
  • EP96 – Juliet Hammer: A Journey of Resilience – Climbing Through Grief and Life’s Challenges
    37 mins
  • EP94 – Justin Salas: A Journey of Faith, Climbing, and Life’s Full Circle – From the Rock Face to the Big Picture"
    1 hr and 34 mins
  • EP93 – Taylor and Mario talk shop about their coaching clinic at the international climbers Festival
    Nov 13 2024

    Taylor Fragomeni and Mario Stanley discuss their coaching clinic held at the International Climbing Festival. The clinic aimed to enhance coaches' skills comprehensively, encouraging them to view their roles not just as jobs, but as a craft and a potential career path.

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    1 hr
  • EP92 – Luke Mehall & Mario Stanley finally have their long awaited sit down to entrepreneurs in the industry talking shop
    1 hr and 53 mins
  • Sends and Suffers Podcast Intro
    1 min
  • EP91 – I've been going there are some changes ( Mario)
    Oct 4 2024

    Taking a moment to come back and say hello and give you an update on what's been going on in my life.

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    18 mins
  • EP90 -- Every Body Climbs Podcast Ep8 (S&S Podcast Takeover)
    Aug 17 2024

    Elliott Nguyen says that as a second-generation Vietnamese-American, queer, transgender climber, when he first started climbing he didn’t meet many people who looked like him. But, he found a sense of belonging in the adaptive climbing community.

    Elliott is often on the podiums of both National and World Para Climbing Championships, and is on the board of ParaCliffhangers. He's also a grad student in social work at UC Berkeley, and hopes to work in mental health counseling focusing on the healing power of outdoor recreation.

    Elliott has a degenerative motor neuron disease that can make dynamic climbing moves difficult. And with the spasticity caused by this condition, he is no stranger to "Elvis-legging" on a route. In fact he says, sometimes he's just "Elvis-legging through life". But, more importantly, he's found a style of climbing that suits his movement -- trad climbing. We'll pick up the conversation with Elliot describing how he got into trad and why it's such a good fit for him.

    You can follow him on IG with:@nguyen.elliott

    Elliott helps to run the Touchstone Chapter of ParaCliffhangers. Watch a video about the program here.

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    52 mins
  • EP89 – Every Body Climbs Podcast Ep6 Emeline Lakrout
    Jul 15 2024

    Emeline Lakrout is a para climber and disability rights activist. She's been legally blind since childhood and has competed on the US National Para Climbing Team since 2022. Currently based out of NYC, she works as a marketer in the consumer products industry, and uses that expertise to consult brands on disability inclusion on the side. Among other things, her consultation focuses on disability language.

    She’s worked on disability awareness campaigns, legislative lobbying, and as a community mentor --She is a force to be reckoned with. Her life's mission, she says, “is to fight for the rights, dignity, and joy of every single disabled person.”

    She's an ambassador for the National Ability Center and a member of the ParaCliffhangers. In our conversation we get into some of the history of disability rights, and the importance of language as it can shape the image or idea of a community -- and how our language can impact how we see ourselves.

    Resources for show notes:

    University Interscholastic League in TX

    Adaptive Climbing Group


    Catalyst Sports

    Paradox Sports

    National Ability Center

    Degree Gym Accessibility PDF

    Climbing Business Journal Article [Accessibility]

    Climbing Business Journal Article [VI Accessibility]

    Adaptive Climbers Fest

    - Indoor Blind Climbing Video

    - Outdoor Blind Climbing Video

    - The headset company that Emeline uses

    Emeline’s instagram: Instagram.com/EmelineClimbs

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    1 hr