• Episode 04: The future is Syntropic – Success is a thriving planet
    May 17 2024
    In the fourth episode of this podcast mini-series comes a fascinating and action-packed exchange between Christine and DJ Carey – a call to action, with the rich rewards available when we take the Syntropic path. This episode invites you to move from the impossible to the possible. To overcome the too big, too hard, too uncertain cannot be obstacles – and to join in syntropy as allies. Be challenged to turn to the horizon - to advance on Gandhi’s quote, Be the Change. To live the change you intend to create, now, in all ways, all the time. DJ and Christine will call you to action to free the sustainable, regenerative, syntropic world from the cages of entropic systems. One trim tab change at the individual level. One trim tab change at the enterprise level. This podcast talks to creating a scaffolding for a Syntropic Life, including the use of technology, and a Syntropic Enterprise and examines why this is this important. Hear about how to get involved and why. For
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    45 mins
  • Episode 03: Systems in Syntropy – A global ecology of integrity and trust
    May 15 2024
    In this powerful, confronting and passionate conversation Christine and Cindy discuss the practice of Syntropy. What happens when we animate the critical elements of a Syntropic Enterprise? How does it affect people, not just those actively participating but also those affected by the enterprise in the near and very far term? We hold this in tension with our current Molochian world, where the system is designed for win-lose: accumulation to the few at the cost of the many, extraction to extinction, colonisation and exploitation of people and life. Human history is bloody, cruel and violent. Yet so is our present. Don’t miss the insights from these two thought-leaders as they uncover the possibilities in a Syntropic future.
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    43 mins
  • Episode 02: Human Symphonies – Partnerships for a Syntropic planet
    May 14 2024
    Join Christine and Sarah in their moving, enlightening and far-reaching conversation exploring how we have these truths: Each life has value, and each life is unique. Humans want to make a valuable contribution, to belong, to be a part of something that asks them to be better than their small selves. We do not want to feel exploited, to be extracted to extinction, to colonise or be colonised. We long for beauty, creativity, and connection - to touch, daily, the sacred and awe. This podcast examines - then what do we do? We redesign everything in partnership with life. We learn from Sarah’s work about how a Syntropic Enterprise is a living system. It is biological. It has cells, membranes, and organs. No one part can thrive without the other. Communication flows are exquisite and extraordinary. It has a nervous system. It also has consciousness connected to the greater consciousness of the field. In this episode, Christine and Sarah speak of the critical ana
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    57 mins
  • Episode 01: Syntropic Voyage – Charting course towards life and hope
    May 13 2024
    In this episode, Christine shares the origin story of Syntropic World – with it’s substrate at the intersection of: 1. Working with the powerful white male. For Christine, working as an executive coach with senior executive men over the years, reaching the place where they would share their fears and concerns with her more than with anyone, had her realise their yearning was for the same things as most people, and that they knew they were trapped in a system that is killing us. 2. As a dedicated applied student of Buckminster Fuller’s work, Christine is applying what he called the Nature's Coordinate system - laws and lore - to human relational design. Teams, partnerships, enterprises. Eventually, to her own enterprise, Big Blue Sky and then Syntropic World. 3. Christine’s natural tendency to be a visionary pioneer, edge dweller, truth seeker, systems thinker. 4. Christine’s love of business and enterprise. People doing things together. Christine spent her ear
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    57 mins