
  • #20 Gaming With Family
    Dec 24 2024

    It seems today, that all you see, is Food Chaining Magnates and Kanban EV. But where are those good old fashioned Knizias, on which we used to rely? Happy holidays!

    Games we played:

    2:30 - Ethnos (2017, Paolo Mori, CMON)

    10:16 - KingDomino (2016, Bruno Cathala, Blue Orange)

    15:03 - Glory to Rome (2012 og2005, Carl Chudyk, Cambridge Games Factory)

    23:27 - Food Chain Magnate (2015, Jeroen Doumen & Joris Wiersinga, Splotter)

    100 games before you die:

    32:57 - Dread (2004, Nathaniel Barmore & Epidiah Ravachol, The Impossible Dream)



    38:21 - Gaming With Family

    Gaming with kids https://www.dicebreaker.com/categories/board-game/opinion/trying-to-get-kids-into-board-games-its-what-not-how-you-play

    How to teach board games https://youtu.be/P5fjDaFuft8?feature=shared


    100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus

    ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning

    Join the convo https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3424399/shelf-stable-ultrathread

    All our socials https://linktr.ee/shelfstablecast

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • #19 ft. Nick Bentley of Underdog Games, Getting the Most Out of Games
    Dec 17 2024

    New game idea, shake the hands of as many former presidents as possible while being completely nude. Standard handshake is 1 vp. Fist bump is 2vp. Partially nude does NOT receive any partial points. You might be thinking, "this is a bad idea," to which I would respond, "have you tried it?" And you would respond "yes, and it didn't end well," to which I would respond, "but have you tried it more than once?"

    2:26 - Intro Nick Bentley of Underdog Games


    Bluesky @nickbentley.bsky.social


    Games we played:

    7:33 - Irish Gauge (2016, Amabel Holland, Capstone)

    12:50 - Skyjo (2015, Alexander Bernhardt, Magilano)

    19:18 - Sprawlopolis (2018, Steven Aramini & Danny Devine & Paul Kluka, Button Shy)

    100 games before you die:

    21:33 - Camel Up (2018, Steffen Bogen, Pretzel)



    26:04 - Getting the Most Out of Games



    100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus

    ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning

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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • #18 Print and Play
    Dec 10 2024

    This episode is equipped with state of the art print technology. If you print this episode on your printer you can actually listen to it by rubbing the paper on your ears. Sounds you may hear: Kenny and Tom mispronouncing designer names like the ignorant Americans they are.

    Games we played:

    2:09 - Bus (1999, Jeroen Doumen & Joris Wiersinga, Splotter)

    8:43 - Le Havre (2008, Uwe Rosenberg, Lookout)

    13:54 - 7 Wonders Duel (2015, Antoine Bauza & Bruno Cathala, Repos)

    20:30 - Imperial Settlers (2014, Ignacy Trzewiczek, Portal)

    100 games before you die:

    26:39 - Jaipur (2009, Sébastien Pauchon, GameWorks)



    31:32 - Print and Play


    100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus

    ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning

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    57 mins
  • #17 I Should Have Won
    Dec 3 2024

    Imagine just being absolute trash. Like get good. I was playing blindfolded and my little brother was holding the controller and there was glare on my screen and I wasn't sitting in my gaming chair and I was using a Wiimote that didn't even have the nunchuck instead of my state of the art Logitech mouse. Some folks just don't know how to take an L am I right?

    Games we played:

    2:39 - Through the Desert (1998, Reiner Knizia, Z-Man)

    8:03 - Love Letter (2016 og2012, Seiji Kanai, AEG)

    12:17 - Tongiaki: Journey into the Unknown (2004, Thomas Rauscher, Schmidt Spiele)

    16:29 - Brass Lancashire (2007, Martin Wallace, Roxley)

    100 games before you die:

    24:01 - The Quiet Year (2013, Avery Alder, Buried Without Ceremony)



    30:03 - I Should Have Won


    100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus

    ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning

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    52 mins
  • #16 Stale Workers
    Nov 26 2024

    We're tired... so tired. Tired of eating all these meeples. They all taste the same, sawdusty and hard. Give us something to crunch on with a little kick. Maybe put some gochujang sauce on there or a little truffle oil. In the meantime, we'll go back to swallowing a granola of Everdell berries and Azul tiles.

    Games we played:

    3:36 - Raccoon Tycoon (2018, Glenn Drover, Forbidden)

    7:07 - Root (2018, Cole Wehrle, Leder)

    13:13 - Mandala (2019, Trevor Benjamin & Brett J. Gilbert, Lookout)

    16:06 - Survive: Escape from Atlantis (1982, Julian Courtland-Smith, Stronghold)

    Debiasing BGG: https://blog.recommend.games/posts/debiasing-boardgamegeek-ranking/

    100 games before you die:

    21:20 - The Great Dalmuti (1995, Richard Garfield, Wizards of the Coast)


    25:28 - Stale Workers


    100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus

    ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning

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    48 mins
  • #15 BGG’s Top 2001
    Nov 19 2024

    This week, on Shelf Knizia, we talk to you about the latest Knizia's we played followed by a revisiting of the 100 Knizias to Knizia before you Knizia. Later on, Tom shares a Kniziafeed article about The Great Doctor followed by our main topic: why Knizia is so great. Oh yeah, and Tom talks about 9/11.

    Games we played:

    3:24 - Nusfjord (2017, Uwe Rosenberg, Lookout)

    7:57 - Monopoly Deal (2008, Katharine Chapman, Hasbro)

    15:36 - Tigris & Euphrates (1997, Reiner Knizia, Mayfair)

    24:40 - Bee Alert (2012, Reiner Knizia, SimplyFun)

    28:21 - MTG Jumpstart (Bonus)

    100 games before you die:

    31:37 - Codenames (2015, Vlaada Chvatil, CGE)


    35:39 - BGG's Top 2001


    Sourced from Jarrod Carmichael and Patrick Zoch


    100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus

    ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning

    Show More Show Less
    56 mins
  • #14 Overrated and Underrated
    Nov 12 2024

    I'm playing trash games and don't care if you judge me. What these? Yes, these are sweatpants. Those rules aren't real, and these sweatpants are all that fits me right now! On Wednesdays we play Skull Third Edition...

    Games we played:

    2:45 - Medici (1995, Reiner Knizia, Steamforged)

    9:36 - Codenames (2015, Vlaada Chvatil, CGE)

    13:17 - Omen: A Reign of War (2011, John Clowdus, Small Box)

    16:12 - Lost Cities (1999, Reiner Knizia, Kosmos)

    100 games before you die:

    21:01 - Crokinole (1876, uncredited, public domain)


    25:07 - Overrated and Underrated

    51:14 - Divisive Games (bonus segment)


    100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus

    ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • #13 Used Games
    Nov 5 2024

    Sometimes I rub the cardboard tokens of my new games against the cement on my street to make them look like they've been played to death. They just end up looking like they got run over by a cheese grater, but hey, what matters is the satisfaction of saying I'm just better than anyone else that buys new games and plays them right out of the box. Turns out you can also just buy used games. Although, oftentimes they will still come with components that look pristine. In the unfortunate circumstances where my used games come too new, at least I'll be rubbing tokens on the cement for a fraction of the cost.

    Games we played:

    2:48 - High Society (1995, Reiner Knizia, Osprey)

    5:55 - Modern Art Card Game (2008, Reiner Knizia, CMON)

    10:05 - Tyrants of the Underdark (2016, Peter Lee & Rodney Thompson & Andrew Veen, Gale Force Nine)

    14:50 - Quarto (1991, Blaise Muller, Gigamic)

    100 games before you die:

    18:43 - Dixit (2008, Jean-Louis Roubira, Libellud)

    22:56 - Mr. Tom's Wild Ride


    25:18 - Used Games

    Geek Market - https://boardgamegeek.com/market

    Geek Auctions - https://boardgamegeek.com/geekshopper

    Trades - https://boardgamegeek.com/trade

    How To Math Trade - https://youtu.be/tIVfatR2_oo?feature=shared

    OLWLG - https://bgg.activityclub.org/olwlg/

    Weekly Thrift Store Thread - https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/193

    Noble Knight - www.nobleknight.com/


    100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus

    ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning

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    59 mins