• You Are God’s Special Gift To Me/Us
    Jul 31 2023



    You Are God's Gift To Me/Us

    • We are responsible for being the best parents we can be
    • Will you pray for us that we will become the best parents we can be?
    • I want to be the best Dad/Mom I can be…
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    19 mins
  • I Don’t Have A Plan For Your Life But I Want To Help You Discover Your Dream For Your Life
    Jul 24 2023

    Contact David for any Questions or Comments


    I don't have a plan for your life, but I want to help you

    discover your dream for your life.

    • I'm more concerned about the kind of person you become than the job/career you choose.
    • It’s your life…it’s your choice!
    • You don’t have to decide right now…dream a little.
    • Dream WITH your child…Let them discover their dream not some version of yours.
    • It's important for a parent to not shoot down something their child says as they are processing ideas about the future (Professional Skateboarder, Nurse, Teacher).
    • Parents have to let go of the dreams they have for their children to let the child discover the possibilities that could become their future.
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    29 mins
  • If You’re Ever Worried, Concerned, or Scared, You Can Always Talk About It With Me-
    Jul 17 2023

    Contact David for Questions and Comments


    If you're ever worried, concerned, or scared, you can always talk about it with me.

    • It’s important to communicate this to children before they are worried, concerned, or scared, as well as when they have these feelings.
    • Dads must work to NOT be in “fix-it mode” when listening to a child’s concern or problem.
    • Making sure that you resolve conflicts between yourself and your child is essential for deeper levels of communication.
    • Look for opportunities that allow your child to open up about things that may be bothering them. (Neighbors being evicted)
    • Helping your child resolve a problem, find a solution, or figure out what to do, is more important and, life-impacting, than giving them the answer or resolving it yourself.
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    29 mins
  • When I’m Not With You I Still Think About You!
    Jul 11 2023

    Contact David for Comments and Questions-


    When I'm not with you, I still think about you.

    • I always carry your picture with me when I go away.
    • I have your picture on the wallpaper on my phone.
    • Call home-"I was thinking about you today and was reminded of ____________ and how proud I am of you.”
    • “I was thinking about you this morning and praying for you about…”
    • When out of town make it a priority to talk to them every day.
    • Even when we are apart, our family is still connected.
    • Even when in town, surprise your child with an unexpected phone call and chat with them for a few minutes.
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    15 mins
  • When I Make Mistakes I’ll Always Apologize And Try To Make Things Right With You-
    Jul 5 2023

    Contact David for any comments and questions:


    When I make mistakes I will always apologize and

    try to make things right with you.

    • I am going to make mistakes and so are you. It’s part of being human.
    • We have to learn to forgive one another for our mistakes and make things right with one another.
    • It takes practice...and humility.
    • When you admit you are wrong and apologize, you teach your child to do that with others.
    • "I was wrong to do/say/act the way I did. I'm sorry, and hope you can forgive me."
    • Don't pressure the child to say they forgive you. It might take some time. They will usually be glad to forgive, but not necessarily always.
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    17 mins
  • I’m Proud Of You Because You Are Mine, And I Get To Be Your Parent!
    Jun 26 2023

    Contact David for Comments and Questions-


    I’m Proud of You Because You Are Mine And I Get To Be Your Parent!

    • There is a difference between being proud of what your child accomplishes and being proud of them for who they are. Both are good but need to be communicated differently.
    • It is important to tell them how proud you are of them when they do the right thing. This reinforces their actions with your approval. However, if they only hear that you are proud of them when they accomplish something, it sends the wrong message.
    • They also need to hear you are proud of them when they don’t accomplish anything.
    • When a child hears, “I’m proud of you because you are mine and I get to be your Dad/Mom!” it has a profound impact on their sense of relational security and helps to increase the Safe Space they feel with you.
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    16 mins
  • Spending Time With You Is One Of My Favorite Things To Do
    Jun 20 2023

    Contact David For Questions and/or Comments


    . Spending Time With You Is One Of My Favorite Things To Do-

    • Going to Mcdonald's for ice cream and play area with you.
    • Going to the park to play with you.
    • Sitting and reading a book with you.
    • Watching a Lassie movie with you…
    • Doing things special to your child, not you, are essential activities.
    • Going to Sonic and taking drives during high school…
    • Birthday breakfasts
    • You will have to carve out special time to spend with your child
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    19 mins
  • You’re Going To Make Mistakes, And That’s OK.
    Jun 14 2023

    Contact David for any questions and/or comments-


    I don’t expect you to be perfect, you are going to make mistakes, and that’s ok.

    • I’m not perfect & no one else is either-
    • I do expect you to try your best all of the time.
    • I do expect you to find a good attitude when you have a bad attitude.
    • When I am correcting your behavior, it is because I love you and want what is best for your life.
    • Your being happy right now is not my biggest concern. You growing up to be the right kind of person is.
    • “You can feel any way that you feel...but you can't act any way you want to act” - I feel like I heard this a lot (Anna :) Helping a child come to understand that there is a difference between how they feel, and how they are allowed to act, is critically important for their emotional and social development.
    • Managing the tension between how you want a child to act and how they act requires patience, consistency, and being in it for the long haul.
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    25 mins