
  • Episode 3: Does Islam Only Have Five Pillars?
    Apr 16 2022

    Ibn Rajab says regarding the hadith which states that “Islam is built upon five...” in his Jāmi‘ al-‘Ulūm wa al-Ḥikam:  “What is meant is to strike the similitude of Islam as a building whose supports are these five, such that the building cannot stand firm without them. The rest of the attributes of Islam are added to the  building to make it complete.”
    Ibn Hibban comments: “And this is what we say in our book, because when the Arabs mention something known in the language which has such  enumeration, it does not mean that the listed number of matters is to the exclusion of all others.”
    So Islam cannot be limited to these five. It should also be noted that neither the word ‘pillars’ (arkān) nor the word ‘only’ (faqaṭ) is used in the hadith.

    This episode is also available as a blog post: http://caliphate1.com/2022/02/27/does-islam-only-have-five-pillars/

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    7 mins
  • Episode 2: Ramadan, Muslim Disunity and the Caliphate Solution
    Mar 20 2022

    Our disunity as a Muslim Ummah is painfully apparent every Ramadan. We  cannot agree on when to begin fasting and when to celebrate Eid. This  reality is pointed out with glee by the enemies of Islam. Even countries  which are neighbours announce the beginning and end of Ramadan on  different days. It seems that when it comes to this issue (among a vast  array of others), we are still suffering from the historical decisions  of the colonial powers which divided our lands (as was the case with the  secret Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916, which partitioned the Ottoman  Caliphate). This chaos and fitna is further compounded by the  announcements of the ignoble regime in Arabia, which in the past has  declared that the moon has been seen when in fact its sighting would  have been impossible.

    The solution to this predicament is the same as the solution to so many of the problems facing the Ummah, namely the Caliphate.

    This episode can be viewed as a blog post at: https://caliphate1.com/2022/03/19/ramadan-muslim-disunity-and-the-caliphate-solution/

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    9 mins
  • Episode 1: Imam Ghazali’s Views on the Importance of the Caliphate
    Feb 16 2022

    Imam Ghazali had strong views on the obligation of the Caliphate. He wrote about the topic in a number of his works, and even penned a defence of the Abbasid Caliph al-Mustazhir Bi-Llah.

    Significantly, Imam Ghazali considers the subject so important that he includes it in his writings on creed/beliefs.

    This episode is also available as a blog post: http://caliphate1.com/2021/04/02/imam-ghazalis-views-on-the-importance-of-the-caliphate-imamate/

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    10 mins