• Day 12: Esau trades his birthright for stew, Jesus empowers his disciples amidst warnings
    Jan 12 2025

    In Genesis 25-26, Esau, famished from hunting, returns to find his brother Jacob cooking a stew. Desperate, Esau trades his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew, a momentous decision affecting their futures. Will this impulsive act haunt Esau forever? In Matthew 10:1-31, Jesus gives his 12 disciples the authority to drive out impure spirits and heal every disease. As they prepare to spread his teachings, Jesus warns them of persecutions they will face. Will the disciples have the courage to face the challenges ahead?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Genesis 25

    Genesis 26

    Matthew 10:1-31

    Proverbs 1:20-33

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    22 mins
  • Day 11: Abrahams seeks a wife for Isaac, we meet Rebekah, Jesus raises a girl from the dead
    Jan 11 2024

    In Genesis 24, Abraham, growing old, sends his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac from his homeland. The servant prays for a sign and meets Rebekah, who shows kindness by watering his camels. Will Rebekah leave her family behind to marry a man she's never met, fulfilling a divine destiny? In Matthew 9:14-38, Jesus demonstrates his authority through miracles, like healing a bleeding woman and raising a girl from the dead. He dines with sinners, challenging religious norms, and shows compassion, teaching about the kingdom of heaven. Faced with crowds needing healing and guidance, will Jesus find enough workers to spread his message of hope and salvation?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Genesis 24:1-67

    Matthew 9:14-38

    Psalm 8:1-9

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    23 mins
  • Day 10: From Isaac's birth to sacrifice, Abraham's faith endures trials. Jesus showcases his miraculous power over storms, sickness, and societal norms
    Jan 10 2024

    In Genesis 21-23, Abraham's faith is tested in unimaginable ways. From the joy of Isaac's birth to the heart-wrenching command to sacrifice his son, Abraham's journey is full of twists and turns. Will his unwavering faith in God's promises see him through these trials? In Matthew 8:23 to 9:1-13, Jesus demonstrates his power over nature, illness, and society. He calms a storm, heals a paralytic, and calls Matthew, a tax collector, to follow him. How will these miracles impact those who witness them, and what does it mean for Matthew's future?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Genesis 21

    Genesis 22

    Genesis 23

    Matthew 8:23-34

    Matthew 9:1-13

    Psalm 7:10-17

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    23 mins
  • Day 9: Lot's escape from Sodom, Abraham's trials, and Jesus' miraculous teachings and healings
    Jan 9 2024

    In Genesis 19, angels warn Lot about the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah due to their wickedness. Lot hesitates but is urged to flee with his family. As they escape, Lot's wife looks back and turns into a pillar of salt. In Genesis 20, Abraham and Sarah travel to Gerar, where Abraham again claims Sarah is his sister, leading King Abimelech to take her. God warns Abimelech in a dream, and he returns Sarah, untouched, to Abraham. Will Lot and his daughters survive the catastrophic downfall of their city?

    In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount by comparing wise and foolish builders, emphasizing the importance of acting on his teachings. In Matthew 8:1-4, Jesus heals a man with leprosy, showcasing his compassion and power. The narrative continues with Jesus healing a centurion's servant, Peter's mother-in-law, and many others. He also speaks about the cost of discipleship, emphasizing the commitment required to follow him. As Jesus demonstrates his miraculous powers, will his followers understand the depth of their commitment to follow him?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Genesis 19

    Genesis 20:1-18

    Matthew 7:24-29

    Matthew 8:1-22

    Psalm 7:1-9

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    21 mins
  • Day 8: God promises Sarah a son, but she's 90, Jesus warns the people about being hypocrites
    Jan 8 2025

    In Genesis 17-18, God establishes a covenant with Abraham, promising him countless descendants and renaming him from Abram. Sarah, his wife, is also blessed with the promise of a son, Isaac. As Abraham entertains three mysterious visitors, one reveals that Sarah will have a son within a year, despite her old age. Will Sarah's disbelief turn into joy as the promise of a son becomes reality? In Matthew 6:25-7:1-23, Jesus teaches about trusting God instead of worrying about material needs, emphasizing seeking God's kingdom first. He warns against judging others and highlights the importance of asking God for help. Jesus also cautions against false prophets and teaches that true discipleship is shown by actions, not just words. Will we choose to build our lives on the solid foundation of Jesus' teachings, or ignore them and face the consequences?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Genesis 17

    Genesis 18

    Matthew 6: 25-34

    Matthew 7: 1-23

    Proverbs 1:8-19

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    23 mins
  • Day 7: Abram's rescue of Lot, Jesus' call for universal love
    Jan 7 2024

    In Genesis 14-16, Abram courageously rescues his nephew Lot from the Battle of Siddim, a conflict involving multiple kings. Following this victory, Abram is blessed by Melchizedek, and later, God promises Abram countless descendants despite Sarai's barrenness. Abram and Sarai, struggling with faith, decide to have a child through Hagar, Sarai's maid, leading to the birth of Ishmael. Will Abram's actions align with God's promise, or will they lead to unforeseen consequences?

    In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus delivers a profound message, challenging the traditional notion of loving only one's neighbor. He urges his followers to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, emphasizing that God's love is universal, extending to the just and unjust. This teaching culminates in a call to perfection, just as the Heavenly Father is perfect. Can we, as mere mortals, rise to this challenge of unconditional love and forgiveness?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Genesis 14

    Genesis 15

    Genesis 16

    Matthew 5:43-48

    Matthew 6:1-24

    Psalm 6

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    22 mins
  • Day 6: Tower of Babel's downfall, Jesus' hillside teachings urging heart transformation
    Jan 6 2024
    In Genesis 11:10 through 13, humanity unites in Shinar to build a great tower reaching to the heavens, defying God. God, seeing their pride, confounds their language, causing confusion and scattering them across the earth. Will humanity's ambition be their downfall, or will they find a way to overcome God's challenge? In Matthew 5:21-42, Jesus delivers profound teachings on a hillside, challenging traditional views on anger, reconciliation, adultery, divorce, oaths, and loving enemies. He urges his listeners to seek higher righteousness, surpassing the letter of the law with the spirit of love and forgiveness. Will his listeners embrace these radical teachings, transforming their hearts and lives? Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster Genesis 11:10-32 Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Matthew 5:21-42 Psalm 5:1-12
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    19 mins
  • Day 5: Renewal and Revelation: From Noah's Promise to the Mount of Beatitudes
    Jan 5 2024

    After the great flood, Noah and his family, along with a multitude of animals, step onto new land under God's covenant. The world is reborn, symbolized by a radiant rainbow, promising never to flood the earth again. But as humanity grows, will they remain true to God in the city of Babel, or will their pride lead to division? Jesus travels throughout Galilee, healing the sick and spreading the news of the kingdom of heaven. His teachings draw vast crowds, culminating in the Sermon on the Mount, where He shares the beatitudes, redefining blessings in God's eyes. As Jesus teaches about mercy, purity, and peace, will the hearts of the listeners be transformed by His profound words?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Genesis 9: 18-29

    Genesis 10

    Genesis 11: 1-9

    Matthew 4: 23-25

    Matthew 5: 1-20

    Psalm 4

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    17 mins