• Taming the Beast: How to recognise and work with Spiritual Ego
    Sep 11 2024

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    We all have Ego.

    Let's not demonise ego. It's a vital part of us, the conduit between our physical lives and our spiritual lives and an important filter between the two. But ego is easily swayed: we all know the egotist, the spiritual smugness or superiority that comes with the territory sometimes.

    Join us for a discussion about ego: how to make your ego work in your best interests and how to recognise when it is not.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

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    36 mins
  • Unity: the Wholeness of Spirit
    Sep 4 2024

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    Understanding that you are whole is the springboard to connecting with your true spirituality.

    Remembering that unity, being a part of the divine pattern, allows us to manifest anything we choose. It is the simple truth of our oneness that allows us to grow spiritually, to avoid the traps and pitfalls that open up along the way, and to fully realise our potential.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

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    35 mins
  • Stuck? Release your true energetic self and find a new freedom.
    Aug 28 2024

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    Do you feel stuck, unable to progress?

    We find this all the time as we work with clients: the belief that they are stuck, the tacit acceptance that being stuck is a useful way of avoiding spiritual progress and not confronting those triggers that we must deal with to grow.

    There are so many reasons why we put on our blinkers and remain "stuck in the mud". Listen in to discover how easy it can be to get out of that mud, how much joy there is in finding yourself up-cycled, re-energised and ready to share that energy reciprocally. You have freedom of choice: make the right one.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

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    30 mins
  • Has a Psychic Reading left you feeling Disempowered?
    Aug 21 2024

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    It's hard choosing a reader when you are looking for solutions. How do you make that choice, and what is a reasonable expectation of the transaction?

    We discuss out experience on both sides of the table: as readers and as clients. We explore why psychic readings can leave you feeling disempowered and offer some explanations as to why that might be. Can a reader honestly predict your future, or are they only tapping in to one version of you? You have limitless potential, you exist in countless versions of yourself, surely they can't be right?

    Readings are an energy exchange. Listen in to hear our thoughts and reach out with your own experiences - we'd love to know about them.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

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    21 mins
  • Multiple Dimensions are Real!
    Aug 14 2024

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    We are taught not to question our 3D existence: one life on one earth, and that's it. Time travel with us as we explore the truth of this immense topic.

    We know though that we exist in a multiplicity of dimensions and that our lives have already happened, been mapped, and co-exist with us. All this knowledge is ours to have, and as we raise our frequency we are able to see more clearly through the veils that seperate our perceptions. We can travel dimensions, bend time, choose alternate versions of ourselves.

    If that's a lot to take on board, have a listen to this episode and let us know what you realise for yourself.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

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    28 mins
  • Recalibrate your Healing Modality
    Aug 7 2024

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    Is your healing modality lacking that final something? When did you learn it, and how long has it been in practise?

    Those of us advancing our frequency are in danger of being held back by out-dated modalities: in this episode we share our guides directions on how to bring that modality up to date and in sych with our vibration and resonance. Which dimensional reality are you channeling your healing through? Can you extend that? Can you be a more specific healer?

    Developing a personal healing modality is within everyone's grasp. Perhaps now its time to connect to the new earth energies and bring your own skill set to the fore?

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

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    30 mins
  • Spiritual Warriors Unite!
    Jul 31 2024

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    Just what is a spiritual warrior? Do you identify as one?

    In this first episode in our new series, Julie and I look at the truth and discernment needed to be a spiritual warrior, both here on our home planet and cosmically. We want you to connect with your own truth - and to speak with that authenticity.

    As starseeds we know that the vastness of the universe has been, is being, and will be, beset by war and strife. We see it here on earth, our microcosmic reflection of the enormity of all that is. Have we learned peace and love? Are we seeing pattering repeat?

    It can be a hard, lonely path speaking your truth. Not every one gets it. But the time for sitting in the back seat is over, it's time to stand up and be counted. Are you with us?

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

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    25 mins
  • Lisa's Journey toward Spirit
    Jul 26 2024

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    We are delighted to welcome Lisa, an artist whose journey to spirit began after the birth of her son allowed her to reconnect to her creative essence.

    As she found expression through her art, Lisa used social media as a tool to share her gifts and attract her tribe. She understands that frequencies attract, and that we can have twin flames with whom we can negotiate an intensely and mutually healing relationship. Preferring the term "divine union" over "twin flame", Lisa discusses how she works to reprogramme the ego to assist us to consider what we allow our energy field to consume, and how by re-friending the ego, we can achieve the balance that allows the divine union to bless us.

    You can reach out to Lisa through her Instagram page:


    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

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    23 mins