• The Puzzle Of Your Needs And Conflicts – Part 2 of 2
    Sep 20 2024
    Marriage conflict arises when expectations go unmet. How can we be the husbands and wives God wants us to be? In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers two crucial implications of a marriage that reflects Christ. It’s possible to break the cycle of conflict and meet one another’s needs. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29
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    25 mins
  • The Puzzle Of Your Needs And Conflicts – Part 1 of 2
    Sep 19 2024
    Marriage is designed to satisfy the true desires of both husband and wife. But in a sin-cursed world, we shouldn’t be surprised that there is conflict in marriage. In this message from Ephesians 5, Pastor Lutzer identifies the primary needs of both the husband and the wife. How does God’s purpose for marriage change how we approach conflict? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29
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    25 mins
  • The Puzzle Of The Will Of God – Part 2 of 2
    Sep 18 2024
    We should always seek God’s guidance. Though we may not see His guidance in dramatic ways, we can look back and see exactly how He has led us throughout our lives. In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers further principles for following God’s will, particularly in the face of our mistakes, doubts, and troubles in marriage. Let’s make wise decisions. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29
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    25 mins
  • The Puzzle Of The Will Of God – Part 1 of 2
    Sep 17 2024
    Whether we are married, considering marriage, or making life decisions, we need to know how to seek God’s will. God’s will may require a difficult step of obedience, but it’s always the best path to take. In this message, Pastor Lutzer provides the first of seven principles to know God’s will. Are we seeking God’s will, particularly in marriage? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29
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    25 mins
  • The Puzzle Of Your Roles – Part 2 of 2
    Sep 16 2024
    There are natural differences which complement each other in a marriage relationship. God made Adam from inorganic dust while Eve was fashioned from the organic material of Adam’s rib. In this message, Pastor Lutzer celebrates the whole purpose of marriage as God designed it. What if the differences built into us are intended for good? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29
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    25 mins
  • The Puzzle Of Your Roles – Part 1 of 2
    Sep 13 2024
    There are fundamental differences between men and women. God defined our roles when Adam and Eve were created. In this message from Genesis 2, Pastor Lutzer shares a biblical definition of mature manhood and womanhood. Together we mirror the image of God, representing the unity of the Trinity. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29
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    25 mins
  • Moving Beyond Your Past – 3 of 3
    Sep 12 2024
    When it comes to past injustices, we must let our bitterness go. In a marriage, peace only comes after releasing each memory into God's hands. In this message from Ephesians 4, Pastor Lutzer encourages us to forgive as we’ve been forgiven. What does it take to overcome bitterness and develop new patterns of thinking and speaking? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29
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    25 mins
  • Moving Beyond Your Past – 2 of 3
    Sep 11 2024
    Many of us carry burdens from decisions we desperately wish we could undo. Dark secrets take a toll on our minds and our hearts, particularly in marriage. In this message, Pastor Lutzer provides three preparations for giving and receiving forgiveness. Are we ready to face our past and move forward in freedom? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29
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    25 mins