
  • How to Get massive Exposure with Hype
    May 11 2021


    F. Schein is the founder and president of MicroFame Media, a marketing agency that specializes in making idea-based companies famous in their fields. Some of his clients have included eBay, Magento, The Medici Group, University of Pennsylvania, Gordon College, University of California Irvine, United Methodist Publishing House, Ricoh, LinkedIn, and Citrix. His writing has appeared in Fortune, Forbes, Inc., Psychology Today, and Huffington Post, and he is a speaker for international audiences spanning from the northeastern United States to the southeastern coast of China. His book The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers, published by McGraw Hill, appears where books are sold.

    What was the biggest turning point in your life?

    When I finally confronted my fear and got up the guts to leave my corporate


    Imagine you woke up tomorrow and you had to start all over what would you do differently?

    I would have left my corporate job after 3 years instead of 8.

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    56 mins
  • How to Take Your Automation Game to the Next Level - Kevin Snow
    Mar 26 2021
    Kevin Snow is the founder of Time On Target, an Army Veteran, a sales expert and a serious technology geek who knows how to help his clients take their automation game to the next level. With a 20+ year career in business development working with brands like Frontier Communications, Nextel, Salesforce, and BNI; his knowledge, skills and understanding of communication and technology are getting real results for the businesses he works with. Kevin knows how to integrate digital technology with your sales process in an authentic, professional way. He’ll show you what’s been missing in terms of ensuring an effective system of outreach and trust-building. Part entrepreneur, part sales person, part technology master and part Star Wars fan…how can you afford not to have Kevin on your team this year? What was the biggest turning point in your life?: I've had a few huge pivots/turning points 1. Enlisting in the US Army at 34 2. Starting Time On Target as a speaking/training company 3. Deploying to the middle east 4. Moving the company from training to consulting after I discovered my business model couldn't support my deployment schedule 5. Niching my focus down to just sales process and automation 6. Finding a new badass friend and mentor that pushes me forward (shoves me kicking and screaming) and helps me get out of my own way. Imagine you woke up tomorrow and you had to start all over what would you do different? : That is hard to answer... if I did things differently there is a lot of great stuff I wouldn't have now. Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinesnow/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kevin.snow.9659 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinesnow/
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • How Bad Do You Want It - Escaping the Prison of Your Own - Sean Michael Crane
    Mar 11 2021
    Sean Michael Crane is a family man, best selling author, motivational speaker and life coach with an incredible story of perseverance and determination. He has used his hardships and life experience to reach others and inspire them to conquer their fears and pursue the life they have always dreamed of living just as he has. What was the biggest turning point in your life?: At 23, Sean Crane was sentenced to 7 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. With nothing positive to show for his life up to that point and a massive challenge ahead he had a decision to make. Would he give up and let the rest of his life pass him by like the first 23 did or could he face his fears, fight through the pain and pursue the life he always wanted.. From a small cement box Sean was able to take control of his life. He completely transformed his mentality, his routines, and the results he got in his life. “ In that cell I started to create the life of my dreams that I am able to live today.” “ If I did this from a prison cell, I promise you can take control of your life too! You deserve it and you are far more capable than you realize” !! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cranestyle.coaching.9/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sean_crane_coaching/ Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQispS4iu5hz_2dlIZUTcsg My book “ Prison Of Your Own “ : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SQR21M4
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    53 mins
  • Speak with Confidence and Sell with Authority - Jane M. Powers
    Feb 20 2021
    Using her straight-forward, big-hearted style, Jane M Powers guides thousands to Speak with Confidence and Sell with Authority. With decades of successful speaking, training, and coaching, and perhaps most important of all real-life experience founding and running multi-million dollar businesses, Jane appreciates that success is truly about the power of your CORE message. With over 30 years of sales success as a Corporate Executive and Entrepreneur, she brings you everything you need to ensure a competitive edge in the market place. Jane has been changing the way people sell and how to move people into action to make more money, have more fun and most of all - make a difference. Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jane-m-powers/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jmpowersu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janempowers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanempowersYOU Youtube Channel: janempowers
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    55 mins
  • Don't Settle for 2nd Best (Donnie Boivin Gets Coached Live) - Dan Warburton
    Jan 25 2021
    He’s been bullied at school, laughed at by his school teachers for bad grades and then he went on to fail in launching over 30 business ideas. So many years of failing caused him to feel depressed and angry at the world so he committed himself to finding out why he kept failing in business and in life. By his mid-thirties and after having completed over 200 courses in self-development, transformation, leadership and entrepreneurship he gained the insights he needed to finally start living the lifestyle he’s always dreamed of. Dan is now on a mission to use his transformational coaching to enable as many ambitious individuals as possible to pursue a deeply rewarding life purpose and realise their greatest visions. His book Dream it Choose it Live it became an Amazon best seller and it’s now recommended by the great Robin Sharma, the world-renowned leadership expert and author of the book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Dan has now coached over 1000 ambitious individuals and has web spaces full of testimonials from his clients saying that they created results they never imagined possible from implementing what they learned from Dan. Please give a warm welcome to Dan Warburton! What was the biggest turning point in your life? Eight years ago when in a conversation with my coach I learned that when I was 3 years old that I interpreted the world in such a way that was the cause of my many years of struggle and failure as an entrepreneur. I then got to transform that interpretation of my self which enabled me to start achieving results as an entrepreneur that I never imagined possible. Imagine you woke up tomorrow and you had to start all over what would you do different? Invested in high-level coaching instead of so many bad business ideas! Linkedin Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/authordanwarburton/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/authordanwarburton/ Instagram https://www.facebook.com/authordanwarburton/
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • If You are Not Doing what You love You are Not Doing Anything - Cheramie Law
    Jan 7 2021
    Cheramie Law – Owner, Co-Founder and Vintner Former United States Marine, Black woman vintner and co-founder of Salt and Pepper Wine, Cheramie Law is a woman on a mission to share the beauty of Texas wine with the world. Raised in Sherman, Texas, and with a successful career as a Data Management Specialist in the railway industry, Cheramie has been advocating for Texas wine since 2014. What began as a first date to Fredricksburg with now-partner Todd Aho for wine tasting in 2013, has forged into a partnership in wine and life. This partnership is celebrated with the launch of the Cheramie Wine brand. Cheramie’s vision is simple: “My hope is to inspire those who don’t see themselves represented in the wine industry and to show them there’s a seat at the table for them. So pull up a chair and raise your glass, because wine doesn’t have to be so serious. We’re here to have some fun! “ What was the biggest turning point in your life? The biggest turning point in my life was when I turned 33 and I realized I had nothing going for my own life, but I felt I was meant for more. It was heartbreaking but the start of what turned into my own wine brand. Imagine you woke up tomorrow and you had to start all over what would you do different? If I had to start all over, I would believe in myself sooner and not let people walk all over me. Website www.cheramiewine.com Linkedin Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheramie-law-04361420/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/cheramiewine Instagram www.instagram.com/cheramiewine Twitter www.twitter.com.com/saltpepperwine Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1IrOOYTmQ08JsQE_g5kyNA?view_as=subscriber
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    48 mins
  • Why Confidence is a Myth - Donnie Boivin
    Dec 9 2020
    Hey, what's up guys Donnie Boivin here, founder of success champion, the networking groups, the podcast magazine, the Facebook group. And this has been a hell of a ride putting the show together. Going from complete and utter failure when I first started this thing to building out this international business. It's been a wild and just a crazy damn ride. And here I am 250 episodes into the success champion podcast. And, I'm pretty stoked. This is the first episode ever, that I'm sitting in my new studio on my farm, you know, we remodeled one of the rooms, we had to put this all together. So I could set up be here and put out this content for you guys. And I'm just stoked to be here stoked to have this all set up. There's still some work to do on the studio, but we're getting there. I'm excited to hang out. It's interesting over the years, a lot of people have asked me or come at me and said, Donnie, I wish I had your drive. I wish I had your confidence I wish I had your ability to do the things you do? And my answer always is, you do you. I'm not better or more unique than anything else than anybody else. I've just simply been willing to do the shit that that gets me out there learning new things. Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. This has not been an easy damn journey. This has been a lot of work to figure me out. And to learn how to run a business and I'm still learning and shit knows I've got a long way to go, as I continue to plow ahead and make all this stuff work, and make this continue to go. I want to talk a little bit about confidence and motivation and, and all the things that people think they struggle with when it comes to life and running a business. Because here's the thing. Confidence isn't really a thing. Motivation isn't really a thing. And let me explain. everybody wants the confidence to do something or the motivation to do something without the understanding that it doesn't work that way. It's not that you need the confidence to do something, it's not that you need the motivation to do something. It's confidence and motivation are the result of an action, and oftentimes a big action. Come Hang Out on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/SuccessChampion Come Network with Badasses https://successchampionnetworking.com/
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    23 mins
  • How to be a Corporate Drop Out - Lauren Allen
    Nov 30 2020


    Lauren Allen is the founder of Corporate School Dropout.  After 15+ years as a Project Manager Professional (PMP), she's pivoted her skills to support women transition out of their corporate jobs and launch their business.  Lauren has aligned her passion for helping others to inspire, motivate, and empower them to make changes to serve their best life. 


    What was the biggest turning point in your life?: I had moved to San Diego, CA and started interviewing for new jobs, but every time I went to an interview I felt dead inside. I was numb and knew at that moment I was going to do ME differently from the version the world told me to be. 


    Imagine you woke up tomorrow and you had to start all over what would you do different? : My biggest struggle has been the money game. If I could start over, I would focus on my relationship with money and have a rock solid foundation for growing my money and wealth with the business. 


    Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenelizabethallen/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/corporateschooldropout/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corporateschooldropouts

    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lauren_e_allen

    Website: www.corporateschooldropout.com



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    54 mins