
  • 028 | Handling Change
    Dec 14 2022

    Everyone experiences change at some point in their life, whether it be big change or small change. Sometimes change is hard to do well and to navigate. The boys are going through a lot of change in the next month or so and it seemed appropriate that we chat about how we can change and keep God at the center of it.

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    31 mins
  • 027 | An Attitude of Gratitude
    Nov 30 2022

    Have you ever thought how far a simple "thank you" can go? It can change the trajectory of your own day or someone else's. Having gratitude is a choice of the heart and it is what God desires of us. We are commanded to be thankful. Having gratitude can change both your heart and attitude at any given time. Coming off Thanksgiving, it is important to remember to have gratitude every single day, even after the holiday!

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    28 mins
  • 026 | Redemption Story
    Nov 16 2022

    Every person has a story. Every person that has a relationship with Jesus has a redemption story. Death to life. This week, we hear Mike's story of God bringing him from being a slave to death to being able to spend eternity with him forever!

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    44 mins
  • 025 | The Identity Crisis
    Nov 9 2022

    We are fed constantly with media about identities. We are constantly told to "live your truth" and be happy with it. The fact of the matter is, there is objective truth. God desires your identity in Him, not what the world says you can identity as or with. God created man and woman a specific way to glorify Himself and to bring glory to His Kingdom. He is coming soon, and God wants your identity to be found in Him and who He says you are.

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    28 mins
  • 024 | Can I Be "Just Friends" With The Opposite Gender?
    Oct 26 2022

    It is a stigma in the Christian sphere that it is hard to "just be friends" with the opposite gender. We are always being bombarded with questions like "Do you like them?!" or "When are you guys gonna go out?!" Is it okay to literally just be friends with the opposite gender? Jesus had friends of the opposite gender. How he treated them should be a representation of how we are supposed to treat them as well. Let's dive in and talk about how treating them should look like in God's eyes!

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    23 mins
  • 023 | The Purpose of Life
    Oct 19 2022

    Every human at some point or another considers what their purpose in life is. Some even wrestle with it and go on a search to find it. Many think it is happiness, the American Dream, money, having a family, leaving a legacy, and so many other things. What do all these things have in common? Leaving you empty, desiring more. God wants us to have more. He wants us to spend eternity with Him. Having an eternal perspective changes our hearts, minds, and gives us a purpose while on this earth. Check out this week's podcast and find out more about God's purpose for everyone's life!

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    30 mins
  • 022 | God-Written Love Stories
    Oct 12 2022

    We have our first female guest on the podcast this week: Tal's fiancé, Ava. Hear about their fun story about meeting, dating long distance, and now being engaged. Many people compromise for a mediocre relationship. God wants the best for you and doesn't want you to settle. Pursue Him first and everything else will fall into place. Tal and Ava both speak a little into this week, so hear about God has impacted their relationship!

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    36 mins
  • 021 | Discipleship
    Oct 5 2022

    Believers oftentimes think they are ill-prepared to be discipled or don't know enough to disciple others. Both of these mindsets are wrong. What makes a good disciple or discipler? Let's take a dive into what God has to say about making disciples!

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    32 mins