• Bangkok Pains: Distilling Bangkok Into a Board Game [S7.E61]
    Mar 11 2025

    Greg interviews Tim Swainson and his team at creative agency Invisible Ink about their Thai-centric board game, ‘Bangkok Pains.’ The show begins with introductions from the creative team at Invisible Ink, and Tim then gets into explaining the game. The first rule of Bangkok Pains is that all players start in debt, mirroring the plight of many Bangkokians, both natives and foreigners. There are the standard board game pieces, in this case, everything from an iconic plastic chair to a bottle of fish sauce and a plate of Som Tum.

    Each player then picks a ‘career card’ to see their job and salary (Greg manages to be a professional gamer with a monthly salary of 30,000 baht, while other players score careers such as influencer, DJ, and plastic surgeon) as well as a property card, which determines where you’ll live, and which track on the board game you’ll follow on your way to work (car or BTS).

    As the group plays, they discuss where the game idea came from, how it was developed, and the endless rounds of testing that went into finding the right balance of playability, benefits, and penalties. How did they manage to distill all of Bangkok into a board game? Listen in for details - or better yet, buy the game yourself, get some drinks, and invite a few friends to play!

    Listen in for an endless supply of Thai and Bangkok nuggets of trivia and insight into how the game was developed.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

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    45 mins
  • How Thick is Your Bubble? Piercing the Thai/Expat Barrier [S7.E60]
    Mar 4 2025

    Following a great suggestion from listener Kelly, Greg and Ed discuss the ‘expat bubble,’ the tendency for expats (and tourists) to primarily spend time with foreigners, rather than experience the same Bangkok that the majority of Thais are experiencing. Kelly noted that on her recent solo travels in Bangkok, she often found truly Thai markets that were very cheap with delicious food but also that she was the only Westerner there. Certain other cheap food courts, such as those in Big C, would have a more mixed customer base. What gives?

    Greg and Ed do their best to untangle the mystery. Perhaps the ‘super-Thai’ markets appeared too dirty to anyone but long-term expats, with tiny plastic chairs sitting among random detritus, food apparently kept sitting out too long, and the potential of random vermin running across your feet. Or could it be the expected lack of English and the social awkwardness of functioning among Thai who might not be used to tourists and foreigners? This certainly kept Greg from experiencing ‘real’ Thailand during his first wasted half-year in Chiang Mai. The boys note that a lot of what’s going on might just boil down to personality type. Some of us expats and tourists are just naturally more adventurous and willing to put up with some embarrassment in order to try something new. While others stick to the predictable path, if not Starbucks or McDonald’s, then a ‘Thai’ food court in a clean, international mall.

    In the end, Greg and Ed make the case for reminding yourself that perhaps 80% of Thais in Bangkok rarely interact with foreigners, and it’s their lives that actually constitute the ‘real’ Thailand. So if you want to experience something really new and different and not just safe, it’s probably worth giving some of those crowded, hot and grimy markets a go. At the very least, you’ll save money and eat well! :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

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    32 mins
  • George Dupont: The Only Thai to Fight in the US Civil War [S7.E59] (Classic Recast)
    Feb 25 2025

    We recount the fascinating story of George DuPont, the only Thai person who fought in the American Civil War. The first record of George in the U.S. is in 1859, but almost nothing is known of how or why he ended up in the United States. We know that in 1862 he volunteered for a New Jersey regiment to fight for the North in the American Civil War. Shockingly, he fought in and survived the battles of Antietam, Chancellorville, and Gettysburg, three of the bloodiest battles of the war. He was eventually naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1869.

    He subsequently returned to Thailand, or Siam as it was known, and worked a variety of jobs, from writer for an English language newspaper to a drillmaster to a timber dealer. He died at age 56, and you can still see his grave in the Bangkok Protestant Cemetery on Charoen Krung 72/5.

    George DuPont represents a fascinating glimpse into the lives of early Thai immigrants to America. Greg and Ed surmise that there must have been immigrants before him, equally or more interesting! One way or another, we’ll find them and tell their stories on the Bangkok Podcast. :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. And we’ll keep our Facebook, Twitter, and LINE accounts active so you can send us comments, questions, or whatever you want to share.

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    27 mins
  • Ajarn Ed: Explaining America to Thai University Students [S7.E58]
    Feb 18 2025

    Greg questions Ed about his main job - teaching ‘American Studies’ to Thai college students. Effectively, Ed’s job and his side gig (the podcast) are opposites of each other, given that he is attempting to explain Thai society and culture to foreigners on the podcast.

    Ed begins with America 101 - basic lessons about the U.S. that every Thai person should know, especially before traveling there. First, the U.S. is physically a VERY big country, but also quite diverse. The Northeast is quite different from the Midwest, which is in turn different from the South, which differs from the West Coast, etc. Hence, Ed notes that the U.S. is actually a difficult country to generalize about, and some of his students grapple with the concept. For instance, life in an urban city can be completely different from life in the suburbs or rural area, despite both being in the U.S. Second, the U.S. has a violent crime problem, and Thais should be very careful where and when they go somewhere, especially in cities. While the country overall is ‘safe’ in the general sense, that’s not true at all times and in all places. And last, health care in the U.S. is VERY expensive, and no one should travel there without health insurance. ‘Nuff said.

    Greg then asks Ed about cultural lessons, and Ed notes that often American culture is best explained as the reverse of Thai culture. The U.S. is individualistic, while Thailand is group-oriented. The U.S. is legalistic and ‘low context’, while Thailand is ‘flexible’ about the law and ‘high context.’ And of course, Americans are more direct and engaging than Thais, who tend to be ‘shy’ and hang back, especially with strangers.

    No culture is inherently ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than any other, but that doesn’t mean they are all the same. :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

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    39 mins
  • Hmmm…A Few Things About Bangkok That Are Over & Underrated [S7.E57]
    Feb 11 2025

    Greg and Ed discuss various aspects of Bangkok that they believe are either overrated or underrated. The guys start with things that they believe get too many props. Greg mentions the Grand Palace and the Damnoen Saduak floating market that tend to be too touristy and overcrowded, but that there are unsung superior alternatives where tourists could better spend their time. Ed counters with Thai customer service, which he credits for being genuinely warm but which he believes is often unprofessional, at least outside of five-star hotels.

    Greg then brazenly brings up Pad Thai, which has never floated his boat regardless of its reputation. For Ed, he thinks Thai temples are overrated in general, at least beyond the main ones that everyone should go to at least once.

    Greg then goes deep with a critique of the emphasis Thais place on ‘respect,’ especially for older people out of course. That’s probably a good topic for a whole show.

    For underrated, the guys cover things such as various museums, some financial management options (that a lot of foreigners don’t know about), taxis, and Thailand outside of the main tourist areas. Listen in if you want all the inside info! :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

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    38 mins
  • Redefining What A Modern Family Means in Thailand [S7.E56]
    Feb 4 2025

    Continuing the exploration of some of the unexpectedly progressive moves that Thailand makes from time to time, Greg interviews his friend Jacob, an American, and his husband Geng, a Thai, about their marriage in Thailand as two men and their efforts to build a family through surrogacy. The couple begins by relating how they met and began dating, and Jacob adds that even at that stage he was looking into becoming a single father through some type of surrogacy. Luckily Geng was on board, and they began researching different clinics worldwide. They settled on a clinic in Colombia that they felt was very professional and transparent.

    With a baby (the genetic son of Jacob) on the way, they decided to make their relationship legal, but at that time, same-sex marriages were still unrecognized in Thailand. Hence, they chose an online marriage in the U.S. state of Nevada. Now legal, they were then able to take their Colombian-born son back to Thailand. While there were no problems actually entering Thailand, their son was only recognized as an American tourist, with no legal connection to Geng.

    The guys then explain that they plan to repeat the process with a genetic child of Geng, so they eventually hope to have two children. The next step then will be having their marriage legalized in Thailand, and finally they hope to secure the legal status of their children.

    Whew! Talk about pushing the boundaries of a ‘conservative Buddhist’ country.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

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    55 mins
  • Bangkok's Craft Brew Godfather: A Chat with Khun Chit [S7.E55] (Classic Recast)
    Jan 28 2025

    Greg interviews the fascinating Wichit Saiklao, godfather of craft beer in Thailand and founder of Chit Beer, with podcast friend Scott Coates sitting in for fun. Khun Chit relates how he first learned about homebrewing while living in the States, and after returning to Thailand and buying a small house on the river island of Ko Kret, he decided to give it a try with a kit he bought on Amazon. Just seven years later, he is a legend of Thai brewing, not just because of his own popular craft beers but also because of his brewing school which now has thousands of graduates.

    Khun Chit explains his approach to Thai law, which in general prohibits small batch brewing: by focusing on staying under the radar while campaigning to change the law and spreading his love of brewing to his ‘army’ of brewers, he hopes to push Thai culture in the right direction. He estimates that there are already tens of thousands of Thai people brewing quietly at home, a number so large that eventually the Thai government will likely have to accept as a fact of life.

    Greg, Scott and Khun Chit discuss the community of brewers that he has fostered and spread around the country, his ignoble first attempts at brewing, and what drives him forward.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. And we’ll keep our Facebook, Twitter, and LINE accounts active so you can send us comments, questions, or whatever you want to share.

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    42 mins
  • What Changes Would Ed Make if He Was in Charge of Thailand? [S7.E54]
    Jan 21 2025

    Greg and Ed engage in a bit of fantasy as Ed imagines what he would do if he were the Prime Minister (or maybe more accurately, dictator) of Thailand. Ed begins with the caveat that he can only see the world through his own eyes, so his dream policies probably will not align with the average Thai person or maybe even most foreigners.

    Ed presents a total of ten changes he would make to the country if he could, and Greg gives wise counsel for each proposal. In no particular order, Ed suggests building a modern prison system to buttress the rule of law, making significant investments in the riverfront, completing the Kra Canal Project, and eliminating dual pricing nationwide. He also emphasizes the need to modernize the laws that govern expats in Thailand, which seem to have been written in the Dark Ages. To top it off, Ed strongly prefers the old-school elephant flag to the current three-striped flag, and he’d rather the country be formally known as Siam due to the racist origins of the name ‘Thailand.’

    Greg is impressed with the depth of Ed’s plans and vows to come up with his own suggestions. Some day. :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

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    44 mins