• Leprechaun 4: In Space
    Mar 14 2025

    This week we are discussing "Leprechaun 4: In Space." This was a Hall pass pick by me and it also is our 6 year anniversary! This sequel I remember watching at my buddy Tom's as a 10 year old and it's still just as bad as I remember. We talked about bad CGI, Lep with a lightsaber, how Leprechaun's power usage makes no sense, the set pieces, and so much more. Happy St. Patty's Day, Sequel Lovers!

    Watch the Unedited Video Review at sequelsonly.com/LepInSpace

    The next sequel up is "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol" and for it, I chatted with David Codeglia. David did some Visual FX for the film. We discussed his journey from doing films with his twin as a kid to VFX to directing to comedy and more. David wreas a blast and it's a great chat.

    Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is sequelsonly.com

    Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!

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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • Messengers 2: The Scarecrow
    Mar 7 2025

    This week we are talking about "Messengers 2: The Scarecrow." This was a perfect mix of a potentially great sequel but too many odd things. This one gave us so much to discuss and we even invented the "Scare-Man". We talked about how terrible John is to his wife, is the scarecrow traveling to help John, the 6th Sense twist, corn farming, and more. This was a blast to record

    Watch the unedited review at sequelsonly.com/Scarecrow

    I cashed in a hall pass, so your homework is to watch "Leprechaun 4 in Space" in honor of St. Patty's Day!

    Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is sequelsonly.com

    Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!

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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • Halloween Resurrection Re-Release
    Feb 28 2025

    This week is a re-release and we will be back next week to finally talk Messengers 2: Scarecrow. If you are in the New Jersey area the weekend of March 1st to March 2nd, go to the NJ Horror Con and see our pal Brad Loree who was Michael Myers for Halloween Resurrection. Link to it http://www.newjerseyhorrorcon.com/

    This week we are talking about "Halloween: Resurrection" which is the perfect way to celebrate Halloween, even though it's not the best installment. This movie had a lot to discuss and we brought back Nick Sbordone to help us out. We discussed the reality theme used in the movie, the quick kills, Dangertainment, Henry Rowengartner, Tyra Banks, and more. Happy Halloween!Watch the unedited review at sequelsonly.com/halloween8

    Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is sequelsonly.com

    Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!

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    2 hrs and 5 mins
  • Writer Todd Farmer (Jason X/My Bloody Valentine 3D/Drive Angry)
    Feb 21 2025

    The next sequel we will discuss is "Messengers 2: The Scarecrow". For it, I chatted with the writer of the sequel, Todd Farmer, who also wrote the original. Todd talked about his journey from Kentucky to Hollywood to now living in a castle in Portugal. We talked about how having a buddy in college who was friend's with a writer was a big turning point. We talked about coming up the idea for Jason X, acting in some of his films, the difficulty of writing a remake, a writer's day to day on set, owning a castle, and more.

    Watch the unedited video interview at sequelsonly.com/ToddFarmer

    Todd's IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0267805/

    Your homework is to watch "Messengers 2: The Scarecrow" for free on Tubi... We love Tubi.

    Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is sequelsonly.com

    Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Actress Kate Twa (X-Files/Angels in the Endzone
    Feb 14 2025

    Last week we discussed "Angels in the Endzone" and this week is our interview with Actress Kate Twa who played an angel in the sequel. Kate talked about dropping out of school at 17 to learn acting in London, the Vancouver acting scene, landing X-Files and remembering her episode, teaching, running a black box theater, how theater has evolved, acting in Rom-Coms, how Canadian's all know each other, and much more. Awesome Chat.

    Kate's IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0878488/

    Next week we are talking with writer Todd Farmer (Jason X, Drive Angry, My Bloody Valentine 3D, and more)

    Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is sequelsonly.com

    Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Angels in the Endzone
    Feb 7 2025

    This week we are discussing "Angels of the Endzone." This sequel we wanted to tackle because of the impending big game. This is a movie that was super depressing with no lovable characters and lacked of knowledge of football. This movie had a high school bully who was the bookie, the creepy school shrink, the rag-tag group of football players, and a ton more. Enjoy the big game!

    Watch the Unedited Video Review at sequelsonly.com/Angels

    The next week is our interview with Kate Twa who played an angel in this week's movie. We talked about her journey of going to London at 17 to study acting, being on X-Files, playing an Angel, teaching acting, and much more.

    Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is sequelsonly.com

    Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!

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    1 hr and 32 mins
  • Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal
    Jan 31 2025

    This week we are discussing "Turbulence 3: Heavy". This sequel is one of the worst sequels we've covered, but it gave us A LOT to discuss. We talked about Craig Sheffer's wardrobe, Slade Kraven fans, long security scanning scene, 2 major twists, the movie being split into 4 sub movies, and a lot more.

    Watch the Unedited Video Review at sequelsonly.com/Turbulence3

    The next sequel we are covering is "Angels in the Endzone", just in time for the Super Bowl. For it, I chatted with Actress Kate Twa who played an angel. Review next week and Kate's interview will follow the week after.

    Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is sequelsonly.com

    Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!

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    1 hr and 47 mins
  • Actress and Supermodel Monika Schnarre (Waxwork II/Beastmaster TV Series)
    Jan 24 2025

    The next sequel we will discuss is "Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal". For it, I chatted with Actress and Supermodel Monika Schnarre. Monika had an interesting journey to acting that started with winning the Ford Models' Supermodel of the World at the age of 14 and then being in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue at 15, we talked about how different of a time it is now when discussing that. We also talked about her 1st acting gig on Friday the 13th the TV Series while still in Toronto, an Elton John Diet Coke Commercial, never watching her roles, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and a ton more. Awesome Chat.

    Watch the unedited video interview at sequelsonly.com/monikaschnarre

    Monika's IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0773635/

    Your homework is to watch "Turbulence 3" for free on Tubi... We love Tubi.

    Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is sequelsonly.com

    Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!

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    1 hr and 14 mins