• I'm taking a break
    Mar 20 2022

    Hey friends! Thanks so much for being part of this project. 

    #SundayAintScary has meant a lot to me over the past 6 months. When I published my first episode in October of 2021, I knew I wanted to publish at least 20 episodes and then see if I felt like continuing after. While the number was somewhat arbitrary, I knew that getting to 20 episodes is a feat and I went 20/22 in the past 22 weeks.

    Now that I'm here, I feel honored and blessed to have so many people listen and send me messages of support and that my content resonated with them. I post this with a subliminal feeling of guilt knowing those that really enjoyed it won't be hearing new episodes anytime soon. But let me say this, guilt is a terrible way to make a decision!

    I'm taking a break to put the primary focus and energy on my book and Kickstarter, and will be traveling the next 4 months to Mexico, Croatia, Turkey, and Bulgaria. I don't want this podcast to be a "checkbox." If I'm going to do it, I want it to be fully aligned to me, and right now it feels like something I need to drop to make space in my life for other things.

    I'm lucky to have multiple "right" decisions here, but that also makes it tough to know what to cut. I hope you can use motivation from this episode to cut something that's not aligned to your purpose at the moment. And until next time, keep wandering, you're not lost.

    Links Mentioned

    • Youtube
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • Book Waitlist


    The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

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    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

    (Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

    Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

    This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.

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    9 mins
  • [20] STOP Being Original - A Creator's Guide to Success
    Mar 13 2022

    The copy and paste button was invented for a reason. The most surefire way to continue to spin your wheels in life is to force yourself to start from scratch every time you do something. In this episode I’m going to teach you strategies to increase your return on attention (ROA), so you can avoid a miserable and unsustainable creative life.

    Links Mentioned

    • Building a Second Brain (Course + Book)
    • How to Self-Sabatoge in 8 Easy Steps


    The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

    3 Ways You Can Support this Podcast (For FREE)

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    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

    (Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

    Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

    This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.

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    12 mins
  • [19] A Month Long Challenge You Can Steal From Me to Become the Best Version of Yourself
    Mar 6 2022

    I started a challenge in March with 8 friends! Feel free to steal it from me below:

    The Structure

    The challenge is a $31 USD wager. Each dollar represents ONE day in March (hence $31). One dollar for each day.  You can adapt this wager however you want, obviously. The amount of money is less important than the symbol of commitment it provides.

    The goal is to retain your bet. To retain your dollar for the day, you MUST accomplish 2 things on that day:

    1. Do a group “check-in” where you text the rest of the group with your status
    2. Complete all the items on your habit list for the day (honor system - if you say you did them, we believe you)

    Losing Your Bet

    If either of these doesn’t happen (i.e. you don’t text the group, even if you complete your habits, or you don’t complete your habits and text the group), you lose $1 that day.

    If you miss multiple days in a row, your losses start to double. 

    So on the 2nd day of you missing your habits or texting (or both), you lose $2 instead of $1. And so on (e.g. if you miss 4 days in a row, you lose $8).

    If you miss enough days in a row, you’ll end up owing money!

    How to Play

    Everyone chooses something they either want to ADD or SUBTRACT from their current everyday routines in these areas of life for the entire month. These should be challenging yet attainable in your daily life. Adding something means you don’t currently do it consistently. Subtracting something means you do it all the time and want to live without it:

    1. Physical Movement (Exercise)

    2. Mental (Emotional/Spiritual)

    3. Work (Business/Job)

    4. Nutrition (Substance/Food)

    5. Wild Card (Anything)

    Once you’ve chosen the routines you want to add/subtract, you’re responsible to yourself and the group to report every single day and actually do them. Again, only by completing both of those tasks (reporting + doing) allow you to retain your bet on any given day.


    Whoever has the most money in their account when the clock strikes midnight on the first day of the next month gets ALL the money.

    Tie Breaks

    In the event of a tie, the people who tie split the pot between themselves equally.

    Are you going to try this challenge for yourself? See if you can get a few friends to start with you! While you can start at the beginning of the month you can really adapt the structure to fit your needs. Have fun with it.

    DM me on Instagram and send me a screenshot of you and your group.


    The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

    3 Ways You Can Support this Podcast (For FREE)

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    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

    (Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

    Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

    This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.

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    17 mins
  • [18] Be. Do. Have.
    Feb 28 2022

    To get what you want out of life, you need to first act like the person you want to BE by doing the things they would DO so you can have the things they would HAVE.

    What We’re Conditioned to Believe:

    • Have: I have to have this before…
    • Do: I can do this thing…
    • Be: So I can be this person…

    But... this way of thinking is counter-productive!

    • In Have, Do, Be, you’re waiting for an external factor to change you
    • Many people don’t recognize this faulty thinking
    • It’s easy to get stuck in a loop of inaction


    “I need to have money to be able to do this coaching program to be an entrepreneur that makes a lot of money.” But ironically, it's going to be that coaching program that helps you get to the level you want to go.

    The Upgraded Way to Think: Be. Do. Have.

    • Be: I will act as the person I want to be…
    • Do: By doing the things they would do…
    • Have: So I can have the things they would have…

    This Requires You 2.0

    • There is a NEXT LEVEL version of you that already exists in possibility
    • Accessing You 2.0 requires you to act like You 2.0 before you’re ready
    • Some might call it “faking it till you make it”
    • The reality is, if you act a certain way long enough you just become that way
    • The more you connect to You 2.0, the more you can make decisions based on what they do, and it relieves the pressure from YOU

    Questions to Answer About You 2.0

    • You 2.0, think: who do you need to be to get the result that you want?
    • How does this person act and make decisions?
    • Picture You 2.0 in your head. What are some traits that person has?
    • Picture You 2.0 in your head, how does that person feel about themselves?
    • Does You 2.0 have a name that you can reference? (i.e. Alter Ego)
    • What’s one weird thing about You 2.0 that you can always remember easily… e.g. something they wear or do that’s totally unique…

    Links Mentioned

    • Matthew McConaughey Speech
    • The Alter Ego Effect Book


    The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

    3 Ways You Can Support this Podcast (For FREE)

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    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

    (Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

    Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

    This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.

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    13 mins
  • [17] We All Live in the Same Glass House
    Feb 20 2022

    At what lengths must we search just to find out that we're all imperfect?

    We live in a world in which we impact each other with everything we do, yet we find ourselves in extreme silos of division.

    In these silos, we create so much judgment of others that our belief systems become our identities.

    And I’ve been feeling like this shift is causing us to forget something very important: we all live in the same glasshouse.

    People inherently have this rush to throw stones at others whom don’t believe the same as they do.

    But when you throw stones in a glasshouse, you’re only breaking your own collective home.

    A society in which no one can make mistakes is a society in which no one can win.

    No one is mistake-free. No one is defined by one moment.

    True personal growth is acceptance and compassion for others in the way you’d like to be forgiven for your mistakes.

    It’s knowing that if a light were shown on your past in excruciating detail, there would be things you’re not proud of.


    The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

    3 Ways You Can Support this Podcast (For FREE)

    ⁣⁣1. Write a Review⁣

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    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

    (Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

    Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

    This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.

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    15 mins
  • [16] Things Don't Happen for a Reason
    Feb 6 2022

    I've heard time and time again that "things happen for a reason." 

    I disagree...

    Things just happen. 

    The meaning that comes from the situation, or the "reason" is completely manufactured by the person. Two people can have the same thing happen to them and respond in completely different ways. Does that mean either of their "reasons" is less valid? 

    No, it means that we can choose. Think about challenging times in your life. What are the opportunities that have opened up because of challenging situations? Are you able to proactively see the beauty in experiences that initially felt negative? What would you do if you could retroactively create the "reason" for anything happening in your life instead of accepting a presupposed explanation that someone else offers?

    The more we can accept and appreciate circumstances for what they are, the quicker we'll be able to assign our own meaning to them and do so in a way that serves us instead of digging ourselves a grave of despair. Enjoy this episode for my thoughts on this subject.


    The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

    3 Ways You Can Support this Podcast (For FREE)

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    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

    (Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

    Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

    This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.

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    9 mins
  • [15] Ten Habits of Highly Effective Remote Workers and Nomads
    Jan 30 2022

    Life requires you to integrate your best self into all areas because they are all connected. This means: establishing habits for health, wealth, work productivity, and relationships.

    Why is this important?

    It’s incredibly easy to negatively impact one area of life by ignoring another.

    BUT… the same is true inversely…

    It’s incredibly easy to positively impact one area of life by thriving in another. 

    I interviewed dozens of remote workers and high-performing, "effective" nomads. These are the 10 habit pillars of their success, consolidated.

    1. They care about what they put in their body
      • Eat real food
      • Automate decisions
      • Limit toxins
    2. Movement and recovery are non-negotiable
      • Make exercise a priority
      • Integrate movement into daily life
      • Get quality sleep
    3. They don’t feel guilty prioritizing self-care
      • Recharge with healthy escapism
      • Incorporate play and get outside
      • Hygienize information
    4. Create and maintain connections
      • Keep in touch with loved ones
      • Seek accountability
      • Find and/or create local community
    5. Rely on routines instead of decisions
      • Mornings are the same
      • Location-independent routines 
      • Iterate as needed
    6. Resourceful in all aspects
      • Practice minimalism
      • Financially literate
      • Maximize opportunities
    7. They create structure through planning
      • Enable environment 
      • Stay for at least a month
      • Fly short distances
    8. Constantly learning
      • Consume targeted content
      • Learn from other cultures
      • Share skills 
    9. They practice introspection
      • Create a vision for life
      • Reflect on feelings
      • Get JOMO not FOMO 
    10. Optimize productivity
      • Focus on one thing at a time
      • Limit distractions
      • Keep a calendar 

    Links Mentioned

    • My Reflection Cheat Code
    • CoWorkClub.io


    The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

    3 Ways You Can Support this Podcast (For FREE)

    ⁣⁣1. Write a Review⁣

    2. Share with Your Friend(s)

    ⁣3. Follow/Subscribe on your Favorite Platform⁣⁣

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

    (Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

    Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

    This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.

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    18 mins
  • [14] How to Get Universal Energy to Work in Your Favor
    Jan 24 2022

    You are the universe experiencing itself in physical form, and everything you experience is governed by energy, here's how to get it to work in your favor...

    After some time of feeling down, I've had a shift of energy. Being able to externalize my thoughts has helped me move on and forward.

    In this episode, I want to share some of my thoughts about energy...

    Everything, from a granular level, is made of energy. 

    The common denominator between every interaction we have in our life, all objects, plants, humans, and animals is an exchange of energy. Since you both emit and absorb energy from everything you interact with it's a useful practice to ask yourself:

    • What kind of energy do those which we interact or consume carry?
    • What kind of energy are we individually bringing to every exchange?
    • What kind of energy do we want from these exchanges?

    It’s all of our individual responsibility.

    Think about what you eat, what kind of clothes you wear, the music you listen to, and the information you consume, they all make a difference.

    When you realize everything is connected, you give yourself an opportunity to see the big picture. You have an impact. How you choose to use your energy in these exchanges will largely determine what kind of energy you get back. 

    The universe is a mirror and you attract the type of energy you exude.

    Choose wisely.


    The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

    3 Ways You Can Support this Podcast (For FREE)

    ⁣⁣1. Write a Review⁣

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    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

    Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

    (Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

    Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

    This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.

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    13 mins