• Southern Cross Mission Diamond Jubilee Service - June 6th 1967
    Jan 13 2025
    Hebrews 2:1-4 — Why do we praise God? Why do we worship him and gather together so often? In Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ sermon on Hebrews 2:1-4, he explains why we worship God in such a way. To answer such questions, Dr. Lloyd-Jones first explains what Christianity is. Many people think that Christianity is simply an activist movement for World Peace and philanthropy; however, that simply is not the case. Dr. Lloyd-Jones states that although good deeds are often associated with Christianity, the purpose of the Christianity is to spread the gospel of salvation. It is the mission of the Christian to spread God’s great salvation to the ends of the earth. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones states that the reason the masses have not been converted is because we have failed to show them the greatest thing in the world, the gospel of salvation. But many ask the question, how will we get people to listen and value this Gospel as it truly should be? The only way to do this, is to show them their need for salvation. If an unbeliever has no need for salvation, then why should he care for it. To present the gospel of salvation in all its due glory and power, the unbeliever must be made aware of his sin. It is necessary to tell the unbeliever that he is sinful and deserves eternal banishment from the presence of God. Only once this is made clear can the gospel of salvation be presented. Only then will the unbeliever see the true love of God for sending his one and only son to die on our behalf. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones states, “ The gospels true greatness can be seen only when we realize that the omnipotent God became a simple human for our sakes.”
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  • Body Mind and Spirit (Part B)
    Jan 12 2025
    An address given at the Christian Medical Fellowship Conference in 1974. Due to its length; this address covers 2 CDs.
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  • Body Mind and Spirit (Part A)
    Jan 11 2025
    Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones served as one of the greatest preachers of his time; however, before he was called to the ministry, Dr. Lloyd-Jones was one of the most respected medical doctors of his time; at one point being the head doctor to the Royal family. In his sermon on body, mind, and spirit, Dr. Lloyd-Jones expresses his concern over the increasing number of psychological illnesses in the medical field. As a speaker at the Christian medical fellowship conference, Dr. Lloyd-Jones provides his solution to the rising depression rates that are crippling the British nation. He first states how the relationships between doctors and their patients is not what it used to be. Doctors no longer visit the homes of patients and therefore, do not have the same intimate relationships with them. This lack of intimacy between the doctor and patient severely hinders the doctor’s ability to diagnose the root cause of one’s psychological illness/depression. This often results in doctors having to take a universal stance on psychological illnesses. According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones there are four opinions on psychological illness that doctors can hold to. The first is that mental illnesses aren’t actually real and that patients must simply toughen up (Muscular Christianity). The second holds that people can take medication’s to help with their illness but are ultimately doomed to a life of depression. The third holds that every Mental illness is spiritual and can be mended with spiritual acts. The fourth believes that Mental illness is spiritual but cannot be solved by Christianity. With this said, Dr. Martyn Lloy-Jones summarizes the four opinions with two basic questions. Is mental illness physical or spiritual? He then expands on these two questions in part B of the sermon.
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  • So Great Salvation
    Jan 10 2025
    Hebrews 2:1-4 — Why is it such a terrible thing to reject the gospel? In this sermon, “So Great Salvation,” from Hebrews 2:1–4 titled Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on humanity’s need of salvation and what happens if one rejects it. Salvation is such a weighty matter because of its source: God. If anyone says no to salvation, then they say no to the God who has offered salvation to all who believe. This is why it is such a dangerous thing to spurn God’s gracious gift that He has put forward in Jesus Christ. But those who do accept salvation are given the greatest possible blessing: eternal life and peace with God. The gospel is God’s ultimate gift of grace that alone can free people from sin and judgement. This sermon calls each and every one to examine themselves and ask the question: “have I accepted God’s gift of salvation? Am I trusting in Jesus as my only hope?” This is not an inconsequential question, but it is the most important question anyone can ask, for with the great gift of salvation comes the great penalty for rejecting it.
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  • The Presence of God
    Jan 9 2025
    1 Samuel 4:21-22 — What has gone wrong in the church today? In this sermon on 1 Samuel 4:21-22, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that the answer is found in the church’s loss of the sense of the glory of the presence of God. The church is like God’s ancient people, the Israelites, who often strayed away from God. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that when the Israelites lost the Ark of the Covenant to the Philistines, this was because they failed to look to God’s glorious presence. They became enamored with the trappings of religion and missed what it means to know and love an awesome God. The church today is often no different. For when Christians look to institutions and politics to reach the world, they lose sight of the very God they say that they seek to proclaim. When the church has been the most impactful in the world it is when they were overcome with a sense of God’s glorious presence. This recognition of God’s glory ought to transform all believers and empower them to take the gospel to the whole world. For the church is at its weakest when it is concerned with itself and its own glory. But Jesus Christ shows us that we are to seek to glorify God and know Him truly and only then can the church serve as God has called it.
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  • The True Church
    Jan 8 2025
    1 Corinthians 14:23-25 — What creates many problems in church? In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 14:23–24 titled “The True Church,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones states that what causes so many problems in church is that Christians do not know what the church is. Because they do not know what the church is supposed to be, they have conflict and divisions. Throughout this letter, the Apostle Paul addresses many of the issues by pointing them to what God has made the church to be. He tells them that the church is about the preaching of the word of God and the mutual building up of believers. When Paul comes to the issue of spiritual gifts, he tells them that as members of Christ’s body, they are to love one another and put each other first. This radical ethic of love ought to inform all Christians of how they live with one another, and how they are to love one another. Spiritual gifts are not for oneself; they are so that each person can help others and build up the body of Christ. This is a great message that is vital to all believers.
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  • They Went Everywhere Preaching
    Jan 7 2025
    Acts 8:4 — Christianity began as a small movement in a vast, often hostile Roman Empire. How did it grow? What factors contributed to it eventually becoming the dominant religion of the empire? Moreover, what can be learned from the early church as the culture reverts back to hostile paganism? In this sermon on Acts 8:4 titled “They Went Everywhere Preaching,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones highlights the vital importance of men like Peter, Paul, and the other apostles as they preached the good news around the empire. Interestingly, he notes the role persecution played in the spread of the gospel. However, Dr. Lloyd-Jones specifically points to the witness and testimony of ordinary members of the Christian church as being a means God regularly uses to spread the truth about Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones comments on how often the Holy Spirit uses ordinary Christians to preach the word. He emphasizes that the spread of the gospel comes by the preaching of the word, not just talking about oneself. Christians must consider today how God has used ordinary men and women in ordinary conversation, preaching the extraordinary message of Christ to evangelize the world. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches why “gossiping” the gospel is of such great importance.
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  • Prayer Without Ceasing
    Jan 6 2025
    Acts 12:5 — What is the church’s greatest weapon? Some may say organizations or church events, but Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues in his sermon on Acts 12:5 that “our ultimate weapon is that of prayer.” The church has been through hard times since its existence, and Dr. Lloyd-Jones notes that it is helpful to realize how the church has handled it in the past. In verse five, the answer is provided as to how the early church handled persecution — their prayer was made without ceasing. Dr. Lloyd-Jones seeks to deal with two aspects of prayer from Acts 12: “How does God answer prayer?” and “When does God answer prayer?” First, concerning the text, Peter was in prison during the last night of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and therefore could not be put to death, but would be executed the next day. In light of this, Dr. Lloyd-Jones takes note of Peter’s ability to sleep— it was a gift from God. Also, God answered through the miraculous, as can clearly be seen by his escape. Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenges the believer to have faith and expect answers to prayers. Second, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues from this text that God sometimes waits until the last moment to answer prayer in order to test and train.
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