• Shifting Paradigms in Medicine #88 - Understanding the Effects of EMFs with Dr. Carlos Ritter
    Mar 12 2025
    Dr. Carlos Ritter is a medical doctor who studied in Mexico City, with three specialties: Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurology, and Sleep Medicine. He discovered that his patients were not getting better because of an elusive and invisible toxin in the environment, which turned out to be non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. He went on to study Physics for over 4 years in an attempt to uncover the effects of EMRs & EMFs. (Particle physics, Quantum Mechanics, Traditional Mechanics, and Helophysicics.) He dedicated his life to research and study to help mitigate the effects of this ubiquitous toxin, which is classified as a Class 2B carcinogen by the WHO. He continues in his quest and has developed services and products in this field to that end. Dr. Carlos Loredo Ritter website: https://emfhometesting.com/ email: emfhometesting@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EMFKnights LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drcarlosloredo/ Broken Brain interview: https://youtu.be/NGwBfd6J6Yw
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    56 mins
  • Shifting Paradigms in Medicine #87 - Exploring Old Traumas w/ Jeff Witzeman
    Mar 5 2025
    Jeff Witzeman is an award-winning filmmaker, musician, speaker, and writer. He has released six documentary films, including Cancer Can Be Killed and Beliefs & Stories. His latest film, Signposts On The Road to Ascension, explores the transformation happening at a deeper level due to government overreach. Jeff is currently separating from the US Government Corporation and diving into regenerative farming and energy healing. Jeff Witzeman Website: jwfilms.org Documentary Films: Cancer Can Be Killed Flipping the Script Works of Your Hands Beliefs and Stories One at a Time Signposts on the Road to Ascension The Bitchen Farm Healing Center- featuring the EE System
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    58 mins
  • Shifting Paradigms in Medicine - Teaching Children using Chakras with Maureen Burford, M Ed.
    Feb 27 2025
    Maureen Burford, M Ed., is the Executive Director and Framework Facilitator for A Framework for Wise Education. She has an M Ed. in Creative Education from UMass Amherst and a BA in music from Cornell University. Ellen Tadd, an Internationally known clairvoyant, counselor, and educator, developed this system and teamed up with Maureen to implement this training. Educators and parents can be trained in these procedures, giving them practical tools and strategies to improve the well-being of young people. Honing well-function across the seven main chakras yields optimal learning and development in all individuals. Thousands of children and teens have greatly benefitted from this thus far, intending to reach many more. This cutting-edge whole-child approach to parenting and education supports children's well-being. Maureen Burford, M Ed.: Creative Lives Website: creativelives.org Email: info@creativelives.org Phone: 802-272-5950 Book: A Frame Work for Wise Education: buy on amazon.com Your Host: Cecilia Cervantes, MD myquantumheal.com myquantumheal.com/podcast myquantumheal.com/contact
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    53 mins
  • Shifting Paradigms in Medicine #85 - Nutritional Concerns in Children with Autism and ADHD
    Feb 12 2025
    Greer McGuinness, MS, RD, CDN, CLP, CLT, Dt. Sp, CMH (Registered Dietician), discusses nutrition and biomedical testing and detoxification in children with Autism and ADHD. She is highly trained and has a Master's Degree in Nutrition Science and is a Certified Master Herbalist, Lyme Specialist, and Detox Specialist. She created the first-ever course, Detoxing Toxins in Kids, for parents and practitioners. Her son was diagnosed with Autism in 2016, which led to this journey. She offers one-on-one consultations and helps parents navigate the complex world of biomedical healing. Greer McGuinness, MS, RD, CDN, CLP, CLT, Dt. Sp, CMH website and contact: biomedicalhealingforkids.com course: biomedicalhealingforkids.teachable.com/p/detoxing-toxins-in-kids - Detoxing Toxins in Kids book an appointment online: https://www.biomedicalhealingforkids.com/book-online buy the ebook The Ultimate Guide to Toxic Free Living
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    57 mins
  • Shifting Paradigms in Medicine #84 - Exploring the Quantum World with Doug Matzke, PhD
    Feb 6 2025
    The mind relates to quantum information since our minds exist outside space and time. Quantum Doug Matzke has been connecting these ideas since he earned a Ph.D. in quantum computing and is an expert in hyperdimensional math used by both quantum and neural computing. Source Science is his label for this "Real Intelligence." hyperbit cloud model of the quantum mind that helps explain how lucid dreams, out-of-body experiences (OBEs), near-death experiences (NDEs), and telepathy are possible from an information perspective. Meaning and telepathy are fundamental to supporting an abstract form of consciousness outside spacetime, matter, and energy. His book at www.DeepRealityBook.com describes this source science model and how it applies to these topics beneath his quantum mind-based model of humanity. Doug Matzke, PhD. www.QuantumDoug.com www.DeepRealityBook.com www.CoherentSpaces.life Your host Cecilia Cervantes, MD myquantumheal.com myquantumheal.com/podcast myquantumheal.com/contact
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    55 mins
  • Shifting Paradigms in Medicine #83 - Quantum Psychology with Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC
    Jan 30 2025
    Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC, is a CO-licensed professional counselor, a holistic life coach, a quantum psychology pioneer, and author of Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness. A lifelong spiritual experiencer, she has devoted the past few decades to pioneering the integration of psychology with quantum physics/science and spirituality. She proposes that by embracing a quantum perspective, individuals can transcend limited perceptions of reality, accessing deeper layers of consciousness, mind-body connection, and spiritual awareness. This holistic approach encourages a radical update of psychology to align with the past 100 years of quantum discovery, psi/meditation/consciousness research, neuroplasticity, and epigenetics, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the human experience. Through her book and practice, she invites individuals to explore the depths of their consciousness, embracing a quantum reality that transcends traditional boundaries of science and spirituality. Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC CO-Licensed Professional Counselor Holistic Life Coach Quantum Psychology Pioneer 303-547-8327 Email: valerievaran@hotmail.com Website: www.valerievaran.com https://www.valerievaran.com/holistic-life-coaching-mind-body-energy-spirit-career-relationships/ Book: Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness. Your Host: Cecilia Cervantes, MD myquantumheal.com myquantumheal.com/podcast myquantumheal.com/contact
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    55 mins
  • Shifting Paradigms in Medicine #82 - Creating a Feng Shui Vision Board w/ Belinda Mendoza
    Jan 16 2025
    Belinda Mendoza is a native of San Antonio and a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin; she began her career as a medical Social Worker. She then went on to do medical sales for Pfizer and Gor-Tex, leading their sales teams successfully. In 2000, Belinda decided to do something more creative and less toxic. She trained in the Art of Feng Shui in the US and China. All her experience allows her to help homeowners and businesses achieve higher success with more abundance, joy, and happiness. She does this through decorating, design, staging, house audits, and energy clearing. She gives expert advice on landscaping, architectural plans, and finding a suitable home. She can help her clients on-site in Austin and on Zoom. Take advantage of her free 45-minute "Get to Know" Consultation.

    Belinda Mendoza of Design For Energy
    Website: www.designforenergy.com
    Email: designforenergy@gmail.com
    Phone/ Text: 512-740-1251
    Social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube
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    54 mins
  • Shifting Paradigms in Medicine #81 - The Medical Nostradamus with John Hogue
    Jan 8 2025
    John Hogue defines himself as a "Rogue Scholar." He has traveled the world three times, studying meditation disciplines and reporting on new religious movements and cults. He has compiled a reference to the world's prophecies concerning the future of humankind in the new millennium. Considered the world's authority on Nostradamus and other prophetic traditions, Hogue is critically acclaimed for cutting through the social, religious, and nationalistic projections of prophets and their interpreters to find the common threads of insight they all share. He has authored over 1,000 articles and 52 published books and has accurately predicted the winner of every U.S. Presidential Election by popular vote since 1968.

    *John Hogue*
    Website: /www.hogueprophecy.com/
    Contact: www.hogueprophecy.com/new-contact-form/
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    58 mins