• Luke 18:2-8 | Confident in God's Justice | Persistent Prayer (Part 2)
    Jul 2 2017

    We ought patiently endure this present age with great faith, confidently working and praying for God’s will in everything, always looking with hope for the return of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom.

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    57 mins
  • Luke 18:1 | How NOT to Persist in Prayer | Persistent Prayer (Part 1)
    Jun 25 2017

    We must be mature in our praying, not continuing to pray for just anything, but knowing that the call to persevere in prayer is qualified throughout the Bible by a number of wise and godly factors.

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    53 mins
  • Luke 17:26-37 | Loving God's Gracious Patience | Christian Love (Part 8)
    Jun 18 2017

    God’s pending judgment is the sobering aspect of Christ’s return that should make us grateful for its gracious delay, motivated by the current opportunity for evangelism, and thankful for our forthcoming salvation.

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    50 mins
  • Luke 17:22-25 | Loving God's Coming Kingdom | Christian Love (Part 6)
    Jun 11 2017

    It is normal and expected that we intensely long for Christ’s coming kingdom as we seek to undistractedly obey the teachings of Christ in a deteriorating and rebellious culture.

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    55 mins
  • Luke 17:20-21 | Loving God’s Invisible Kingdom | Christian Love (Part 6)
    Jun 4 2017

    Though the arrival of Christ’s visible kingdom is yet future, his kingly reign has begun over his people now, and so we must endure the present age with anticipation, devotion, and an evangelistic drive.

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    44 mins
  • Luke 17:11-19 | Loving God’s Undeserved Mercy | Christian Love (Part 5)
    May 21 2017

    We must identify and thank God for his many acts of mercy toward us, remembering that these are small foretastes of the ultimate mercy of the eradication of our debt of sin by his cross.

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    58 mins
  • Luke 17:7-10 | Loving God’s Challenging Work | Christian Love (Part 4)
    May 14 2017

    We must be continually mindful of the unique and exceeding authority of the Triune God we were created and redeemed to humbly serve.

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    55 mins
  • Luke 17:5-6 | Loving God’s Faithful Promises | Christian Love (Part 3)
    May 7 2017

    We will become more ambitious and more optimistic in our prayers and service for Christ as we learn to wholeheartedly trust him to accomplish through us the things that he has commanded.

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    58 mins