built program to supplement his yoga practice, and many "fitness junkies" use the program to achieve goals that even are challenging to achieve in a gym.

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    45 mins
  • Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J- Dr. Tom Meade (part two)
    Aug 5 2020

    This is the second episode of the 2-part series of Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J and his interview with Orthopeadic surgeon Dr. Tom Meade.  On this episode, we get to know more about the man himself.  This is a man that doesn't life get in the way; besides being one of the countries most prolific knee surgeons, he is an avid competitive swimmer and ironman qualifying athlete.  Learn about his meditation practice along with his recommendations for supplements for all of his patients!

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    55 mins
  • Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J- Dr. Tom Meade interview part one
    Jul 22 2020

    Are you prepared!  This is not an easy podcast to listen too.  Two physicians Dr. Tom Meade and Dr. J, on Reach A Place Called Success, discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly about their medical profession.  Learn how 2 titans of industry, Rockefeller and Carnegie, at the turn of the 20th century used political influence and money to mold the medical training for the past 100 years.  Learn the role Big Pharma has played in securing their customer base (the physician prescriber) and in building the modern day FDA.  In addition, Dr. Meade tells a very personal story of his wife's life-long battle with cancer.  All of this, and it only part one of a two part series!

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    58 mins
  • Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J- Liz Floyd
    Jul 13 2020

    On this episode of Reach A Place Called Success, Dr. J interviews Liz Floyd.  Liz was a high school athlete who's path was significantly influenced when she began to experience  signs and symptoms from Lyme Disease.  She talks about her near 2 year battle, and how she overcame the disease.  Liz has started a blog, not only to tell her story, but many stories of perseverance along with empowering everyone to "think critically" about nutrition, and how to live a clean sustainable life.

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    42 mins
  • Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J- Claire Este McDonald (part four)
    Jun 28 2020

    Part Four of this four part series of Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J and his interview with Claire Este Mc Donald.  This episode was originally recorded live on InstagramLIVE @Dr.JKooch and now published for podcast listeners!  This interview and discussion shows how the hurdle to entry into better health is easier than you think, and its all about the GUT!  Dr. J and Claire also discuss herbs/spices, and their plans to work together in the future to keep this dialogue going and help as many people as possible to Reach A Place Called Success, enjoy!

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    44 mins
  • Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J- Claire Este McDonald (part three)
    May 27 2020

    Part Three of a Four Part series with Clair Este McDonald.  On this episode of Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J, we explore Ayurveda Medicine.  It has been called The Science of Life and the Owners Manual we should have when we leave the womb... What is Ayurveda?  Come listen and learn!  Start to explain the unexplainable and stop being a passenger in your health!

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    58 mins
  • Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J - Claire Este McDonald (part two)
    May 13 2020

    Are You Ready!!!  I am so excited to release Part Two of Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J’s interview with Claire Este McDonald.  If you don’t know her yet, listen-up! Claire is a Breast Cancer survivor, a Registered Nurse, an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Baptiste Master Teacher, and so much more!  We continue our discussion of gaining self-awareness, and how Claire has not just persevered but thrived from life challenges.
    Instagram @Dr.Jkooch

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    51 mins
  • Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J- Claire Este McDonald (part one)
    Apr 29 2020

    Listen to PART ONE of a four part series of Reach A Place Called Success with Dr. J as he interviews Claire Este McDonald.  Claire is a miraculous human being, and you can listen to her incredible story as a breast cancer survivor.  Claire is also a Registered Nurse, a Master Baptiste teacher, a yoga therapist, and an Ayurvedic Health Counselor.  So much to hear, that is why we have split the podcast up into this amazing FOUR PART SERIES!

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    42 mins