Welcome to the 8th episode of the ‘Reach Minds: Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ podcast. Today, I am joined by the lovely Sandrine Giacobino. Sandrine will share the magic of yoga and how it can bring us self-compassion, help us be more present, and accept ourselves, among other benefits.
In this podcast, we pose the following questions on yoga magic:
- What drew you to the essence of yoga, and you shared that you ‘Feel the Love.’ What does that mean?
- What is your philosophy when teaching and practicing yoga?
- How have you benefited?
- How have you changed in the process?
- What continues to inspire you?
- What benefits have you observed in others?
- What brings you joy to continue doing this?
- What tips or resources would you offer to others to tap into their own magic of yoga?
I first encountered Sandrine Giacobino when I attended her Yin yoga class. It didn’t take long for me to realize that Sandrine was a special teacher who brought much more to her classes than just her practice. Her readings of poetry and phrases resonated deeply with me and others in her classes. Sandrine, before we begin, I would love for you to share a poem that has meant a lot to you.
What Other Reason Could There Be - from the Tao Te Ching
Life is always too short. We will never be able to see everything we wanted to see, do all the things we wanted to do, or achieve all the successes we thought so important. But to arrive at a quiet mind, and a serene spirit, is the supreme accomplishment. If we do this, we have done all.
Do what you can each day. Enjoy your goals and plans. But the cultivation of your spirit is your greatest task. What other reason could there be for the life you have been given?
Sandrine has a portfolio career. She started in communication within the film industry, aspiring to be a runner. However, she wasn’t quite satisfied with her work in the film industry, so she decided to travel to India to study massage, and as they say, the rest is history.
Sandrine began practicing yoga in 2001 and “fell in love with it.” Two years later, after completing the Sivananda teacher training and teaching for a few months, she travelled to Mysore to study Ashtanga yoga and meditation. This was just the beginning of many years of traveling and studying different traditions, healing practices, spiritual approaches, and yoga with various teachers.
She has studied with some of the best teachers, either in Europe while living in London or during her travels. Her classes mix a variety of styles according to what is needed at the moment. As a long-time student once said: “I never had a single class that was the same during all these years.” London has long been her main home between travels, but she has also taught in Thailand, Bali, South Africa, Costa Rica, and Mexico. Sandrine teaches more and more yin classes, where she finds that the real essence of yoga is a slow, passive practice that allows us to dive into the silence and stillness where everything comes from, allowing us to reconnect to what we truly are.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Highly recommend Sandrine and if you want to get hold of her here are some of the places
*Insta: sandrine_giacobino