• Interview with Sam Gibbs Morris - Speaker, Thought Leader, and Leadership Coach
    Apr 13 2022

    Sam grew up believing he was a burden to his family and used drugs, alcohol and partying to cover up his insecurities and fear. During an 8 year bender he ended up in jail more than 15 times and at rehab 6. He ostracized all his family and friends and eventually sank to a low point which led to a suicide attempt.

    After a fresh start in a new city, he started to acknowledge the toxic behaviors and limiting programs he had running his life. He decided to pursue his passion for personal training and started a healing journey to get to the root of his problems. A couples years later a psychedelic experience helped him find a profound sense of inner freedom.

    He founded the The Full Fuck Yes Frequncy™ men's movement and is now helping men transcend their edges, raise their vibration, and say a full fuck yes to themselves from a place of truth, authenticity, power, honor, and love for themselves.

    We get into all that and more on this Full Fuck Yes episode of the Action Hour.

    Tune in - the Episode with Sam is live!

    Connect with Sam here on Instagram and atwww.samgibbsmorris.com

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    56 mins
  • Becoming a Man
    Apr 11 2022

    I'm taking ownership of my personal power, my purpose and really focusing on being present. 

    I feel like I am stepping authentically into my definition of what it means to be a man. 

    All of this on the backside of breakthrough conversation with my Dad. 

    Every boy needs love and attention from a masculine figure.

    Without it little boys grow up stunted.

    The demasculinization of men in the modern world and prevalence of single moms is, I believe, a destabilizing force in our society. 

    Men, it's time to step up. 

    After years of carrying anger and resentment towards my father, I have been able to rebuild our relationship. 

    This episode I detail how I did it. 

    I hope it serves you well and can support you as you step into the next level of leadership for your family and community. 

    We need you here now. 

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    36 mins
  • Interview with Rachel Ogan - Entrepreneur, Healer and Medicine Woman
    Apr 6 2022

    Rachel helps people uncover who they really are. A woman of many talents - entrepreneur, Kambo Practitioner, animal reiki healer, medicine woman, intuitive movement guide and more - she helps people build a relationship with their physical body.

    After struggling with anxiety and depression for years a divine intervention directed her to an ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica. Her focus on integrating her transformative psychedelic journey opened up a number of energetic gifts and revealed her empathic nature. She has been embodying her souls mission ever since.

    We talk about water, frogs, energy, ayahuasca, crystals, channelling, intuition, embodiment, movement and all the other things you don't know you need to radically level up your life. Rachel is water and fire at the same time, and she over delivers in practical wisdom and advice to help you on your journey to embodying your highest purpose.
    This is episode is SO GOOD!
    Tune in and let Rachel's words light up your life.
    Find her on Instagram at

    and at www.highvibewatertribe.com

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Own Nothing. Be Happy.
    Apr 4 2022

    Own nothing. Be happy.

    That's the promise for the year 2030 and it's a clear and present danger to the foundation of our democracy.

    The Agenda is clear, so is the means of getting us there.

    Tear down the world we're living in so it can be rebuilt by a billionaire class that wants total power and control of every area of your life.

    We've got a bumpy road ahead folks.

    Every single one of us will be affected.

    It is an imperative for you to start to trust those intuitive hits that have been poking you the last couple of years trying to get you to pay closer attention.

    The time is Now.

    We must come together and find alternative ways of functioning in this world or our freedom will go to waste.

    If you're alive right now it's for a reason.

    Your soul chose this life during this time for a definite purpose.

    Your purpose is just waiting to push out so you can step fully into who you were born to be.
    So you can stand out as a leader for your sake and for your families.

    This is the greatest opportunity.

    Will you answer the call or just wait until you're wasting away, owning nothing and being happy?

    Connect with me on Instagram @action_jesse


    Are you living your purpose or wasting your life?

    Take the Freedom Fighter quiz and find out! 

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    29 mins
  • Interview with Sebastian Hernandez - US Navy Vet, Self Mastery Coach, Shamanism
    Mar 9 2022

    Sebastian Hernandez is a U.S. Navy Veteran turned Self-Mastery Coach now on the path Shamanism.

    We get into his inspiring journey through it all starting off with Ayahuasca, Kambo and whats it like to work with Shamans.

    He drops the 3 most fundamental questions you must answer to live your best life, plus offers the 6 step process to help you live your highest purpose.

    This episode is so packed full of adventure and actionable advice and it is live.

    Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

    Connect with Sebastian:

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Calling Forward the Collective
    Mar 7 2022

    I am calling forward the Collective to lay the Groundwork for Humans in Harmony.

    A network for the people by the people so we no longer rely on outdated systems and perceptions put in place to hold us back.
    The vision is to build a community, separate from and sustainable without the systems currently set in place.
    A template for the world where humans learn to live in harmony with themself, each other and the world around us.
    This is already happening with more and more sustainable and conscious communities popping all over the world.

    It has been done for hundreds of years by indigenous people from all over the world.
    Now it's time we come together as One Unified Front.
    A front that stands for freedom.

    Because freedom is life and life is love.

    Together, let's secure for ourselves and for future generations a world filled with the peace, love and harmony that we already are.
    I'm calling forward the collective to lay the Ground work for Humans in Harmony and I need your help.

    Tune in.
    Spread the world.

    Message me on Instagram @action_jesse and join us in the fight for lives.

    Show More Show Less
    14 mins
  • Interview with Jessica Gongora - Tantra Awakening and Conscious Cannabis Facilitator
    Mar 2 2022

    Jessica Gongora- the Conscious Zipporah - leads Sex Magic Workshops and Conscious Cannabis ceremonies to help people activate their sexual energy and connect with their Higher Self.

    After a handful of toxic relationships and abuse she was pushed to go on a journey to Colombia where she faced her anxieties, paranoia and panic attacks which led to a breakthrough on her path of inner healing.

    She has since traveled internationally facilitating ceremonies within Spiritual communities and at Retreats, co-hosting Tantra Awakening workshops.We talk about her experience with different plant medicines, hosting women's circles, cosmic orgasms and how she continues to be pulled forward to a vision of her higher self - helping as many people as she can along the way.

    This episode was a lot of fun!

    Tune in now.

    Connect with Jessica:

    On Instagram at @conscious.zipporah and @yessika.gongora or join her facebook group here. 

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 19 mins
  • The Future of the Free World
    Feb 28 2022

    The future of the free world is built on community, crypto and consciousness. 

    This is the new world we are moving into now. ⁣

    What's most important during this transition is that we find and build relationships with likeminded people.

    We contribute in meaningful ways to a community of others who want the same.⁣

    We’ll need each other in the new world more than ever. 

    It’s time to invest in cryptocurrencies that will replace the failing financial system. ⁣

    These are not fads. 

    They are literally the future of finance. Get in now before it’s too late.  ⁣

    Finally, Consciousness.⁣

    We are living through a global spiritual awakening.

    We are spiritual beings living in a universe made of energy. ⁣

    We are a part of an infinite intelligence that permeates through all things. 

    We are just now remembering this fact.

    The old systems are failing but what will replace them is beyond our wildest dreams.

     ⁣We can be a part of creating this new world or cling to the old systems falling apart at the seams. ⁣

    These 3 C’s are what I believe will be needed in this new world and we’ll be better off if we work together in teams. 💥

    I’m grateful for the gift of being alive during the time and hope you’ll join us on the other side. ⁣

    Join me in the fight for our lives! 

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    30 mins