• #43: How we respond to God's will matters! Lessons in Trust, Faith and Integrity from the book of Daniel with Dr. Richard Rodriguez
    Sep 13 2024

    In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Richard Rodriguez, a social studies teacher and adjunct lecturer with a PhD in U.S. History from Florida International University. Together, we explore the profound lessons from the Book of Daniel and how they can help us better understand God’s will for our lives.

    Daniel’s unwavering faith, integrity, and trust in God’s purpose, even in the face of adversity, offer timeless insights for living a life that glorifies God. Whether you’re struggling with understanding your purpose, discerning God’s will, or remaining steadfast in your faith during difficult times, Daniel’s example provides clarity and encouragement.

    Key Points Covered:

    - The importance of trust and obedience when facing uncertainty in life.

    - How Daniel’s integrity and faithfulness were a witness to both his friends and enemies.

    - Why our circumstances don’t dictate our faithfulness—our relationship with God does.

    - The necessity of carving out daily time with God to gain peace, perspective, and clarity.

    - How God’s purpose prevails, even when life’s circumstances seem overwhelming.

    - The greater picture of God’s plan and how our current situation is part of His larger purpose.

    Dr. Rodriguez brings deep historical and spiritual insight, making this an enlightening conversation for anyone seeking to know and follow God’s will.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Focus on trusting God where you are now. When we give Him our whole heart, we begin to see Him at work.

    2. Meeting challenges with integrity glorifies God and can serve as a witness to others—even our enemies.

    3. Your ability to stay steadfast in faith is rooted in your relationship with God, not your circumstances.

    4. Make time daily to be in God’s presence for peace and guidance, just as Jesus did.

    5. Life’s purpose cannot be understood outside of God. He is in all things and works through all things.

    6. There is tremendous peace in knowing you can go to God with any situation and trust in His plan.

    7. Daniel’s example of integrity and dependence on God reminds us to focus on glorifying Him rather than seeking to escape our current situation.

    Call to Action:

    - Inside our faith Community on Facebook, share the challenges you're facing and how Daniel has inspired you to seek God's glory instead of praying for a change in your situation. Let’s encourage one another to walk in faith together!

    - Check out Dr. Richard Rodriguez's book, An Unsealed Indictment: How American Slavery Violated the Scriptures. You can find it on his website, or grab your copy on Amazon.

    Thank you for listening! Be sure to subscribe, rate, and review "Curious for Christ" wherever you listen to podcasts. See you next time!

    Thanks for listening! Your support means the world. Join our Curious for Christ Facebook Group and become an Insider for weekly inspiration and encouragement.

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    38 mins
  • #42: Curious about how to read the Bible effectively? Learn about exegesis and hermeneutics!
    Sep 6 2024

    In today's episode, I want to help you to read the Bible effectively. With its complex history, diverse authors, and various literary genres, understanding the Bible can be overwhelming. That’s why I am exploring two crucial concepts to enhance your Bible reading: Exegesis and Hermeneutics.

    I'm not sure if I nailed the pronunciation of 'exegesis' and 'hermeneutics,' but hopefully after this podcast episode you'll get the gist! :)

    What You’ll Learn:

    1. Exegesis:

    - Historical Context: Understand who wrote the text, who the audience was, and what was happening at the time. This helps to uncover the original message intended by the author.

    - Literary Context: Consider the verses surrounding the passage to grasp its meaning within the chapter, book, and the Bible as a whole.

    - Word Study: Explore the original languages (Hebrew and Greek) to reveal nuances that modern translations might miss.

    2. Hermeneutics:

    - Principle of Continuity: Recognize that the Bible is a unified story that points to Jesus. Understand how passages connect with the overall message of Scripture.

    - Application to Life: Apply the timeless truths of the Bible to your current situation, decisions, and relationships.

    - Avoiding Misinterpretation: Be cautious of taking verses out of context and ensure interpretations align with the Bible’s overall message.

    Why These Concepts Matter: Exegesis and Hermeneutics ensure that we're interpreting God’s word accurately and applying it faithfully in our lives. Misinterpretation can lead to confusion and misguided beliefs. Just as you would want to deeply understand someone you care about, applying these methods helps you understand God's message to you and live out your faith more fully.

    Proverbs 30:5-6 emphasizes the importance of handling scripture carefully. Every word of God is flawless, and misinterpretation can lead you astray.

    Conclusion: Understanding Exegesis and Hermeneutics will transform your Bible reading experience and deepen your relationship with God. Remember, Exegesis helps you understand what the text meant originally, while Hermeneutics guides you in applying that meaning today.

    What's Next?

    - A great Read to dive deeper into the concept of Exegesis and Hermeneutics: check out "How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth"

    - Want to stay connected to God's message? Become a Curious for Christ Insider and receive my weekly newsletter!

    Thanks for listening! Your support means the world. Join our Curious for Christ Facebook Group and become an Insider for weekly inspiration and encouragement.

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    16 mins
  • #41: Want to know God? Learn the 5 essential steps to start your relationship with Christ.
    Aug 30 2024

    In this episode, I tackle a question many of us have asked: "I want to know God, and I’m curious about Christ. Where do I start?"
    If you’ve ever felt a longing for a deeper connection with God but weren’t sure how to begin, this episode is here to guide you. I'll explore practical steps to start your spiritual journey, including opening your heart to God, engaging with His Word, spending time in prayer, connecting with a faith community, and being patient and persistent in your pursuit of knowing Him.

    Key Points Covered:

    1. Start with an Open Heart:

    - God desires a relationship with you. Approach Him with a sincere and open heart, and He promises to reveal Himself.
    - Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 29:13

    2. Engage with God’s Word:

    - The Bible is God's way of communicating His love and purpose for your life. Begin your journey by reading the Gospels and asking God to reveal Himself through the Scriptures.
    - Scripture Reference: Psalm 119:105

    3. Spend Time in Prayer:

    - Prayer is a conversation with God. Share your thoughts, fears, and hopes, and listen for His voice in return. It’s a powerful way to experience God’s peace and guidance.
    - Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:6-7

    4. Connect with a Faith Community:

    - Don’t walk this journey alone. Join a community of believers for support, encouragement, and wisdom as you grow in your faith.
    - Scripture Reference: Hebrews 10:24-25

    5. Be Patient and Persistent:

    - Knowing God is a lifelong journey with ups and downs. Remain patient and persistent, trusting that God is faithful in His promise to draw near to those who seek Him.
    - Scripture Reference: James 4:8

    Additional Resources:
    - Join the Curious for Christ Community on Facebook at for support, learning, and growth in your spiritual journey.

    Call to Action:
    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you’re starting your journey to know God or have any questions, feel free to reach out in my Fb Community.

    Keep seeking, keep believing, and keep growing in your faith.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to the show and share this episode with someone who might need it.

    Thanks for listening! Your support means the world. Join our Curious for Christ Facebook Group and become an Insider for weekly inspiration and encouragement.

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    13 mins
  • #40: Struggling to connect with God? Avoid these 4 common mistakes.
    Aug 23 2024

    Welcome friends! Today's topic is about some common mistakes that can hinder a deeper connection with God. I want to set you up for success and understanding these pitfalls can be crucial for your spiritual journey!

    Pitfall #1: Legalism

    • Legalism is about focusing on rules and rituals over a personal relationship with God.
    • Bible Verse: Romans 3:20 - "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ."
    • Legalism can create a sense of constant failure and guilt.
    • Focus instead on building a personal relationship with God through prayer, Bible study and meditating on His love instead (Matthew 22: 37-40)

    Pitfall #2: Neglecting Grace

    • Grace is God's unmerited favor and love.
    • Bible Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."
    • Neglecting grace can lead to feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness.
    • Understand that God loves you unconditionally. Spend time meditating on God's love and forgiveness. Remember, your worth is not based on your actions or the outcome of a situation but on God's love for you.

    Pitfall #3: Isolating from Community

    • Fellowship and support from other believers is crucial!
    • Bible Verse: Hebrews 10:24-25 - "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
    • Isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and discouragement.
    • Find a community and get involved in small groups. Join my Facebook Group Community today!

    Pitfall #4: Unresolved Sin

    • Sin means: "to miss the goal" and is anything that separates us from God.
    • Bible Verse: 1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
    • Unresolved sin can create a barrier between you and God.
    • Confess your sins to God and one another, and seek forgiveness.

    Next Steps:

    • What is one pitfall you feel you may need help with? Share your thoughts by leaving a Review. I would love to hear from you!
    • Join the free Facebook Group Community for ongoing support and discussion.
    • Receive weekly love notes from me by becoming an Insider! :)
    • Share this episode with others who might benefit!

    Thanks for listening! Your support means the world. Join our Curious for Christ Facebook Group and become an Insider for weekly inspiration and encouragement.

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    21 mins
  • #39: Are you the only non-Christian in your Household? 5 Ways to Build your Faith without Pressure
    Aug 16 2024

    Feeling pressured in your faith journey? This episode is for you and explores practical ways to cultivate a personal relationship with God. Discover how to build your own faith foundation without feeling pressured. Remember it is all about God and His timing!

    1: Start with Prayer

    • The Importance of Prayer:
      • Prayer is a direct line to God for sharing thoughts, feelings, and needs.
    • Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:6-7
      • Be open with your request and thank God for all the good in your life!
    • Tips for Starting a Prayer Routine:
      • Start small in a quiet space, speaking from the heart.
      • Consistency is key. Pray daily!

    2: Read the Bible

    • The Power of Scripture:
      • The Bible is God's Word, offering wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
    • Scripture Reference: Psalm 119:105
      • Bible is a lamp guiding your path.
    • Tips for Bible Reading:
      • Start with Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) for Jesus' life and teachings.
      • Use Bible apps with daily plans & subscribe to the podcast for scripture references.

    3: Listen to Worship Music

    • The Impact of Worship Music:
      • Worship music helps us connect with God emotionally.
    • Scripture Reference: Psalm 100:1-2
    • Incorporating Worship Music into Your Day:
      • Create a playlist of meaningful worship songs.
      • Listen during commutes, chores, or morning routines.
      • Find music that resonates with you.

    4: Join a Small Group or Bible Study

    • The Benefits of Community:
      • You NEED the support and encouragement offered by fellow believers in small groups or Bible studies.
    • Scripture Reference: Matthew 18:20
      • God is present when believers gather. (No need for a huge gathering to encounter God's presence)
    • Finding a Community:
      • Church groups or online communities.
      • Join my free Facebook group (bit.ly/livewithfaithcommunity) for encouragement and accountability.
      • Stay tuned for my one-on-one coaching opportunity for personalized guidance! Reach out to hello@alexandralvarezcoaching.com to for more information!

    5: Reflect and Journal

    • The Power of Reflection:
      • Journaling as a tool to process spiritual experiences and see God's work in your life.
    • Scripture Reference: Lamentations 3:22-23
    • Tips for Journaling:
      • Set aside time for daily or weekly reflection.
      • Encourage journaling about prayers, Bible readings, and insights.


    • Recap of the Five Ways:
      • prayer, Bible reading, worship music, community, and journaling.
    • Encouragement:
      • God meets you where you are and your journey is unique!
    • Scripture Reference: James 4:8
      • The scripture calls you to draw near to God.
    • Call to Action:
      • Share your experiences in the Facebook group or comments by writing a review on Apple Podcasts.

    What's next?

    • Join the Free Community Group!
    • Become an Insider and receive weekly Emails for more biblical insigh

    Thanks for listening! Your support means the world. Join our Curious for Christ Facebook Group and become an Insider for weekly inspiration and encouragement.

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    17 mins
  • #38: Are you the Only Christian in Your Home? 5 Ways to Find Christian Community and Feel Less Isolated
    Aug 9 2024

    Welcome back! Have you ever felt alone in your faith journey? This episode is for you! Today, we're diving into practical ways to find Christian community and overcome feelings of isolation.

    Feeling isolated in your faith is a common experience. I know firsthand the longing for connection and understanding. But finding a supportive Christian community is essential for spiritual growth.

    As believers, we are called to be part of a community. Just as our physical bodies require nourishment, our souls thrive in connection with other believers. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

    I'll share my personal experiences and offer actionable steps to help you connect with like-minded believers. Whether you're new to your faith or a seasoned believer, there's something valuable here for you.

    Here are five practical ways to build community:

    1. Joining a Local Church or Small Group: Immersing yourself in a local faith community provides opportunities for growth, support, and accountability. (Acts 2:42)

    2. Attending Christian Events and Conferences: These gatherings offer a chance to connect with fellow believers and be inspired.

    3. Leveraging Online Communities: Utilize social media and online platforms to find virtual communities that support your faith journey.

    ----- Join my Community HERE -----

    4. Serving Others: Engaging in acts of service can lead to meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. (1 Peter 4:10)

    5. Personal Outreach: Sharing your faith with others can open doors to new friendships and opportunities for spiritual growth.


    Building a strong Christian community is vital for spiritual growth and support. By taking intentional steps to connect with others, you'll experience the transformative power of shared faith. Remember, you're not alone on this journey. Let's continue the conversation in the comments or join my online community!

    Next Steps:

    - Join the FB Community: bit.ly/livewithfaithcommunity

    - Become an Insider and stay Connected every week via Email: https://curiousforchrist.ck.page/insider

    Thanks for listening! Your support means the world. Join our Curious for Christ Facebook Group and become an Insider for weekly inspiration and encouragement.

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    16 mins
  • #37: Finding it hard to prioritize reading the Bible regularly? These 3 tips can help.
    Aug 2 2024

    In today’s episode, I shared three practical strategies that have helped me prioritize God in every season of life. These consistent practices have allowed me to deepen my relationship with Him overtime.

    Segment 1: Start Small and Build a Routine

    • Starting with small so that you can be consistent (5-10 minutes daily).
    • Quote: Zachariah 4:10 - "Do not despise the small beginnings for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin."
    • Tips for building a routine:
      • Setting a specific time for daily Bible reading.
      • Using tools like Bible apps, online devotionals, or listen to the podcast.
    • Quote: Psalm 119:105 - "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

    Segment 2: Integrate Scripture into Daily Life

    • Incorporate Scripture into everyday life.
    • Quote: Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
    • Practical integration methods:
      • Listening to podcasts, sermons or spiritual music during commutes or chores.
      • Placing Bible verses around the home or workspace.
      • Using waiting times for reading or meditation.
      • Quote: Joshua 1:8 - "Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

    Segment 3: Find Accountability and Community

    • Importance of accountability and community in spiritual growth!
    • Quote: Hebrews 10:24-25 - "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up, meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the day approaching."
    • Ways to find accountability:
      • Joining a Bible study group or spiritual book club.
      • Partnering with a friend for regular check-ins.
      • Finding a spiritual mentor or coach.
      • Joining online communities (such as my Private Facebook Group).
    • Quote: Proverbs 27:17 - "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."


    • Be patient and consistent in your spiritual growth. Remember, it is not a sprint but more like a marathon! :)
    • Quote: Philippians 1:6 - "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
    • Call to action: Share stories and struggles on social media or in the Facebook group.

    Additional Notes

    • Listen to my Faith Journey Summer Series (Episodes #29-36) that provides more background on my spiritual walk.
    • STAY TUNED: Upcoming Mentorship Program!!
    • Become an Insider and receive my Weekly Emails

    Thanks for listening! Your support means the world. Join our Curious for Christ Facebook Group and become an Insider for weekly inspiration and encouragement.

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    14 mins
  • #36: Do you want to know what living by faith look like? Recap and assessment : recognize where you are now! (My faith Story - Summer Series 8/8)
    Jul 26 2024

    Welcome back! This episode marks the conclusion of my summer series on my faith journey. In this episode, I recap the key takeaways from each episode and invite you to reflect on your own relationship with God.

    Key Points:

    • Recognizing the need for a relationship with God (Episode 1)
    • Finding peace through God's plan and purpose (Episode 2)
    • Experiencing freedom by aligning with God's will (Episode 3)
    • Understanding God's intimate knowledge and love for you (Episode 4)
    • Finding growth and transformation during challenging times (Episode 5)
    • Balancing past experiences with God's new work (Episode 6)
    • Embracing a new beginning and hope in God (Episode 7)

    Call to Action:

    • Reflect on where you stand in your relationship with God based on the series topics.
    • Join my Facebook group community for support and encouragement!
    • Become a Curious for Christ Inside and Subscribe to my email list HERE

    Additional Notes:

    • I emphasize the importance of a supportive community and spending time in the Bible.
    • I encourage listeners to share their faith/story with others (no matter where they are in their walk with God).
    • Teasers upcoming content on practical aspects of the Christian life.

    Thanks for listening! Your support means the world. Join our Curious for Christ Facebook Group and become an Insider for weekly inspiration and encouragement.

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    14 mins