• 29: Johnny WINS Depp v Heard
    Jun 2 2022
    On Wednesday the jury announced their verdict to Fairfax County Court, where Nick was eagerly waiting.

    They have unanimously agreed that Amber Heard's 2018 Washington Post article was written with defamatory intent, malice and crucially was totally untrue.
    In this final episode, Nick debriefs you on the moment the jury delivered their verdict, speaks to fans around the court and catches up with some familiar faces from the park bench.

    Find out more at reportingdeppvheard.net
    A TBI Media production (www.tbimedia.co.uk)
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    13 mins
  • 28: And now we wait…
    May 29 2022
    The podcast comes full circle as we end with the same park bench guest we first started with, Natasha Miller - a Johnny Depp supporter from Colorado who made it into court every single day of this trial bar 3.
    Nick and Natasha - who first met on jury selection day 7 weeks ago - discuss the final day of court where we heard closing arguments and the jury received their instructions. The pair also reflect on the process as a whole - the people they’ve met, the personal journeys they’ve been on and their thoughts about the verdict.
    But with court now wrapped and the jury busy deliberating, all we can do is wait…
    Find out more at reportingdeppvheard.net
    A TBI Media production (www.tbimedia.co.uk)
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    22 mins
  • 27: “A battle of the experts”
    May 27 2022
    The trial starts to wrap with today being the last day in court before closing arguments and jury instructions tomorrow, and Nick discusses the day’s events with Angenette Levy of the Law and Crime Network.
    The pair recapped the 3 experts who appeared as rebuttal witnesses - an orthopaedic surgeon, a meta data expert and a psychologist - as well as Amber Heard herself.
    Nick will be back in 24 hours with his final podcast update before the verdict - which is thought to be sometime next week.
    Find out more at reportingdeppvheard.net
    A TBI Media production (www.tbimedia.co.uk)
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    21 mins
  • 26: Kate Moss gives evidence for Johnny Depp
    May 26 2022
    After an action packed day in court, Nick heads over to the park bench for an interview with journalist Katie Pfleghar of Germany’s Bild Magazine.
    The pair unpack the day’s events, which included statements given from British supermodel Kate Moss who spoke in defence of Depp, the return of Dr Shannon Curry, Johnny Depp himself, Morgan Tremaine formerly of TMZ, and finally forensic expert Bryan Neumeister who discussed the possibility of photo manipulation.
    Find out more at reportingdeppvheard.net
    A TBI Media production (www.tbimedia.co.uk)
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    22 mins
  • 25: Amber Turd?
    May 25 2022
    As Amber Herd enters Fairfax County Court you can hear the chants of; "Amber Turd". On today's Park Bench interview, after Day 22 of the trial Nick sits down to chat to Priscilla, who has come dressed as a giant turd.

    Has the trial been reduced to a circus? Does she think her actions dissuade DV victims from coming forward? And does it bother her what Amber thinks of the greeting?

    The end of the trial gets closer, and the Park Bench interviews are definitely getting weirder.

    Find out more at reportingdeppvheard.net

    A TBI Media Production (www.tbimedia.co.uk)
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    17 mins
  • 24: Winding Up to the Big Climax
    May 24 2022
    We're into the final week of evidence in the Depp v Heard trial at Fairfax County Court in Virginia.

    No Johnny Depp on the stand today as was expected, but Nick runs through the witnesses who were called, including one expert witness who Nick describes as "One of the most extraordinary spectacles" not just of this trial but any he's witnessed.

    Plus there's a Fairfax County Park Bench interview with Dan the Amber Heard fan, and Input Mag journalist Jessica Lucas is on the remote park bench.

    Find out more at reportingdeppvheard.net

    A TBI Media production (wwwtbimedia.co.uk)
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    37 mins
  • 23: Supercharging the Negativity
    May 20 2022
    Day 20 of Depp v Heard.

    There are two Park Bench interviews in this episode. Isabelle Orsini (@Izze1122 on Twitter) has been creating content about the trial on social media. Nick gets her insight into how, and why, the trial has been played-out in memes and short viral clips, and how that affects our sense of 'justice'.

    Plus Sam, who was at first interested in the social content which has taken the internet by storm, but has since been driven to delve deeper into the facts of the case.

    They're both excellent guests, with unique perspectives.

    Next week is the final week of the case - we'll be back with daily episodes ahead of the verdict some time after Memorial Day.

    Find out more at reportingdeppvheard.net

    A TBI Media Production (www.tbimedia.com)
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    42 mins
  • 22: Johnny Depp: "A Modern Day Princess Diana"
    May 19 2022
    Day 19 of Depp v Heard at Fairfax County Court in Virginia, and everyone is tired.

    This episode features two park bench interviews; one with a Johnny Depp supporter (possibly?) and another with one of the VERY few Amber Heard supporters, neither of whom have slept for at least 36 hours. =

    Find out more at reportingdeppvheard.net

    A TBI Media Production (www.tbimedia.co.uk)
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    25 mins