• Rep. Ron Paul Optimistic as Americans Wake Up, Reject Tyranny
    Jun 3 2022
    Despite the inflation and escalating wars and growing tyranny, longtime Congressman and Liberty Movement Patriarch Ron Paul tells Alex Newman that he remains optimistic in this episode of The Sentinel Report. The two also discuss homeschooling, Ukraine war, inflation, the Constitution, and much more.
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    32 mins
  • Fighting Global Tyranny At The Local Level
    Aug 29 2022
    How to fight tyranny at the local level, explained by Tom DeWeese of Catching Fire News.
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    12 mins
  • "Make Pennsylvania Florida" Says Gubernatorial Candidate, Sen. Doug Mastriano
    Oct 18 2022
    Governors must “stand in the gap for freedom” even if it means taking on powerful interests or the Biden administration, said Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Senator Doug Mastriano in an interview with Alex Newman on The Sentinel Report. And he’s been putting his legislation where his mouth is, too. As a state senator, Mastriano has a bill in the legislature right now that would prevent state police and law-enforcement officials from enforcing attacks on the right to keep and bear arms. “There’s a lot we can do as governors in that capacity,” said Mastriano. He also blasted the Democrats and their fake media allies for trying to paint him as “extreme” or even “dangerous”–especially after he spent 30 years as an officer in the U.S. military with top-secret security clearance. Responding to Gov. Newsom’s use of Jesus’ words to promote abortion, Senator Mastriano noted that Jesus actually loved children. He also noted that a pro-life rally in Pennsylvania was packed, while a Planned Parenthood rally with national speakers drew less than 70 attendees. Under Democrat Gov. Wolf, Pennsylvania adopted draconian controls that even brought construction to a halt in the state–everywhere except at Wolf Industries, his family’s company. It was one of the most extreme lockdowns in the nation. Governors have a key role to play in rejecting that sort of government overreach, he said, calling Florida Governor Ron DeSantis “the gold standard” and an “example of what a governor should be” when it came to protecting freedom from attack. “My goal is to make Pennsylvania the Florida of the North by protecting peoples’ freedoms and liberties from unconstitutional overreach and edicts,” he added. Energy is a major piece of Mastriano’s platform, saying God has blessed his state with lots of energy. Another policy will be to open up state lands for energy exploration in a clean way, as well as getting out of a regional cap-and-trade scheme. In 2018, Boston was importing energy from Putin’s Russia. Under Governor Mastriano, they will be able to buy energy from nearby Pennsylvania. Separately, the “experimenting” on children with “gender” treatments, hormones and surgeries will end on day one of his administration, he said. “Pronoun games, CRT, teaching kids to hate their own country–all of that ends on day one,” he said, calling boys in girls’ restrooms a “safety” issue. While he is concerned about voter-integrity issues, he believes the 2022 election will be better than the 2020 one. But unfortunately, a lot of work remains to be done for reforming the system, as Gov. Wolf has vetoed all major reforms. The plan to win will be for conservatives to turn out in massive numbers, as they have been doing nationwide. Also, he asked for support from across the nation, as this race has important national implications. “Go to Doug4Gov.com–and we will win,” he concluded.
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    30 mins
  • Peter Navarro on Deep State Snakes Around Trump, & How He Will Win Again
    Oct 20 2022
    Donald Trump faced a “pre-emptive coup” from Deep State globalists and RINO neocons designed to stop him, and the ongoing arrests and targeting of his key allies are a continuation of that, warned former White House director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro in this explosive interview with Alex Newman on The Sentinel Report. The FBI working with social media outlets to censor the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” story as “Russian disinformation” also represents an “actual coup” by the agency, continued Navarro. If not for that, and snakes within the campaign, the 2020 election would not have been close enough for Biden to steal, said Navarro, one of only three senior White House officials who remained with President Trump from the 2016 campaign to the end of his first term in office. Now, these same forces are working on another coup involving the January 6 Committee in Congress, the politicized FBI, the National Archives, and the Biden White House. “The whole purpose of that J6 Committee was to build a criminal case against Donald Trump to stop him from being president again in 2025,” said Navarro, noting that this was unconstitutional. Much of the inside story is detailed in Navarro’s new book, Taking Back Trump’s America: Why We Lost the White House and How We’ll Win It Back. In it, he defines “MAGA” as drastically different from the progressive globalist neoconservatism prevalent among RINOs, and offers a blueprint for re-capturing America from those seeking to fundamentally transform it or even bring it down. Taking back America is essential as Democrats work to kill America’s economy, destroy the legitimacy of the justice system, and even expose the United States to foreign threats including Russia and China, said Navarro. Communist China today is the biggest geopolitical threat to America, he added, saying it was worse than Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan in terms of the threat it poses to America. Navarro, the architect of Trump’s tough-on-China policies, said the crisis in Ukraine and Communist China’s growing aggression would not be happening if Trump had remained in the White House. In fact, Navarro described U.S. policies toward China under both Republican and Democrat administrations as “unilateral surrender.” Trump tried to turn that around. U.S. policy has been absurd. Navarro, a leading expert on Communist China and U.S. policy toward China, warned that for decades, the U.S. government has been selling Americans out. One of the key reasons is the love of money and the opportunity to get rich by helping Beijing, Navarro explained, pointing to Goldman Sachs and Big Tech as key drivers. One of the biggest issues in the Trump administration was the presence of Deep State globalists, neoconservatives, and RINOs in the White House. Blasting the “Bush, Cheney, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell wing” of the Republican Party, Navarro said the “November 9ers” never should have been allowed in. “As Reagan said, personnel is policy,” said Navarro, noting that at the start there were multiple people in the administration who did not share Trump’s vision. Trump thought he could bring these people in and they would help in and bring experience, but that was an “error,” said Navarro. Key officials who resisted Trump’s agenda on Communist China, trade, and other policy areas included Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son in law, is slammed in Navarro’s new book. There were three military officers who Trump trusted who were especially problematic: H.R. McMaster the “pure globalist,” Mattis who was “a Democrat for all practical purposes,” and chief of staff John Kelly. “Trump would give them orders, and they would repeatedly disobey those orders,” said Navarro, noting that they could have been court martialed if it had been a military situation. There were two kinds of people in the Trump White House, said Navarro, citing another official: Those who thought they had to save the world from Trump, and those who thought Trump would save the world. The sabotage from within the 2020 Trump campaign is what made the race close enough for the Democrats to be able to steal with voter fraud, he added. “Clearly, in the second term, this won’t happen again,” said Navarro. The book, which is available on Amazon and anywhere good books are sold, offers a roadmap for taking back the House of Representatives and then the White House, he said. Trump’s second term will be far more significant than the first, added Navarro.
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    31 mins
  • Mike Lindell Drops Vote Fraud BOMBSHELL on Sentinel Report
    Oct 25 2022
    My Pillow CEO and election-integrity advocate Mike Lindell dropped a bombshell on The Sentinel Report with Alex Newman in his ongoing quest to expose 2020’s massive election fraud. In brief, he has purchased secret technology used by the government that has the proof of the fraud. Because it has been hidden from the public due to court order and national security, Lindell is just waiting for a court to give him permission to share it with the world. During this 30-minute interview, Lindell also shares a bit of his testimony on drug addiction and his efforts to help others dealing with it–and how he wants them to get to know Jesus Christ!
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    31 mins
  • AMAZING Teen Conservative Leaders Offer Hope for America
    Oct 26 2022
    Two amazing teenage leaders, former Florida Federation of Teenage Republicans Chair Iago Barbosa and current chair Megan Wallington, explain how young conservatives can restore America. Speaking on The Sentinel Report with journalist Alex Newman, these two top leaders among young Florida Republicans explain their views on the establishment, the Constitution, America’s heritage, and much more. Before bringing on the two teen GOP leaders, Alex does his usual brief news segment. Listen to and share with those who have young people in their lives!
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    31 mins
  • Stop ‘Totalitarian Bureaucratic State’ By Building Parallel Institutions, Says Dutch Lawmaker & Opposition Leader
    Nov 2 2022
    The globalist forces behind the European Union and beyond are seeking to build a “bureaucratic totalitarian state” to crush freedom and national identity, treating people as children or even animals, warned Dutch Member of Parliament (MP) Thierry Baudet in this interview on The Sentinel Report. The globalists admire the Communist Chinese model with no freedom for citizens, and total power for the elites, added the Forum for Democracy founder and chief in this episode of The Sentinel Report with Alex Newman. “They are unaccountable, nobody can vote them out of office, … and they have a mandate to regulate anything they want, including energy and food rationing,” MP Baudet warned, adding that the government was now waging war on farmers and others. MP Baudet, who hopes to have the Netherlands withdraw from the EU, also lamented the deliberate destruction of Europe’s Christian heritage. He said civilization itself was at risk as its foundations are being destroyed. Speaking on the latest Swedish election, which saw the anti-mass migration Sweden Democrats win big, MP Baudet said that was hopeful. However, he also warned that today, politicians have very little say, as the bureaucratic Deep State continues operating. “I’m very skeptical of political, top down change,” he said. “Instead, we need to build parallel societies. Like Americans, we have to think like settlers … set up our own schools, build our own news channels and talk shows, start our publishing houses.” “We really need to make a community for people like us who want to resist globalism and preserve our European civilization,” continued the prominent Dutch lawmaker and opposition leader, praising Trump but noting that even Trump was unable to stop the machine. But it’s not too late to stop it. In fact, it is absolutely necessary, he added, calling for building a “parallel world” as his party recently opened an elementary school. His new book, The Covid Conspiracy, can be pre-ordered now.
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    31 mins
  • Top Elected Official Exposes GOP Establishment in Florida
    Nov 7 2022
    The Republican establishment is out of control and is fighting against conservative candidates and efforts to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with party money, Volusia County Chair Jeff Brower revealed on The Sentinel Report with Alex Newman. Brower, a farmer and father of 9 who has more constituents than many governors and U.S. Senators, took on the local establishment in Florida’s Volusia County–and won in a landslide. But the powerbrokers never forgave him for it, and continue fighting against him. One of the most egregious examples was when self-styled “Republicans” on the County Council refused to support a county measure protecting the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Across America, even many Democrats have supported such measures. More recently, the local GOP establishment used shady tricks to spend party money backing establishment candidates who support tax increases against conservative ones who actually support the Republican Party platform. Lawsuits are flying. One of the tricks being used by local party bosses involved delaying the votes on conservative Republicans seeking to become precinct committee chairs. This allowed the establishment to rig the endorsement vote in favor of RINOs. Similar shenanigans are happening in Republican Executive Committees–the county branches of the Republican Party of Florida–all across the state, according to whistleblowers and reports by Florida News Reports. But the grassroots are catching on. The enormously popular Brower said the Republican Party must be cleaned up in order to protect liberty and America.
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    30 mins