• Chuck Kazemi (Founder of Make Your Momentum Apparel)
    Sep 6 2021
    • What's happening @ Make Your Momentum Apparel
    • Mr. Kazemi talks about his inspirations and why the MYM will be something to check out!
    • Mandi Holden, a MYM supporter, tells us why this local apparel company inspired her to get involved in this new podcast.
    • Go visit Chuck on 9/11/21 @the Big Hunt Open.
    • Pennatrator has options to guest host on another local podcast!
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    24 mins
  • How do Jpaddy and the Pennatrator stay friends?
    Jun 5 2020
    - Duo reviews Knee Deep's Hola Senor.....Not Man Juice.

    -Pennatrator grades Jpaddy's guitar tuning capabilities.

    -Jpaddy explains to the Pennatrator his take regarding the Reno Protests on May 30th.

    - The topic of social media being used by individuals during catastrophic events is addressed.

    - Due to the belief of a prominent Reno sports media outlet officially selling out to the Vegas market, Jpaddy made a huge life decision. 

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Episode# 33 1/3-The Trash-Talkin' episode!
    May 22 2020

    -Inspired by The Last Dance, Jpaddy believes he's MJ and declares Pennatrator as the "Phil Jackson" of http://www.paddybandwagonshow.com/

    -Pennatrator reveals his recommendation of the 2009 sitcom, The Community while Jpaddy recommends taking edibles and watching; Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics; both currently available on Netflix.

    -Jpaddy is trying to watch live sports again but is more intrigued by the stories being released by sports media. Stories include sex dolls being used as fake sports audience in Professional Korean baseball league and Stripchat making $15 million dollar bid for Saints' Superdome Naming rights.

    -Pennatrator Story of the Week: Woods/Manning v. Mickelson/Brady Tale of the Tape!  Do any of these dudes know how to trash talk?!

    -Jpaddy hopes that major sports come back without fans to hear real trash talk; specifically playoff hockey.

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    39 mins
  • What is DogsforPresident.com?
    May 1 2020

    -Jpaddy and the Pennatrator speak w/Josh Martinmaas about his inspiration for www.DogsforPresident.com

     "If you don’t like politicians and love dogs, you’ll like our style." 

    -The duo talks w/ Mr. Martinmaas about www.DogsforPresident.com and how the services will  provide 20% of their sales towards affiliated animal shelters while selling bumper stickers that promotes individual's cuddly friends!   

    -Jpaddy and the Pennatrator reveal their political affiliations. That's right, Jpaddy claims he's a DOGgocrat while the Pennatrator owns his RePUGlican beliefs!



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    13 mins
  • Poker Night w/Jpaddy and the Pennatrator
    Apr 22 2020

    -Pennatrator can't remember the hashtag from episode 30....#TheRonaDrinkingGame

    The duo analyzes their poker night with the boys. Highlights include trash talk, virtual background screens, and "going into the dark".

    -  Will the NFL Draft have as many technical difficulties as the common man's fantasy draft?

    - Pennatrator gives his expertise in the video gaming world to Jpaddy now that he's soldout and purchased a Xbox.

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    37 mins
  • #30- The Rona Drinking Game!
    Apr 15 2020

    -Jpaddy and the Pennatrator play #TheRonaDrinkingGame

    -The Rona Drinking game consists of 5 random categories shared by each contestant.

    -Each contestant comes up with three names, terms, or phrases that represents each category.

    -In the Rona Drinking Game, instead of filling in the "blank", the idea is to fill in the "Rona".

    -Now is where the drinking comes in! The participant revealing their category, statement, or phrase; gives this element a drinking value to bet.  If the contestant believes their adversary is going to get the answer correct, the lower the # of the drinks will be bet.  But, if the contestant believes there foe will not get the "Rona" word correct, the HIGHER the bet!

    -Each participant rotates through the process until everyone has had their statements read or there is a "last man standing". If their is no "Last Man Standing", the remaining participants provide a social media poll that is posted at a minimum of 30 minutes. The post must include photos of the individuals to provide visual results  to voters, as well as, the #TheRonaDrinkingGame to make game official!

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    37 mins
  • Troy Fontana Continued......
    Apr 8 2020

    - Is the term "Pennatrator" offensive?

    -Fontana discusses how feedback is necessary in business.....but, can too much be toxic?

    -Pennatrator Story of the Week: Centralia, Pennsylvania shuts down graffiti highway cause of the "rona".

    -According to Jpaddy: A bidet can help inspire creativity.

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    34 mins
  • Troy Fontana is back!
    Apr 1 2020

    -Founder of http://glasslung.com/ talks about his new venture of the sports trading card business and how he utilizes this time to have quality time with the family.

    - Fontana and the Duo talk about their strategies to strive during these turbulent times.

    -Jpaddy looks for additional inspiration during the Pennatrator Story of the Week: Wool Competition?!

    -Someone hasn't seen Tiger King?!

    -Jpaddy utilizes speaking with Troy to nerd out about UFC 249! 

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    54 mins