• Defining Your Own Values
    Aug 16 2024

    In this episode Tisha Michelle shares a personal story that prompted a reflection on defining personal values and resisting external influences. While emphasizing the importance of self direction Tisha Michelle shares three tips to help define and uphold your own values.

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    13 mins
  • Have You Been Hiding?
    26 mins
  • Breaking down to Break Though: Vulnerable Moment
    Feb 18 2024


    In this personal and vulnerable episode, Tisha Michelle opens up about a pivotal moment in her livfe when everything seemed to be unraveling. Instead of retreating into silence, she courageously chose to share her experiences, knowing that others could benefit from their journey through the storm. With raw honesty, she reflects on the emotions and challenges she faced, and how she ultimately embraced the chaos as an opportunity for growth. This episode is a testament to the power of vulnerability and the impact of sharing our struggles with others, as Tisha Michelle invites listeners to join her on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and renewal.

    Connect with Tisha Michelle @mindsetslayer Thank you for listening to this episode of Seeing With Your Soul. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories, deep reflections, and soul-nourishing insights. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to help us reach more listeners on their own transformative journey.

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    20 mins
  • At a Crossroad: Minisode
    Dec 12 2023

    Join Tisha Michelle as she hops on to talk about what was on her mind at that time.

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    8 mins
  • Paradigm Shift
    Nov 14 2023

    Join Tisha Michelle on Seeing With Your Soul as we explore the power of paradigm shifts. Uncover the signs that indicate you're ready for change, from persistent dissatisfaction to a burning desire for growth. Learn practical steps to embrace a paradigm shift, including cultivating mindfulness, meditation, positive affirmations, and navigating challenges. Celebrate your growth and acknowledge the subtle signals urging you toward transformation.

    Connect with Tisha Michelle @mindsetslayer

    Thank you for listening to this episode of Seeing With Your Soul. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories, deep reflections, and soul-nourishing insights. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to help us reach more listeners on their own transformative journey.

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    11 mins
  • The Unknown: A World of Possibilities
    Nov 2 2023

    In this episode, host Tisha Michelle takes us on a captivating journey into the uncharted territories of life, exploring the profound power of the unknown. Through personal anecdotes and inspiring examples, Tisha delves into the transformative impact of embracing uncertainty, revealing how stepping into the unknown opens doors to a world of endless possibilities.

    1. The Power of Uncertainty:
       Tisha discusses the intrinsic power that lies within uncertainty and how it serves as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery.

    2. Navigating Uncharted Waters:
       Sharing a heartfelt personal story, Tisha illustrates the challenges and triumphs of navigating unfamiliar paths, emphasizing the resilience we gain when faced with the unknown.

    3. Building Resilience Through Uncertainty:
       Tisha explores the ways in which facing the unknown builds resilience, fostering a mindset that enables us to overcome obstacles and thrive in the face of adversity.

    4. The Beauty of Endless Opportunities:
       Reflecting on the episode's themes, Tisha emphasizes the beauty of endless opportunities that await those willing to step boldly into the unknown.

    As the episode concludes, Tisha Michelle leaves listeners with a powerful message: the unknown is not to be feared, but embraced. It is a realm where curiosity leads to discovery, where challenges are transformed into triumphs, and where the magic of life truly begins. Encouraging her audience to stay curious, stay courageous, and keep exploring, Tisha invites everyone to welcome the extraordinary possibilities that lie just beyond the horizon.

    Stay Connected:
    Follow Tisha Michelle on Instagram @mindsetslayer

     Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform!

    *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any affiliated organizations.*

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    10 mins
  • Lessons from the Garden: Sweet Potato
    Oct 31 2023

    Tisha Michelle introduces the episode and the analogy of sweet potatoes in the garden as a metaphor for faith and hidden growth.

    She recounts the frustration she felt when her sweet potato plants seemed dormant, highlighting the natural human tendency to doubt progress when it's not immediately visible.

    Tisha Michelle shares the moment of revelation when, upon uprooting a seemingly barren plant, she discovered three baby sweet potatoes hidden beneath the soil. This discovery becomes a powerful symbol of the unseen work of the divine in our lives.

    The episode explores the deeper meaning behind this experience, emphasizing the importance of faith, trust, and patience in our personal and spiritual journeys. It encourages listeners to believe in the process, even when they can't see the results.

    Tisha Michelle wraps up the episode with a reminder of the transformative power of faith and trust, leaving listeners with a sense of hope and inspiration.

    Connect with Tisha Michelle @mindsetslayer

    Thank you for listening to this episode of Seeing With Your Soul. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories, deep reflections, and soul-nourishing insights. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to help us reach more listeners on their own transformative journey. 

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    4 mins
  • What do you want?
    Oct 20 2023

    In today's episode, Tisha Michelle delves into a powerful revelation she received, emphasizing the importance of certainty in our lives and how it all begins with a simple question: What do you want?

    Episode Highlights:

    The Divine Download:
    Tisha Michelle shares a deeply personal experience of receiving a divine download that emphasized the significance of leading with certainty in our lives. This transformative moment became the catalyst for exploring the essence of certainty and its role in shaping our reality.

     Embracing Clarity:
    We discuss the concept of clarity and how it forms the foundation for making decisions and setting meaningful goals. By understanding what we truly want, we can align our actions with our deepest desires, paving the way for fulfillment and purpose.

    The Power of Self-Reflection:
    Tisha Michelle emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and introspection. By taking the time to connect with our inner selves, we gain valuable insights into our passions, dreams, and aspirations. Self-reflection acts as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward a life of authenticity and intention.

     Leading With Confidence:
    We explore practical strategies for cultivating confidence and self-assurance. From overcoming self-doubt to embracing one's unique qualities, Tisha Michelle provides actionable tips to empower listeners in their journey toward certainty and self-belief.

    Taking Inspired Action:
    Tisha Michelle discusses the significance of taking inspired action based on our newfound clarity. By combining certainty with purpose-driven action, we can manifest our desires and create a reality that resonates with our soul's deepest calling.

    Thank you for joining me on this enlightening episode of "Seeing With Your Soul." Remember, the journey to certainty begins with asking yourself the fundamental question: What do you want? Embrace this question, trust your inner wisdom, and step into a future filled with confidence and purpose. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes, and until next time, keep seeing with your soul.

    Connect with us on social media: @SeeingWithYourSoul @mindsetslayer

    *If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review and sharing it with your friends and family. Your support means the world to us.*

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    17 mins