• Episode 00 Trailer Episode
    Sep 18 2020

    Welcome to the My Journey to Fearless Podcast. This show is for those of you who no longer want to settle for an unfulfilling day job. Who know you’re meant for more. Who are ready to do great things, make an impact on the world and help change others lives. You’re in the right place if you’re ready to step into your greatness and out of your comfort zone and create your most amazing life.

    If you’re at the start of your journey - if you’re still looking for your passion or purpose, or maybe you haven’t settled on a business idea yet, or perhaps you have your idea but you need help to put it out into the world then you’re in the right place.

    My name is Laura Dixon and I help people who feel unhappy in their job to find their superpower, the thing they’re great at, the thing that brings them so much happiness and then understand how they can use this to start a business that has the power to completely transform their life.

    This podcast matters so much to me because I see so many people settling because they don’t know what they want to do or they don’t have the confidence to try. I often walk past my old office building and see the same people walking in there to start their day - the same people that were there when I worked there several years ago. They look grey and defeated. I know that some of them were unhappy way back when I worked with them, yet they’re still walking into that office everyday because they don’t see the potential inside themselves and that’s so sad!

    I want to help them wake up, I want to bring them back to life and show them just what is possible for them if they choose to see it. I want them not to have to keep living life in black and white - I want them to live their life in full colour - not just full colour - Ultra HD!

    I don’t want you to be one of these people still walking into your office in 2, 3, 4 years time looking grey and feeling like your job has killed your soul.

    I want you to be living your best life in 2, 3 or 4 years time! But to get there you have to start and this is why I’ve created this podcast - to help you get started!

    I’m Laura and every week I’ll be bringing you a new episode where I’ll share stories, inspiration and practical things you can do to begin your journey, overcome your fears and take your first steps towards living your life in Ultra HD!

    Are you ready to start your journey to fearless?

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    3 mins
  • Episode 01 How to Find Your Passion or Life Purpose
    Sep 18 2020

    On my daily dips into various Facebook groups for entrepreneurs I see hundreds of posts about “how do I find my passion?”, “how do I find my life purpose?”, “I’m 30/40/50 and I still don’t know what my passion is”. The not knowing is holding so many women back from living their lives. They are settling for a crappy day job that doesn’t fulfil them and that’s slowly killing their soul while they wait until they know what their passion or life purpose is.

    I see them waiting, settling for years and it makes me so sad.

    So if you’ve been struggling to find your life purpose or your passion then this episode is going to help you so much!

    The good news is that you already have all of the answers inside of you. I don’t just believe this - I know it. In this episode I’m going to show you where to look within you for the answers you need.

    In this episode I share with you:

    *How finding your life purpose is like a jigsaw puzzle - first you need to find all of the pieces of the puzzle and then put them together in a way that gives you the clear picture.

    That we need to stop looking outside of ourselves for the answers - we already have the answers we need within us.

    *The story of how I finally found my passion after YEARS of searching for it and what this taught me about where we can all find the answers.

    *Where you need to look to find the pieces of your own puzzle.

    *Specific questions to ask yourself.

    *How to put the pieces together in a way that makes sense.

    Resources to help you:

    Download your journalling prompts to start to uncover all of the pieces of your puzzle.

    Book your Life Purpose Breakthrough Session and spend time with me 1:1 so that we can work this out together!

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    21 mins
  • Episode 02 How to Stop your Day Job from Draining You
    Sep 18 2020

    Do you often find yourself so exhausted by just getting through your day at work that you get home and all you want to do is sit on the sofa and binge-watch Netflix?

    Do you wish you had the energy to work on your escape plan so you can leave your day job?

    Do you wish you could get home and have the energy and motivation to do that workout? Or just more patience so you don’t snap at your husband or kids?

    In this episode I share my top 3 tips for how to stop your day job from draining you:

    1. Are you the one draining yourself mentally and emotionally?
    • I explain how to spot this and how to fix it

    2. How to stop your work colleagues are draining you.

    • I share my top tips for how to stop this even if you have no choice but to sit and listen to them all day.

    3. How to change your mindset around work.

    -how to switch your perspective about your job even if you absolutely hate it!

    -a challenge for you that will make your time at work so much easier, less stressful and less draining.

    At the end of this episode you’ll have a strategy that’s easy to implement that will help you conserve as much mental and emotional energy as possible when you’re at work, and then you can choose how to put this to good use when you get home!

    Email me at hello@myjourneytofearless.com and let me know which strategies you’re going to try and how they work for you!

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    15 mins
  • E03 Stop Waiting Until you are an Expert to Start your Business
    Sep 28 2020

    If a fear of not being smart enough/qualified enough/expert enough/knowledgeable enough stops you from starting a business then this episode is going to help you so much.

    We all know the story…

    You’ve been dreaming of owning your own business for years now

    You have an idea, get excited, do research, spend hours/weeks planning your logo, brand and what you want to offer and for a few weeks even a couple of months you’re pumped about it!

    But then here come the doubts…

    “what are you thinking?”

    “You don’t have enough knowledge to do this”

    “You’re not an expert”

    “You should stop wasting your time”

    “You need to get a business degree or this particular qualification before you can start this business”

    “nobody will take you seriously”

    Often we think we need to be an expert in order to be able to share our message with other people and it’s just not true for 3 reasons:

    1. Is anyone ever an expert?
    2. Just because you are less experienced than someone else it doesn’t make what you have to say any less valid.
    3. It can actually be a huge benefit to be closer to where your audience are on their journeys

    You have something amazing to share with the world - your own story, your own experiences, your own spin on things. You are unique and therefore you can share your message with your audience in your own unique way.

    They need to hear from you. They need your help.

    Imagine if you had the answers they need - you had already been through the thing they were going through, you knew the shortcuts, you know in hindsight how they could navigate this journey in an easier way, you know how to make it less stressful and less painful for them.

    But you choose not to help them. Not to start your business. Not to share your story, knowledge and experience with them.

    If you do this then these people that you could help will have to take the journey on their own and do it the hard way, like you did, without all of the helpful knowledge you could give them.

    So go back to that idea, get excited, do the research, plan what you want to offer and how you can help people, get pumped about it, and THEN TAKE ACTION. Put it out there into the world. Take the first step. Write your first blog post, your first social media post, record your first podcast episode, do your first Facebook live.

    Tell your story and let people know how you can help them!

    How you can get my help

    Sign up to receive my weekly email where I share inspiration, the lessons I’ve learned on my journey and where I also send surprise freebies (especially when you’re new to my list!)

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    12 mins
  • E04 How I launched my Podcast in Just Three Weeks After I Procrastinated Over Creating it for Three Years
    Sep 30 2020

    In this episode I share all about how I launched my Podcast in Just Three Weeks After I Procrastinated Over Creating it for Three Years!

    I talk about:

    *When I had the original idea for my podcast all the way back in December 2017.

    *Why I waited so long to act on it - I'm a procrastination queen!

    *The doubts, worries and fears that held me back - what if everyone hates it or hates me!

    *What made me take ACTION - the amazing challenge I took part in.

    *The steps I took to create my podcast in just 3 weeks - I talk you through what I did and how I kept it simple.

    *What's happened since I launched my podcast - I share with you how many downloads I've had in the first 6 days!

    To find out more about Atomic click here - their £1 offer has now ended, HOWEVER, you can join for FREE and try out their starter plan which includes a great tool called the "success predictor". You take the quick assessment and they score you on each area of your business and give you tips on what you need to improve - this is super helpful! So join for free today, take the assessment and see what you need to focus on to grow your business (and your income!)

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    19 mins
  • E05 How I Manifested Being Paid £20,000 to Leave my Job I Hated
    Oct 5 2020

    In this episode I’m going to tell you a story about how I manifested being paid £20,000 to leave the job I hated.

    *How my job made my hit the lowest point in my life

    *My therapists advice and how it opened up a whole new world to me!

    *What I put on my first dream board

    *How I finally escaped from my job

    *How I made it my mission to help others

    *Is the entrepreneurial switch flicked on in your brain?

    *Something poignant that happened to me just last week

    *How you can receive my help in my free group >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/177055942918652

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    16 mins
  • E06 How a Day Job isn't the Only Way to Create Financial Security in your Life
    Oct 12 2020

    *How a business could actually provide more financial security than a day job

    *Why we find ourselves stuck in jobs that don’t light us up (it’s not our fault)

    *Where is your breaking point? Are you close to it?

    *Two different perspectives on day job v’s business

    *How to create a stable business income

    *Multiple revenue streams / passive income / recurring revenue

    *What you should do if your job is affecting your health

    *No matter what is happening in the world at the moment your happiness is important

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    20 mins
  • E07 How to Juggle a Day Job and A Business
    Oct 19 2020

    In this episode I share my top 6 tips for how you can successfully juggle your day job and business:

    *Stop your day job from draining you

    *Put things into perspective

    *Track your time

    *Start with 1 hour

    *Know your business priorities - are you stuck in the learning trap?

    *Be smart with your time

    Bonus tips:

    • One of the best ways to cope with your day job is to know you’re working on your escape.
    • My two favourite time swaps

    Plus get your free weekly tracker: https://myjourneytofearless.lpages.co/weekly-planner/

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    10 mins