• 177: Embracing Your Own Kind of Beauty Standard
    Jun 14 2024

    Today, I want to share a funny and empowering experience with you.

    After returning from Bali, I noticed some skin changes that led me to a dermatologist's office.

    While the visit didn't bring major changes, it sparked a profound realization. I've come to understand the importance of being comfortable in our own skin, regardless of imperfections or external opinions.

    Our value is not determined by physical appearances, but by the kindness and love we radiate into the world. Let's embrace self-acceptance and inner freedom, loving ourselves exactly as we are.

    You are amazing just the way you are!

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    5 mins
  • 176: How to Know if you really want it?
    Jun 12 2024

    I hope your day is as amazing as mine, because guess what? Life is full of possibilities, and today I have a challenging yet invigorating question for you.

    Are you ready?

    What is it that you really, really want, but haven't fully decided that you want?

    I know, it might feel frustrating. But think back to your last triumph against all odds. You achieved that goal because you poured your actions, money, and time into making it happen. No obstacle could stop you because you decided that not succeeding wasn't an option.

    So, I'm not calling you out—I'm awakening something within you. What dream have you been holding onto that you've yet to activate with your 'get it done' mindset?

    Is fear holding you back?

    Let's identify those barriers and dismantle them, one by one. Remember, you've accomplished bigger things before.

    I'm betting on you.

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    2 mins
  • 175: How to Fall in Love with Selling
    Jun 11 2024

    oo often, we hold ourselves back, doubting our abilities or fearing the market is too saturated. But the truth is, your perspective and expertise are invaluable - there are people out there searching for the very insights and guidance that only you can provide.

    I share a personal story about how a simple video I created years ago ended up helping someone achieve their dream of publishing a book. You never know the impact your work can have, so don't let fear or self-doubt stop you.

    The world needs your voice, your knowledge, and your willingness to step up and serve. So take that first step, whether it's recording a video, writing an ebook, or launching a new offering. Your audience is out there, waiting to be transformed by what you have to share.

    Let's overcome the excuses and trust that you are exactly who someone needs right now. The time is now to unleash your potential and make a difference. I believe in you!

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    3 mins
  • 174: The Power of Finishing
    Jun 10 2024

    Today, I want to remind you that things worth having take time and come in multiple steps and phases. Remember, you get to see the process through!

    Often, we do most of the work with excitement, but when it seems like it’s not working, we quit right before it’s about to succeed. Let’s decide together to see things through, no matter what the outcome might look like at the moment.

    You never know the accomplishments that await by simply finishing and being true to yourself. Finish what you start, and honor the version of yourself that wanted it. Most of the time, the reward is far greater than you could have imagined.

    Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Finish it for yourself.

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    2 mins
  • 173: Do you receive as much as you give?
    Jun 7 2024

    I hope your day is as amazing as mine. This morning, as I reminisced about the week and all the activities my daughter and I have been busy with, I found myself reflecting on the cyclical nature of life and the vital role of support we give and receive.

    My daughter just completed her second year of college and is now gearing up for a fantastic internship in Manhattan. This means more packing, unpacking, and moving for both of us. Watching her navigate these changes so gracefully makes me incredibly proud.

    It also got me thinking about the importance of being open to receiving help. As a parent, I love supporting my daughter through all these transitions, but do I let others help me in the same way?

    This Friday, my easy, lazy day with her, reminds me of the beauty of slowing down and accepting support from others.

    So, this week, I challenge you to consider: Are you open to receiving help and support from those around you? Allow yourself to be supported just as freely and joyfully as you support others. It does wonders for your well-being.

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    2 mins
  • 172: What do YOU love about yourself?
    Jun 5 2024

    Today, I'm sharing one of my favorite self-love practices that never fails to brighten my day and bring a smile to those around me. Ready for it? Here goes: "Do you know what I love about myself?" Yep, I ask myself that!

    This morning, while getting ready, I looked at my outfit and thought, "I love my daringness!" It got me pondering how we often criticize ourselves rather than appreciate our unique qualities. Let's flip the script!

    Remember, self-love is a practice. When I love myself, I can love others even better. So, here's my challenge for you today: What do YOU love about yourself? I dare you to tell me below!

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    2 mins
  • 171: Why Do You Want What You Want?
    Jun 4 2024

    I hope you're having an amazing day because guess what? I am. Today, I want to ask you a very important question, maybe the most important question you're ever going to get. Are you ready? Here it comes:

    Why do you want what you want? And don't say, "because I want it," because that's not good enough. I want you to go deeper with your response. Really feel the answer in your body. For example, why do you want a romantic partner? Sure, you may say to be in a relationship. But what else? Feel protected? That’s nice, but let’s go deeper.

    What if your true reason is to feel deeply loved and, more importantly, to love someone in such a way that they feel the strength and support to realize their deepest dreams? To connect with another human being who has your back as much as you have theirs?

    Apply this deep introspection not just to relationships, but to your business goals, your desire to be a parent, or your dream to travel. Your deepest, most sincere answer will likely squash any excuses or reservations because your heart and soul will be truly connected.

    Give it a try. Feel it. Snag that deep, true answer and breathe life into it. Let me know how it goes

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    3 mins
  • 170: Start Before You're Ready!
    Jun 3 2024

    Today, I have a little nugget of wisdom to share, inspired by a spontaneous moment that changed my day.

    Yesterday, I was on one of my beloved long drives when an urge hit me—stop my current track and explore something new on Spotify. Initially, I hesitated, wanting to stick with what I knew. But then, I decided to follow that inner voice and dived into a playlist I had never heard before.

    The result? A wave of inspiration washed over me. It reignited passions I've neglected and opened doors to exciting projects. I realized that waiting to have everything perfectly in place often leads to inaction. Sometimes, the magic happens when we simply start—no more planning, no more waiting, just doing!

    So, here's my challenge for you: whatever it is you’ve been postponing because you don't feel "ready," take the plunge today. Trust me, the journey itself will guide you, and you'll learn and grow along the way.

    Let's make things happen together, starting NOW!

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    3 mins