
  • #495: OSMnx: Python and OpenStreetMap
    Feb 24 2025
    On this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Jeff Boeing, an assistant professor at the University of Southern California whose research spans urban planning, spatial analysis, and data science. We explore why OpenStreetMap is such a powerful source of global map data—and how Jeff’s Python library, OSMnx, makes that data easier to download, model, and visualize. Along the way, we talk about what shapes city streets around the world, how urban design influences everything from daily commutes to disaster resilience, and why turning open data into accessible tools can open up completely new ways of understanding our cities. If you’ve ever wondered how to build or analyze your own digital maps in Python, or what it takes to manage a project that transforms raw geographic data into meaningful research, you won’t want to miss this conversation. Episode sponsors Posit Podcast Later Talk Python Courses Links from the show City Street Orientations World: geoffboeing.com OSMnx Documentation: readthedocs.io OSMnx GitHub: github.com OpenStreetMap: openstreetmap.org Open Database License: opendatacommons.org ID Editor (Web Editor): wiki.openstreetmap.org Planet OSM: planet.openstreetmap.org Overpass API: wiki.openstreetmap.org GeoPandas: geopandas.org NetworkX: networkx.org Shapely: shapely.readthedocs.io Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm --- Stay in touch with us --- Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • #494: Update on Flet: Python + Flutter UIs
    Feb 21 2025
    As Python developers, we're incredibly lucky to have over half a million packages that we can use to build our applications with over at PyPI. However, when it comes to choosing a UI framework, the options get narrowed down very quickly. Intersect those choices with the ones that work on mobile, and you have a very short list. Flutter is a UI framework for building desktop and mobile applications, and is in fact the one that we used to build the Talk Python courses app, you'd find at talkpython.fm/apps. That's why I'm so excited about Flet. Flet is a Python UI framework that is distributed and executed on the Flutter framework, making it possible to build mobile apps and desktop apps with Python. We have Feodor Fitsner back on the show after he launched his project a couple years ago to give us an update on how close they are to a full featured mobile app framework in Python. Episode sponsors Posit Podcast Later Talk Python Courses Links from the show Flet: flet.dev Flet on Github: github.com Packaging apps with Flet: flet.dev/docs/publish Flutter: flutter.dev React vs. Flutter: trends.stackoverflow.co Kivy: kivy.org Beeware: beeware.org Mobile forge from Beeware: github.com The list of built-in binary wheels: flet.dev/docs/publish/android#binary-python-packages Difference between dynamic and static Flet web apps: flet.dev/docs/publish/web Integrating Flutter packages: flet.dev/docs/extend/integrating-existing-flutter-packages serious_python: pub.dev/packages/serious_python Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm --- Stay in touch with us --- Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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    1 hr
  • #493: Quarto: Open-source technical publishing
    Feb 9 2025
    In this episode, I'm joined by JJ Allaire, founder and executive chairman at Posit, and Carlos Scheidegger, a software engineer at Posit, to explore Quarto, an open-source tool revolutionizing technical publishing. We discuss how Quarto empowers users to seamlessly transform Jupyter notebooks into polished reports, dashboards, e-books, websites, and more. JJ shares his journey from creating RStudio to developing Quarto as a versatile, multi-language tool, while Carlos delves into its roots in reproducibility and the challenges of academic publishing. Don't miss this deep dive into a tool that's shaping the future of data-driven storytelling! Episode sponsors Talk Python Courses Podcast Later Links from the show JJ Allaire JJ on LinkedIn: linkedin.com JJ on GitHub: github.com Carlos Scheidegger Personal site: cscheid.net Mastodon: @scheidegger Fast AI: fast.ai nbdev: nbdev.fast.ai nbsanity - Share Notebooks as Polished Web Pages in Seconds: answer.ai Pandoc: pandoc.org Observable: github.com Quarto Pub: quartopub.com Deno: deno.com Real World Data Science site: realworlddatascience.net Typst: typst.app Github Actions for Quarto: github.com Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm --- Stay in touch with us --- Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • #492: Great Tables
    Jan 30 2025
    Join me as I chat with Rich Iannone and Michael Chow from Posit where we explore the transformative power of data tables with the Great Tables library. We'll cover practical applications of Great Tables, showcasing how thoughtful design and advanced formatting can elevate your data presentations. And you'll learn about innovative features like nano plots and interactive elements and the importance of structure, format, and style in crafting tables that both inform and inspire. Whether you're a seasoned data scientist or just starting out, this episode is packed with valuable tips and inspiring examples to enhance your data storytelling.

    Episode sponsors

    Podcast Later
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show Michael Chow: github.com/machow
    Richard Iannone: github.com/rich-iannone

    Episode Deep Dives Writeup: talkpython.fm/blog

    Great Tables: github.com
    Making Beautiful, Publication Quality Tables PyCon talk: youtube.com
    Andrew Weatherman's Visualization Gallery: aweatherman.com
    Bureau of the Census Manual of Tabular Presentation: census.gov
    Table Contest: posit.co
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com
    Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app
    Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app
    Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • #491: DuckDB and Python: Ducks and Snakes living together
    Dec 27 2024
    Join me for an insightful conversation with Alex Monahan, who works on documentation, tutorials, and training at DuckDB Labs. We explore why DuckDB is gaining momentum among Python and data enthusiasts, from its in-process database design to its blazingly fast, columnar architecture. We also dive into indexing strategies, concurrency considerations, and the fascinating way MotherDuck (the cloud companion to DuckDB) handles large-scale data seamlessly. Don’t miss this chance to learn how a single pip install could totally transform your Python data workflow! Episode sponsors Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON Data Citizens Podcast Talk Python Courses Links from the show Alex on Mastodon: @__Alex__ DuckDB: duckdb.org MotherDuck: motherduck.com SQLite: sqlite.org Moka-Py: github.com PostgreSQL: www.postgresql.org MySQL: www.mysql.com Redis: redis.io Apache Parquet: parquet.apache.org Apache Arrow: arrow.apache.org Pandas: pandas.pydata.org Polars: pola.rs Pyodide: pyodide.org DB-API (PEP 249): peps.python.org/pep-0249 Flask: flask.palletsprojects.com Gunicorn: gunicorn.org MinIO: min.io Amazon S3: aws.amazon.com/s3 Azure Blob Storage: azure.microsoft.com/products/storage Google Cloud Storage: cloud.google.com/storage DigitalOcean: www.digitalocean.com Linode: www.linode.com Hetzner: www.hetzner.com BigQuery: cloud.google.com/bigquery DBT (Data Build Tool): docs.getdbt.com Mode: mode.com Hex: hex.tech Python: www.python.org Node.js: nodejs.org Rust: www.rust-lang.org Go: go.dev .NET: dotnet.microsoft.com Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm --- Stay in touch with us --- Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • #490: Django Ninja
    Dec 24 2024
    If you're a Django developer, I'm sure you've heard so many people raving about FastAPI and Pydantic. But you really love Django and don't want to switch. Then you might want to give Django Ninja a serious look. Django Ninja is highly inspired by FastAPI, but is also deeply integrated into Django itself. We have Vitaliy Kucheryaviy the creator of Django Ninja on this show to tell us all about it.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show Vitaly: github.com/vitalik
    Vitaly on X: @vital1k

    Top 5 Episodes of 2024: talkpython.fm/blog/posts/top-talk-python-podcast-episodes-of-2024

    Django Ninja: django-ninja.dev
    Motivation section we talked through: django-ninja.dev/motivation
    LLM for Django Ninja: llm.django-ninja.dev
    Nano Django: github.com/vitalik/nano-django
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com
    Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app
    Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app
    Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • #489: Anaconda Toolbox for Excel and more with Peter Wang
    Dec 20 2024
    Peter Wang has been pushing Python forward since the early days of its data science roots. We're lucky to have him back on the show. We're going to talk about the Anaconda Toolbox for Excel as well as many other trends and topics that are hot in the Python space right now. I'm sure you'll enjoy listening to the two of us exchanging our takes on the topics and trends.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show Peter on BSky: @wang.social
    Michael on BSky: @mkennedy.codes
    Michael's Curated BSky Starter List: bsky.app
    Python Blsky Starter Pack List: blueskydirectory.com

    Anaconda Toolbox for Microsoft Excel: anaconda.com
    JupyterLite: jupyter.org
    8 of the Biggest Excel Mistakes of All Time: blog.hurree.co
    The Five Demons of Python Packaging PyBay talk: youtube.com
    PEP 759: peps.python.org
    TIOBE Index: tiobe.com
    pyscript: pyscript.net
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com
    Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app
    Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app
    Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • #488: Multimodal data with LanceDB
    Dec 12 2024
    LanceDB is a developer-friendly, open source database for AI. It's used by well-known companies such as Midjourney and Character.ai. We have Chang She, the CEO and cofounder of LanceDB on to give us a look at the concept of multi-modal data and how you can use LanceDB in your own Python apps.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show Chang She: @changhiskhan
    Chang on Github: github.com

    LanceDB: lancedb.com
    LanceDB Source: github.com
    Embeddings API: github.com
    MinIO: min.io
    LanceDB Quickstart: github.com
    VectorDB-recipes: github.com
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com
    Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app
    Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app
    Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
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    58 mins