• #55 - Very French Things – Whacky & whimsical ways of life France!
    Sep 9 2024

    In this episode we explore some of the things that are unique in French culture, charming, funny or perhaps just a little odd. A chicken beauty contest, people making pig noises, dogs in restaurants and dipping bread in coffee, plus more weird and wonderful very French things!

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    16 mins
  • #54 - Napoleon Bonaparte – the man, the legend, the weird stuff!
    Aug 12 2024

    In this episode we explore the life of a truly legendary figure. He died more than 200 years ago but his legacy is as relevant in France today as it was then. He was one of the most powerful men in the world. He was loved by some, hated with a passion by his enemies. He was a complicated man, who from modest beginnings on the island of Corsica rose to the become Emperor of France.

    Enter one Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon is one of those characters that even now people have strong feelings about, and France has been indelibly marked by his presence.

    Let’s find out more about the legend of Napoleon – what he was really like and some fun facts from his favourite food to the romantic novel he wrote…

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    21 mins
  • #53 - Empress of Style: the Life and Legacy of Josephine Bonaparte
    Aug 5 2024

    Step back in history to look at the life of a women who helped to shape the history of France.

    She is remembered for her personal style and influence. She was an icon of fashion, a patron of the arts, and the first Empress of France. She was married to one of the most powerful men in the world. And from humble beginnings on the island of Martinique to her days in the opulent halls of French power, her life was one of resilience – a real rags to riches story.

    Legend has it that when she was ten years old, she was told by a fortune teller that she would be unhappily married, widowed, and then become Queen of France. “More than a queen,” she was told, precisely, “but only for a short time.”

    Discover the life and legacy of Josephine Bonaparte.

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    17 mins
  • #52 - All about Victor Hugo, including the odd stuff!
    Jul 29 2024

    We look at the life of one of France’s most famous writers – Victor Hugo. He was a genius writer, a most unusual man who lived an extraordinary life.

    His writing lives on, his books are still best sellers, his writing has inspired films, musicals and plays, one of his books saved the great Gothic Cathedral of Notre-Dame from being left to rot, and one of his hardly known characters inspired one of the most famous 20th century comic book legends.

    Victor Hugo was a fascinating character with a lasting legacy – and he had some outright odd habits which we’ll find out about!

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    17 mins
  • #51 - How the French Riviera became popular!
    Jul 22 2024

    Today we’re setting sail for the French Riviera as English speakers call it, the Cote d’Azur as French speakers call it, the azure blue coast. It’s a stretch of Mediterranean coastline that is as rich in history as it is in sun-drenched luxury.

    We'll explore how it came to be so famous - from Victorian Lords, Ladies and a Queen who loved it and were sort of early influencers, to American celebrities who shaped its fame. We’ll uncover some of the best spots to visit, and share some fun facts along the way.

    So grab your sunglasses and join us as we delve into the allure of the Côte d'Azur.

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    16 mins
  • #50 - French Etiquette
    Jul 15 2024

    Find out all about French etiquette! The social rules that France has are fascinating. We’re going to look at the history of French etiquette, and some of the most common, unspoken rules that can enhance your experience if you’re visiting France - from dining at a chic Parisian café to greeting a local in Provence.

    Dive into the world of French etiquette, covering everything from table manners to tipping and some rather unusual rules in France! Whether you're a tourist planning your first visit to France or just curious about French culture, knowing a few key etiquette rules can go a long way.

    We explore the history of etiquette, how not to make a faux pas in a restaurant and the basics that will get you by in any situation!

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    19 mins
  • #49 - Edith Piaf, the sound of France
    Jul 8 2024

    In this episode we talk about the most famous French female singer of all time. A woman whose voice inspires more than 50 years after her death. It is of course Edith Piaf, who remains in the hearts of the people of France and continues to sell huge amounts of recordings worldwide.

    It is a rags to riches tale, born in the street, working the streets and finally becoming the darling of France, a legendary performer, rich beyond her wildest dreams with Marlene Dietrich as a bridesmaid at her wedding.

    Edith Piaf’s life burned bright, but short, it’s claimed her last words were “every bloody thing you do in this life, you have to pay for…” We explore her incredible life, her music and her legacy.

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    15 mins
  • #48 - La Bise, the French kiss of friendship
    Jul 1 2024

    Today we explore la bise! That’s French for the kiss, but not just any old kiss, this is the kiss of friendship that I am referring to, the tradition the French have of kissing on the cheek when they meet friends and family.

    One of the etiquette rules that confuses just about everyone new to France is kissing! Do you or don’t you kiss someone when you meet them? How many times do you kiss them? We’ll take a closer look at a French custom that's both a greeting and a symbol of social etiquette, the history of la bise, the world’s first and so far only kissing festival in the south of France, top tips for how to get la bise right and why it doesn’t matter if you don’t!

    Plus we’ll save you from yourself if you’re a hugger – never hug in France, only la bise, and everyone will live happily ever after!

    Pucker up and dive into the fascinating world of the friendly French peck!

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    16 mins