• We Are Back!!
    Jun 18 2024

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    TW: Discussion of Cancer & Emetophobia
    Hey Guys! It's Been A While!
    Well.. maybe over a year eeeeeek!!
    A LOT has happened!
    Listen in and hear what we have been up to!
    Let's catch up... We have missed you!
    FOLLOW US HERE Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/letschat_healthanxiety?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==

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    28 mins
  • Self Diagnosis vs Reality
    Feb 1 2023

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    🤯 How many times have you self diagnosed yourself with a serious illness or condition that turned out to be nothing?

    🎙️ In this podcast we discuss just that.

    🙈 The time Ruth F thought she has bladder cancer which turned out to be a UTI. Or the time she convinced herself she had Appendicitis when in actual fact she had bad sunburn! - Don’t Ask!

    🙈 Ruth W tells a hilarious story that you do not want to miss, one that involves a party, her current boyfriend, who she had only been dating for a few months at the time, a painful bottom, and a photo sent to a friend.

    🏼 Deep down we know how scary the thoughts and feelings are at the time when our body goes into fight or flight mode. And that feeling is very much real, and although 99.9% of the time it is nothing no-one can convince us otherwise.

    💜 A very open discussion about illnesses we self-diagnosed that turned out to be nothing. You'll end up belly-laughing, we guarantee it! So, if your face hurts from smiling or your sides hurt from laughing, don't worry about it!

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    42 mins
  • Health Anxiety As A Mum
    Dec 1 2022

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    Our Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/letschat_healthanxiety/

    💜 This week Ruth Whyte will be taking the lead and talking about ‘Health Anxiety As a Mum’
    🍼 From 3am wake ups checking on baby, to the intrusive thoughts, to navigating motherhood along side grief with a generous topping of Health Anxiety, Ruth tells her story in the hope that people can relate and realise that they are not alone!
    📍 Get 10% off Cerulean journals when you spend £10 or more using code : RUTHX
    Link :

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    35 mins
  • Dr. Google Says...
    Nov 12 2022

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    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/letschat_healthanxiety/

    💭 Asking someone you live with “what is the worst anxiety attack that I’ve had” and their answer is “where do I start” can be quite a wake up call!

    🏼 There are so many elements that feed into our Health Anxiety! In this episode we talk how going on holiday, body dysmorphia, social media and even a call to the GP can feed into the daily struggle. We speak about how as a coping mechanism we are pushed into the OCD cycle of checking our body for lumps, and excessive googling.

    💜 However!! There is hope! We both have different stories and we have different ways that we cope with this daily cycle of anxiety and fear.

    🎙Tune in and find out our coping strategies which include: daily meditation, researching books, podcasts and apps that can help us through the worst of the worst anxiety attacks.

    Mentions :

    PT : Chloe - Fergus Fit, East Kilbride.
    Link : https://www.instagram.com/chloegillon_personaltraining/

    Sharon Tait - Stait Of Mind Hypnotherapy.

    Link : http://www.staitofmind.com

    Book ‘Don’t Feed The Monkey Mind’
    Link : https://jennifershannon.com/monkey-mind-books/dont-feed-monkey-mind/

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    35 mins
  • Our Story & Introduction.
    Oct 26 2022

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    2 Girls + 2 Stories + 1 Mind

    Two Glasgow girls talking about their daily struggle with health anxiety!

    People may call us hypochondriacs, but for us it is a daily struggle.
    We both have a unique story to tell.

    INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/ruthx_podcast_talks/
    FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087149475135

    Trigger Warning : Discussion Of Cancer.

    Therapists Mentioned In Our Podcast :
    1. Fraser Psychology Scotland - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PsychScot/
    2. Geraldine Mair - Website : https://www.choosetoclimb.com
    3. Breakthrough Hypnotherapy - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughhypnotherapy
    4. Yvonne Wilson Therapist - https://www.facebook.com/Holistichypnosis77

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    35 mins