• Headteacher Update Podcast: Nurturing your school’s future leaders
    Mar 5 2025

    In this episode we discuss leadership succession planning and how primary schools can spot, develop and nurture the school leaders (and headteachers) of tomorrow.

    Across two halves, the podcast speaks to four school leaders to find out how they spot, encourage and develop potential leaders in their schools and trusts.

    We ask how we can talent-spot these leaders – what kind of leadership traits and characteristics are we looking out for in our teachers and school staff?

    Then, once we have identified these potential leaders, how do we support them to hone their leadership skills and what processes and CPD should schools have in place to encourage and inspire them? How do you nurture leaders pastorally to keep them energised? And what makes for an inspirational mentor or coach who might inspire the potential school leaders of the future?

    We discuss all this alongside lots of good examples and ideas from our guests’ schools and trusts.

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Headteacher Update Podcast: Managing SEN in the primary school
    Feb 5 2025

    With the numbers of pupils with SEN rising year-on-year, this episode offers advice for primary school leadership teams (especially SENCOs) about the effective management of SEN across the primary school.

    Our expert panel begin by offering their principles of best practice for managing SEN.

    We then discuss how can school leaders can best support their SENCOs and what SENCO need in order to be effective in their role.

    We focus too on how SENCOs can best support teaching staff – what will empower teaching staff to identify and support pupils with SEN and where do the responsibilities of SEN lie between the duties of the SENCO and the duties of teaching staff?

    We talk about who should be on the SEN Register and how this is best managed and we focus on the management of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), discussing some basic principles of good practice.

    We finish the podcast with a focus on the most common SEN – namely autism and speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

    This episode has been kindly supported by our friends at Speech and Language Link.

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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • Headteacher Update Podcast: School food
    Jan 8 2025

    In this episode we discuss how to deliver excellent and high-quality school food on a budget in your primary school.

    We chat with two headteachers and the founder of the Chefs in Schools charity to explore ideas and options for how schools can deliver quality food experiences for pupils.

    We ask how we can work with families to improve packed lunches and also discuss how we can raise money via our food growing and education initiatives.

    We talk about what we can do to improve the take-up of free school meals, and we offer advice how we can deliver high-quality breakfast clubs that make a difference.

    We discuss food education. What should we be teaching about food and how? What does a good food curriculum look like? And we consider the impact that high-quality school food can have for children and their attainment and wellbeing.

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    56 mins
  • Headteacher Update Podcast: Executive school leadership
    Dec 4 2024

    In this episode we take a deep dive into the different roles and models of executive school leadership, looking at best practice and how executive leaders can best support individual schools.

    Our panel of experts ask what different executive leadership roles exist and what purpose they serve; we consider the different structures and models of executive leadership, too.

    We discuss how executive leaders can effectively support the individual school leadership teams within each of the schools they oversee.

    We also detail the the main responsibilities for executive headteachers and their deputies and ask what processes and elements are required for executive leadership to thrive.

    We ask what skills make a good executive leader and hear examples of good practice and effective models from the experience of our three experts, including some of the challenges they have faced as executive leaders.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Headteacher Update Podcast: Effective teacher recruitment & retention in schools
    Nov 6 2024

    In this episode we look at the recruitment and retention of teachers in the primary school, including how to attract the best teachers and ideas and tips for how to keep hold of them.

    The podcast features three experienced school leaders who begin their discussion by each offering their three core principles of best practice for effective recruitment and retention.

    We then consider how we might go about finding the best teaching staff, including how we recruit effectively for specific roles, and what kind of things might attract high-quality candidates to want to work in your school. We also discuss what an effective recruitment process looks like.

    When it comes to retention, our panel considers in depth how to build a school culture that is “difficult to leave”, including how we integrate new staff, mentoring, professional development and support, systems of appraisal, and more.

    And we talk about effective systems of induction for new staff as well to ensure they can hit the ground running when they begin.

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    55 mins
  • Headteacher Update Podcast: Teaching oracy in the primary school
    Oct 2 2024

    This episode focuses on how we can teach oracy and speaking skills in the primary school, with practical tips, ideas, resources and advice.

    Our expert panel discuss what oracy is, why it matters, and the impact we have seen on pupils’ speaking skills since Covid.

    We look at how we can teach oracy in the classroom and across the curriculum, including practical activities for the explicit teaching of oracy as well as ideas for authentic opportunities to encourage talk.

    We consider the role of vocabulary teaching, ask what high expectations for classroom talk look like, and hear examples of practice from two primary schools.

    And we address the important differences between “learning to talk” and “learning through talk” and the vital role of developing listening as well as speaking skills.

    We discuss whole-school strategies, including creating a culture where pupils feel able to speak-up, cross-curriculum planning for oracy, how to ensure consistent approaches, staff CPD, the role of extra-curricular clubs, and more.

    And we look at how we can engage parents in this work while also considering how we can best assess and monitor our pupils’ progress in terms of oracy.

    This podcast has been produced in partnership with Pearson. Visit www.pearsonprimary.co.uk/podcast

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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • Headteacher Update Podcast: Behaviour management in the primary school
    Sep 4 2024

    In this episode three school leaders discuss effective behaviour management strategies and approaches in the primary school.

    We ask how we can build a culture that supports consistent behaviour management across the school.

    Furthermore, what does an impactful behaviour policy look like and how should it be applied in practice to ensure consistency in classrooms, corridors and playgrounds?

    The panel also discusses what support and CPD school staff need in order to ensure consistent and good behaviour management across the school.

    We also tackle how we can work well with our families to help support good behaviour, and how our behaviour policy should be adjusted as required to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND.

    We offer a range of practical strategies with examples and lessons learned from our panellists' schools.

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    54 mins
  • Headteacher Update Podcast: Marketing your primary school
    Jul 3 2024

    In this episode we discuss how headteachers can “market” their primary schools effectively – not least to prospective parents and their wider communities.

    Pupil rolls are due to fall notably in the coming years, meaning that promoting our school’s ethos, culture and educational track record will become ever more important – especially for small primary schools.

    But how do we go about doing this well? We speak to two experienced headteachers of small primary schools and ask why marketing our schools is essential and get their insights, ideas, and tips.

    We discuss general principles of good practice and proactive marketing work as well as some “quick wins” for schools. We talk both short-term and long-term marketing strategies, how to make tight marketing budgets stretch, and how to ensure you capture and communication clearly and effectively your school’s unique selling points and ethos.

    We talk about how we can “compete” for pupils from our local communities in the right way and touch upon involving our pupils in promoting the school as well.

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    50 mins