• 12 | A Nice Guy, Darkly
    May 24 2021

    "Sometimes I think all I want to find is a mean guy and make him be nice to me. Or maybe a nice guy who's a little bit mean to me. But they're usually too nice too soon, or too mean too long."

    ~Carrie Fisher

    Some say nice guys finish last.  Others say that nice guys are running a different race, and that nice guys are the tortoises in a world where being a hair is a guilty want among all men.  Here is the quandary: if being a nice guy is so good, why are nice guys never nice to themselves?  If you can't give yourself love, how in the world can you give it to someone else?  Maybe… Nice guys, as people sling that slur, aren't so nice after all.  For your consideration...

    In this episode, we're talking about what it means to be a "nice guy".  And if you identify as one, we talk about why and how you may want to consider evolving into your true greatness and power, so you can give your light like never before!  Men's Transformational Coach Tim Neal is my guest, and we dissect this idea of the behavioral virus: "Nice Guy Syndrome".  We both talk about our experiences, including personal identifications with it, as well as our experiences in helping other people through this not-so-nice behavioral parasite.

    We do talk a lot of testosterone, and there's plenty of gold for women in this discussion, too.  People-pleasing -- a hallmark of being a "nice guy" -- is universal to everyone; and so are the healing techniques we can all employ.  Our goal is for everybody to become more self-actualized and self-empowered.

    Leveling up, expanding, and becoming more aware all require us to look in the mirror, and see the darkness within us that may unconsciously be running us.  There is a lot we will not like, and we don't have to.  Once we accept all of that for which we are shamed, then we unleash our ultimate potential, and no one can hold anything over our heads again.  This is how you regain and keep your power.  And what a gift to the world this is, for you to be in your truest and highest power.  Yeah, buddy, let's go!

    Episode Resources
    Follow Tim Neal on Instagram | @timneal_menscoach
    Follow Tim Neal on Facebook | facebook.com/tim.neal.aus

    The World of Naked Rain
    Official Facebook Page
    Discover Your Light Private Facebook Group
    Follow Us on IG | @nakedrainexperience
    Follow Stan on IG | @StanTheOldFashionedMan
    Email | Stan@nakedrainexperience.com
    The Naked Rain Experience Official Website

    Recorded, Edited and Produced by
    Rain Soundworks

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • 11 | Waving the Red Flag
    Feb 22 2021

    "I don't trust people who don't love themselves and tell me, 'I love you.'  There is an African saying which is: 'be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.'"

    ~Maya Angelou

    We are all so quick to judge others based on the shortcomings we project onto them, where the reality is that we should be shining that spotlight on ourselves, and into our deepest shadows. When we love ourselves completely, we love others completely, and without expectations. We will even love them enough to let them go if that serves us better. Are you willing to be in that spotlight?

    This week in a week devoted to dating, I'm here with Men's Motivation Coach Tawny Loveless, author of the amazing dating and personal development book Red Flags Explained: A No Bullshit Guide to Identifying and Understanding 69 Red Flags in Dating.  She is going to give us all a crash-course on what to look out for while you're seeking out your perfect match. We dive into everything, from what red flags are, why they matter, what they are (and are not), and what YOUR potential red flags might look like. Yes, you have them too.  Aren't you're glad someone is making you aware of these self-development opportunities?

    We touch on a lot of factors of why we develop red flags, and how we can see our own flags, and do something about them.  Our own flags may give us a window into our own inner world, personal woundings, and opportunities for growth.

    Around here, we always say to fall in love with yourself.  Wouldn't you like to know what your own red flags are so you know what you're getting into?  Let's go!

    Episode Resources
    Tawny Loveless Official Website | tawnyloveless.com
    Register for Tawny's Ladies-Only Masterclass: 10 Things Men Want You to Know
    Purchase Red Flags Explained (Non-Affiliate Link)
    Follow Tawny on Instagram | @tawnyloveless
    Follow Tawny on Facebook | facebook.com/tawny.loveless
    Follow Tawny on TikTok | @tawnyloveless

    The World of Naked Rain
    Official Facebook Page
    Discover Your Light Private Facebook Group
    Follow Us on IG | @nakedrainexperience
    Follow Stan on IG | @StanTheOldFashionedMan
    Email | Stan@nakedrainexperience.com
    The Naked Rain Experience Official Website

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 23 mins
  • 10 | The Art of Showing Up
    Feb 15 2021

    "Research suggests that people are typically unaware of the reasons why they are doing what they are doing, but when asked for a reason, they readily supply one."

    ~Daniel Gilbert

    Awareness is the gateway to consciousness.  When we live our lives in autopilot, we truly miss out on the meaning of life, and the opportunities to bask in the light we desire.  Bringing consciousness and purpose into how we live is the key to seeing where we need to grow, and appreciate where we are.

    I'm joined by Spiritpreneur and Success Coach Samantha Gillis for a very exploratory episode that asks us how we're showing up in every area of our lives.  Samantha and I go deep in our personal experiences of how our past decisions informed us to showing up better for our successes today, and how we evolved to ensure that we keep on our desired paths.  Samantha is an extraordinarily gifted success and mindset coach, and she spins a fantastical tale of how she went from acting and modelling into empowering people like you and me in their everyday lives.  We learn how to flex our "awareness" and "consciousness" muscles, so that we can stay in control of our boats as we sail through life.  This is an episode that you will not want to miss.

    Episode Resources
    Samantha's Free Gifts | refashionyourlife.com
    Follow Samantha on Instagram | @magicbysamantha

    The World of Naked Rain
    Official Facebook Page
    Discover Your Light Private Facebook Group
    Follow Us on IG | @nakedrainexperience
    Follow Stan on IG | @StanTheOldFashionedMan
    Email | Stan@nakedrainexperience.com
    The Naked Rain Experience Official Website

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 20 mins
  • 9 | Naked Jam: Rebirth From the Dark
    Feb 11 2021

    Kept you waiting, huh?

    It's been almost five months, and the Naked Rain Experience returns with some heart-centered revengeance.  For the pre-show to Season 2, it's just you and me on this Naked Jam.  I explain why I've been absent for so long, and why it's the perfect time for the Naked Rain to rise from the long dark.  If you ever wanted to understand why going within yourself is frightening (and ultimately THE MOST rewarding), prepare to be enlightened.  I also share a little bit of what's coming up this season.  It's going to be an amazing adventure, no matter what happens.  Let's jam.

    The World of Naked Rain
    The Naked Rain Experience (Official Facebook Page)
    Discover Your Light (Our Private Facebook Group)
    @nakedrainexperience (Official Instagram)
    @StanTheOldFashionedMan (Stan's Instagram)
    stan@nakedrainexperience.com (Stan's email)
    nakedrainexperience.com (Official Website)

    Show More Show Less
    40 mins
  • 8 | Shadows of Our Darkness
    Sep 21 2020

    "Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness."

    ~Anne Frank

    For every light we chase and for every light we cast, a shadow is revealed. We are meticulously instructed to hide from our own shadows, even when we're completely lost within them. It's only when we can see and embrace our shadows, can we understand and love all of who we are, and step into our ultimate power. Who is hiding in your shadow? They will be your greatest ally in your quest to shine your light.

    Embodiment Coach James Bansbach joins me this week to discuss the importance of owning one's darkness, and drawing a loving light to everything we've kept in our shadows.  This is my most important and passionate episode to date, as we hit on the foundation of taking full ownership of, and loving everything about yourself, as that will lead you to your ultimate power, and open yourself to your most authentic experiences.  Each and every one of us has been systematically taught to loath a portion of our personalities.  We dive in super deep, pulling from both of our collective experiences to show you that your darkness can be your best friend, and your staunches ally in achieving your dreams.

    Episode Resources
    James Bansbach's (Facebook Profile)
    Bold Life Brotherhood - ROC (Facebook Page)
    @JamesBansbach_Coaching (Instagram)

    Books Mentioned
    (All Links are Non-Affiliate)
    The Way of the Superior Man, by David Deida
    The Hidden Spirituality of Men, by Matthew Fox
    The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, by Debbie Ford
    An Uncommon Bond, by Jeff Brown

    The World of Naked Rain
    The Naked Rain Experience (Official Facebook Page)
    Discover Your Light (Our Private Facebook Group)
    @nakedrainexperience (Official Instagram)
    @StanTheOldFashionedMan (Stan's Instagram)
    stan@nakedrainexperience.com (Stan's email)
    nakedrainexperience.com (Official Website)

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • 7 | Naked Jam: Beginning with the Receptive
    Sep 16 2020

    Welcome to the first ever "Naked Jam" session, where a friend of mine and myself hang out together and "jam" on deep topics that expose our inner truths.  This week, Matthew Duffett is hanging out with me.  He is a fellow Brother on the path of men's development work, and a fellow Men's Coach trainee.  Matthew is seriously deep, and he brings to the jam session the topic of "beginning with the receptive".  We begin benignly with tea and bourbon, and then we dive straight into the duality of reality, and the difference of "what is" and "what we perceive".  We go deep, and stay deep, connecting the nature of reality with how me manifest identity, how our behaviors are coded into us as children, how that manifests in our everyday lives, and how we relate to each other in the world.  And it begins and ends... With intimacy.

    I invite you to jam with us, and dive deeply into yourself, and ask yourself the same powerful questions that we ask each other.  Let's jam!

    The World of Naked Rain

    The Naked Rain Experience (Official Facebook Page)

    Discover Your Light (Our Private Facebook Group)

    @nakedrainexperience (Official Instagram)

    @StanTheOldFashionedMan (Stan's Instagram)

    stan@nakedrainexperience.com (Stan's email)

    nakedrainexperience.com (Official Website)

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    46 mins
  • 6 | Reframing Our Past
    Sep 7 2020

    "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

    ~ Wayne Dyer

    Your imagination is powerful.  It can shift your perspective and change your reality.  Whether you're aware of it, or not.  Why not take advantage of knowing its power, and create the life of your dreams?

    Astrid Spencer, Clinical and Metaphysical Hypnotherapist, joins us this week to take us on a trip through inner space, temporal shifts, and shattering our limiting beliefs using the power of our imaginations.  Is our past really ancient history?  Is our past really impossible to change?  The answer may surprise you.  While the sheer complexity of our minds may seem like a hindrance to healing from past hurts, we can actually use it to our advantage and trick our minds into reprogramming how we interface with our histories.  Astrid will explain how hypnotherapy can help you shift your perspective on your past.  Plus, she has an amazing breakthrough session at the end!

    WARNING: There is a meditation session towards the end of the show.  Please do not close your eyes or allow yourself to fall into a trance while operating motor vehicles or machinery.  Please be responsible.

    Episode Resources

    upwardspiralhypnosis.com (Astrid's Official Website)

    Gate of Possibilities Meditaton (Astrid's Gift)

    The World of Naked Rain

    The Naked Rain Experience (Official Facebook Page)

    Discover Your Light (Our Private Facebook Group)

    @nakedrainexperience (Official Instagram)

    @StanTheOldFashionedMan (Stan's Instagram)

    stan@nakedrainexperience.com (Stan's email)

    nakedrainexperience.com (Official Website)

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 5 mins
  • 5 | Our Bucket of Joy
    Aug 24 2020

    “Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.”

    ~ Earl Nightingale

    Robin Shear, Joy Life Coach, joins us this week to help us make sense of happiness and joy.  We run the gamut from handling depression, to rewarding the inner child, to discussing ways of making time for joy in our lives TODAY, instead of waiting for the "perfect" life scenario.  Then there's the biggie: self-care, and how we can give the most to ourselves so we can pass that along to others around us.

    Episode Resources

    joytotheworldcoaching.com (Robin's Official Website)

    The World of Naked Rain

    The Naked Rain Experience (Official Facebook Page)

    Discover Your Light (Our Private Facebook Group)

    @nakedrainexperience (Official Instagram)

    @StanTheOldFashionedMan (Stan's Instagram)

    stan@nakedrainexperience.com (Stan's email)

    nakedrainexperience.com (Official Website)

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 7 mins