• The Backslide Battle
    Feb 14 2025

    I know, it can be rough. One minute we are on fire for the Lord and then next we hit a dud. We no longer want to read His word, we doom scroll on social media and see those in the world getting the things we are fervently praying for but they get it so easily while we are waiting on the Lord.

    One minute we have a solid routine of waking up and spending time with Him, reading scripture, applying it to ourselves and speaking to Him through out the day. And then the next minute, picking up the Bible feels like the hardest task we could ever do that day. It is normal, which is why scripture says to put on the armor of God. Pick up that cross, die to the flesh. Yes it is easier said than done but it is all true. My absence in recording as stemmed from laziness and backsliding into just laying in bed, watching tv more than normal, scrolling on social media and avoiding my assignment and avoiding spending time with the Lord.

    But it isn't about me anymore, the prize is Jesus and I am responsible for souls to make it to the Kingdom of Heaven.

    So, step out of the norm, spend time with Jesus today. Let today be a FAITH-FULL Friday. A Friday full of Faith, listen for the Lord in the wind, look at all He has created and be grateful for the King we serve.

    Lastly, The R&R Pod Merch is now available on theredeemedandrootedpodshop.com, be sure to follow the podcast on Instagram and send in pictures of your supporting the podcast in your crewneck. Thank you again for all of your support it means more than you will ever know.

    God bless you all!

    - E


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    email: theredeemedandrootedpodcast@gmail.com
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    The Redeemed and Rooted Prayer Journals are still available on Amazon!

    Merch coming soon!

    May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓

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    20 mins
  • The Wrestling Match with Forgiveness
    Jan 17 2025


    We have made it to Episode 7 and still going!

    I get it, they hurt you. They hurt me too. But it's what we do with the hurt. Forgiveness is an uphill battle, a journey we take everyday. A feeling we must surrender to Christ every day when we feel the urge to be angry at the past, the present, and the person. I know what it is like to not want to forgive them, because it's easier to be angry and remind them of the pain they caused. But what if the forgiveness is hindering you? and them? What if unforgiving is the one thing preventing you from excelling with Jesus? What if unforgiving is the one thing that sends you to hell and you did everything else right?

    On this episode , we are going to talk about the Wrestling Match with Forgiveness, myself and forgiving those who hurt me who were supposed to love me instead. But also the directive that God gives us in scripture about forgiveness.

    Ephesians 4:32 "And be kind to one another, even as God in Christ forgave you"
    Matthew 18:21-22 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

    Books to open your eyes to Forgiveness:
    - the Bible (ALWAYSA)
    -Forgiving What You Can't Forget x Lysa Terkeurst
    - A Divine Revelation of Hell x Mary K Baxter

    We are now on Instagram: @theredeemedandrootedpod ✨

    Follow for show notes, posts, reminders and announcements! Thank you all for your love, support and listening ears, I can't wait to see what else the Lord will do with the Redeemed and Rooted Podcast, it's His World, I'm just living in it!

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    email: theredeemedandrootedpodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram: theredeemedandrootedpod
    Website: theredeemedandrootedpodshop.com (MERCH SOLD HERE)
    The Redeemed and Rooted Prayer Journals are still available on Amazon!

    Merch coming soon!

    May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓

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    27 mins
  • The Prodigal Son- HAPPY NEW YEAR!💙
    Jan 1 2025

    Dear Lord, thank you for allowing us to see 2025. We have made it another year my brothers and sisters in Christ! Another year to choose Jesus and to serve him fervently.

    I am so blessed and grateful that the Lord has carried us all through.

    This episode is for those struggling with believing they aren't good enough to go back to Christ when they have messed up.

    This is a new year, a year where the Lord has gone before us to establish us in the seasons to come, to remind the enemy that the Lord Jesus Christ is STILL King and will ALWAYS be King.

    To my son, mommy loves you. Thank you for the laughs that encouraged me to share our encounter with this episode.

    Proverbs 24:16
    Psalm 51:1
    The Prodigal Son: New Testament Book of Luke 15


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    email: theredeemedandrootedpodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram: theredeemedandrootedpod
    Website: theredeemedandrootedpodshop.com (MERCH SOLD HERE)
    The Redeemed and Rooted Prayer Journals are still available on Amazon!

    Merch coming soon!

    May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓

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    28 mins
  • Behind The Scenes of God's Work Pt. 2
    Dec 20 2024

    Happy Faith Friday! NEW MIC, NEW SOUND!

    We are back with another episode and it is Part Two to "Behind the Scenes of God's Work". Part One, we talked about how the Lord sustained me and protected me when I initially was going to quit my job to have my baby and be a stay home...well you know, plans changed according to the will of God!

    Let's talk about CRAZY FAITH, God is bigger than the situation, God is bigger than the circumstance, SURRENDER IT TO HIM and watch Him show up and show out!

    Today's Assignment: It is time to surrender before the Lord.

    Think about what areas in your life you don't trust God with, after this episode... surrender it to him, He makes all things new according to His plan.


    Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him

    Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever"

    NEW SONG ALERT: What a God (Extended) X SEU Worship 🩵

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    Please feel free to share your support via social media.

    email: theredeemedandrootedpodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram: theredeemedandrootedpod
    Website: theredeemedandrootedpodshop.com (MERCH SOLD HERE)
    The Redeemed and Rooted Prayer Journals are still available on Amazon!

    Merch coming soon!

    May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓

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    25 mins
  • Faced With a Counterfeit
    Dec 13 2024

    First Things First:
    To my sister in Christ, and friend Zoriah, you are mentioned in this episode. Without you being the vessel for the Lord to reach me, I would not have the knowledge that I have now. Without you, I would not truly understand what it means to be corrected in love. You are the blueprint of a Proverbs 31 woman and I will FOREVER be grateful for you and your obedience to Jesus. I will never take the friendship God has given us for granted. I love you 💓

    Episode Intro:
    "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9

    Sometimes we want something so bad or experience something or someone that is a replica of all the things we have ever desired. The Lord is so good. He blesses His children, He is faithful to them even when they are far. He gives them the desires of their hearts if it is in His will because the heart can be deceitful and have you believe that you want or need something that is actually no good for you. You see Jesus gives blessings.. but the devil gives gifts too, wrapped in a pretty yet poisonous bow.

    The devil can give you everything you THINK you want to keep you in bondage and away from your true calling and assignment. He preys on your pain. Whether it be a broken friendship, trouble at work, rocky marriage, he will attempt to sneak in and slither into your life to control your narrative. If he can get you away from the Lord he can turn you every which way but loose. And this is where we need the power of discernment and understanding to know when a counterfeit is in front of us. We must ask the Lord to the lift the veil off of our eyes so that we may see the true colors and intentions of the person in front of us. But remember Ephesians 6 "For we do not wrestle with flesh and blood" P A Y A T T E N T I O N to the spirit that operates behind a person. This is "Faced With a Counterfeit"

    Jeremiah 17:9
    2 Corinthians 11:14
    Ephesians 6:12

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    Please feel free to share your support via social media.

    email: theredeemedandrootedpodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram: theredeemedandrootedpod
    Website: theredeemedandrootedpodshop.com (MERCH SOLD HERE)
    The Redeemed and Rooted Prayer Journals are still available on Amazon!

    Merch coming soon!

    May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓

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    24 mins
  • Behind The Scenes of God's Work Pt. 1
    Nov 28 2024

    Ever wondered how you survived the crash? Or how a bill was paid and you didn't even have enough money in the bank? Or even how you were sustained for a long period of time when you know you should've been elsewhere? The song Waymaker holds lyrics and weight to "Even when I don't see it you're working". God is omnipresent, He is in the midst of every detail of our lives. Jesus cares about you even when you are far. This is "Behind the Scenes of God's Work Part 1" where God showed up for me even when I believed I was not worthy. Before I had even had a second thought to serve Him, He kept me. God is a covenant keeping God, a Father who cares for His children.

    - In the midst of recording I want to clear up something the divorce was asked for five or six weeks BEFORE I gave birth, not asked for at five or six weeks pregnant 😅.
    - I am fully aware that we are still in November but my mind is already on December, I'm just excited!

    - I have nothing against stay at home mothers, I commend y'all and I was more than willing to be a stay at home mom and wife with my baby boy, I was able to do that without a spouse until it was time to go back to work.

    - I have nothing against the military or military spouses, I lived that life, would live it again but with boundaries and reminders to keep Jesus in the center of my life which is what I did not do before.

    I pray this episode reaches the ears of those who yearn for testimonies on why we should choose Jesus. I pray I continue to steward this Podcast well and it brings God's Children to Christ.

    2 Corinthians 12:9
    Esther 4:14 "Perhaps you were created for such a time as this"
    Hebrews 13:8

    Song Mentioned:
    Gratitude by Brandon Lake

    God bless you, and may the Lord keep you

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    Please feel free to share your support via social media.

    email: theredeemedandrootedpodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram: theredeemedandrootedpod
    Website: theredeemedandrootedpodshop.com (MERCH SOLD HERE)
    The Redeemed and Rooted Prayer Journals are still available on Amazon!

    Merch coming soon!

    May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓

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    21 mins
  • Who are YOU in Christ?
    Nov 22 2024

    Having an identity Crisis? Welcome to the club. Sometimes we get into this space of trying to figure out WHO we are in Christ outside of the titles we have placed on ourselves. We are quick to claim, "I am a mother" "I am a father" "I am this and I am that" But who are you when those titles are stripped?

    What does the Bible say about YOU? When the enemy creeps in your ear, how do you combat that, when you know your worth in Christ?

    Scripture References:

    Proverbs 3:15
    "She is more precious than rubies: And all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her"

    1 Corinthians 13:8
    "Love never fails"

    1 Corinthians 7: 16
    "For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?"

    Daniel 10:12-13
    Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. 13But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.

    Support the show

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    Please feel free to share your support via social media.

    email: theredeemedandrootedpodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram: theredeemedandrootedpod
    Website: theredeemedandrootedpodshop.com (MERCH SOLD HERE)
    The Redeemed and Rooted Prayer Journals are still available on Amazon!

    Merch coming soon!

    May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓

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    24 mins
  • God is NOT Amazon Prime
    Nov 17 2024

    Have you ever prayed for something and expected God to answer it like it was Amazon Prime same day delivery? As believers, we’ve all gone through that phase of praying for something and expecting it to come right away. One day I was laying in bed and it came to me “God is not Amazon Prime”. God is not someone we can order from and expect it to be delivered to our front door with a snap of a finger. Answered prayers take time, they take love, patience and God’s hand on it before it can be given. On this episode we’re going to talk about this, along with a personal testimony of how God answered my “order” aka prayer, how long it took, the waiting season and how I got to where I am.

    Scripture Reference for today’s episode:

    Hebrews 6:13-15 NKJV “For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying “surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” and so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise”

    Promises can be given to us by God, and they still take time. Even with prayer, we eventually have to endure the waiting season and wait for promise or answered prayer to come into fruition.

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    Please feel free to share your support via social media.

    email: theredeemedandrootedpodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram: theredeemedandrootedpod
    Website: theredeemedandrootedpodshop.com (MERCH SOLD HERE)
    The Redeemed and Rooted Prayer Journals are still available on Amazon!

    Merch coming soon!

    May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓

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    15 mins