
  • Ep 154 Joe Sigurdson - BoysToMen.org
    Mar 7 2025
    About Joe Sigurdson

    LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/joeboystomen

    With over two decades at Boys To Men Mentoring Network, my journey has been dedicated to transforming lives through experiential weekends and school programs that foster responsibility, positive choices, and accountability among youth. My expertise in workshop facilitation and youth mentoring has enabled us to create a supportive environment where boys can openly share and grow.

    As a seasoned Chief Success Officer, I leverage active listening, empathy, and empowerment skills to drive meaningful change. The impact of our efforts is evident in improved school grades, attendance, and reduced disciplinary issues. Guided by a mission to mentor the next generation, our team remains committed to helping young men carve paths toward healthy manhood.

    BoysToMen.org CONTACT INFO
    • 3322 Sweetwater Springs Blvd.
      #102, Spring Valley,
      California 91977
    • Email: info@boystomen.org
    • Phone: 619-469-9599
    • Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/boystomenmentoring
    • Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/boystomen_sd/#
    • YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClmkRGv46Jjm-2RLLAJPowg/featured
    • Vimeo- https://vimeo.com/boystomen
    get involved

    Are you looking for ways to support our organization? We’d love to know more about how you would like to become a part of the Boys to Men Mentoring community.

    get connected

    Every man has a story to share. Are you ready to share yours with our boys?

    About Boys To Men Mentoring

    Our community based mentoring approach gives boys a variety of positive male role models who show up consistently, tell the truth about their struggles as men, ask the boys what kind of man they want to be, praise them for their gifts, support them when they mess up, and encourage them to become the man they want to be.

    Be Part Of The Solution

    Proven principles coupled with in-school and open-community mentoring programs offer teenage boys a safe space to share their feelings, fears, and traumas. Volunteer mentors provide vulnerable boys with the support and guidance needed to navigate challenges often faced during adolescence and develop the resilience necessary to cope with their issues.


    Learn more about our commitment to fatherless and at-risk teenage boys.


    How our in-school group mentoring reengages disconnected boys.


    Looking for a way to get involved? Join our community.

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    55 mins
  • Ep 153 Mark Weeks- TexomaTurfPros.com
    Feb 20 2025
    About Mark Weeks

    I am a dedicated entrepreneur currently operating two businesses: Weeks and Associates, and Texoma Turf Pros. A graduate of Wichita Falls High School, I have spent the past 16 years in the construction industry, leading teams and managing projects across the country.

    In addition to my professional endeavors, I enjoy running cattle, the outdoors and spending quality time with friends. My commitment to community service is reflected in my active membership with the Maskat Shrine and Faith Masonic Lodge. Recently, I furthered my leadership skills as a new graduate of Leadership Wichita Falls.

    Contact Details

    Texoma Turf Pros Website HERE

    (940) 733-4782


    Transforming Spaces with Lush Turf Solutions

    Experience the astonishing transformation of your outdoor spaces with our specialized artificial turf solutions designed for real people, real families, real pets, and real needs.

    Our Mission

    We are passionately dedicated to helping you transform your outdoor or indoor spaces in to a vibrant landscape that exceeds your expecations. Our mission is to provide high-quality, sustainable turf solutions that not only beautify your property but also contribute to a healthier environment. Our customer-centric approach ensures we commit every bit of our resources to providing you a personalized service and tailored design to suit your unique vision and needs.

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    52 mins
  • Ep 152 April Edwards- DeckBuilderMarketers.com
    Feb 15 2025
    April Edwards

    Owner at Deck Builder Marketers providing, strategy, website, SEO, PPC, reputation marketing, email and sales automation, social media, and more!

    Txt Number: 760-671-3400

    FREE STRATEGY LESSON: https://deckbuildermarketers.com/get-started/

    Website: https://deckbuildermarketers.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deckbuildermarketers/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deckbuildermarketers/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/deckbuildermarketers/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@deckbuildermarketers

    My team of marketing experts and I help deck builders become the best-known deck builder in their area using internet marketing that actually works!

    • We help our clients reach the #1 spots on Google for high-quality keywords
    • We boost traffic and leads on websites
    • The bottom line... we help our clients grow by getting them more exposure online!

    I've been in marketing since 2004 and have a passion for growth.

    I aim to be as helpful and resourceful as possible for our clients, putting strategies and plans together that meet them where they're at and prep them for their long-term goals.

    Check out our "We Love Deck Builders" podcast, my recent blog articles, sign up to receive helpful tips in your inbox, and take advantage of my FREE Strategy Session to give you the clarity you need to move your business forward.

    When I'm not helping my deck builders thrive, I also enjoy good food, exploring new things, surfing, riding my dirt bike, and enjoying time with family.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Ep 151 - Joe Belmontes JBCDesignBuild.com
    Feb 6 2025
    JBC Design & Build Joe Belmontes-

    JBC Design and Build WEBSITE

    Instagram: @JBCDesignBuild

    Facebook: JBC Design Build

    A full-service company offering interior and exterior architectural design, engineering, and construction in the Greater Los Angeles area of Southern California.

    We are a licensed, bonded, and insured, family-owned construction company in Southern California. Our family has been working in the construction industry for over three decades and we continue to be passionate about our work and the relationships we build. We have earned a reputation for providing our customers with professional excellence and we continuously aim to maintain our reputation by ensuring we deliver the best customer experience and the best workmanship.

    Our Mission:

    We believe relationships last longer than a business transaction, so our goal is to meet and exceed our client’s expectations. If you have an idea or a concept you would like to bring to life, together we can explore your options until we have something we can design and build. We value each client’s needs, and it is of great importance to us to help you design and build to your requests and expectations. No project is too big, too small, or impossible. Every client’s need is unique and bringing your ideas to life is what we do best.

    We look forward to working with you!

    - The Belmontes Family

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    50 mins
  • Ep 150 Grant Ramsey - ChismBrothers.com
    Jan 30 2025
    Grant Ramsey with ChismBrothers.com

    Grant has been with us for a few years now. David Chism was good friends with Grant's older brother. This is how we originally found out about Grant. We lured him into working with CBP knowing he had a strong work ethic and enjoyed the painting industry too. After just a year working in the field as a project manager, we had an opening as a lead estimator. We offered this position to Grant knowing that he also had great people skills. We taught him the art of estimating, and he doing extremely well pricing out projects for customers. We are very happy to have him as part of the team.

    Chism Broth­ers Painting


    7958 Con­voy Ct
    San Diego, CA92111

    Office Hours

    Mon­day — Thurs­day: 8:00am — 4:00pm
    Fri­day: 8:00am — 12:00pm

    (858) 454-3850


    In 1982, Pat and Mike offi­cial­ly found­ed Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing, mark­ing the com­mence­ment of a lega­cy that spans over four decades. Indi­vid­u­al­ly ded­i­cat­ed to their craft, they have exem­pli­fied the seam­less inte­gra­tion of char­ac­ter and crafts­man­ship. The eth­i­cal stan­dards instilled by their father guide the selec­tion of a team that shares a com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty and integrity.

    Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing has always been a fam­i­ly oper­a­tion. Even Mike’s kids have been active­ly involved in the busi­ness, con­tin­u­ing the tra­di­tion into the present day. How­ev­er, the pas­sage of time brought pro­found change in 2006 when the paint­ing com­mu­ni­ty mourned the loss of Pat Chism. His lega­cy, built on supe­ri­or crafts­man­ship and unwa­ver­ing char­ac­ter, con­tin­ues to inspire every stroke of the brush.

    Tran­si­tion unfold­ed in 2023 as Mike Chism, hav­ing ded­i­cat­ed decades to the busi­ness, chose to retire. The reins of Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing were hand­ed over to David Chism, Mike’s son, who has been an inte­gral part of the busi­ness since its inception.

    David’s jour­ney is a tapes­try of diverse expe­ri­ences with­in the com­pa­ny. From his ear­ly days work­ing in the field to con­tribut­ing to mar­ket­ing, sales, and oper­a­tions, David embod­ies the spir­it of the Chism lega­cy. For a sea­son, dur­ing school, he was in charged with keep­ing on the CBP vehi­cles squeaky clean too! With enthu­si­asm and pride, he steps into the role of the new own­er, eager to con­tin­ue the fam­i­ly tradition.

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    53 mins
  • Ep 149 Nick Stevens - LegacyDecks.com
    Jan 16 2025
    Deck Design & Construction LegacyDecks.com(864) 531-5187Get a Consultationoffice@legacydecks.com1110A W Butler Rd, Ste. A
    Greenville, SC 29607

    We design and create beautiful, custom decks that will transform your outdoor living space,
    enhance your enjoyment, and add value to your home. Your experience is just as important as the finished product. We focus on you from concept to creation!

    Nick Stevens

    Senior Sales Consultant

    Follow Nick on Instagram HERE

    Follow Nick on LinkedIn

    Nick joined Legacy Decks in 2017 after avoiding risk in the insurance industry. Now he feels the only thing koi about a backyard should be a pond. He loves thinking outside the box by designing curved decks. The only thing he loves more than bent boards is a bent rod on the river as he and his wife both enjoy escaping to the river to fly fish with their 2 dogs.

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    41 mins
  • Ep 148 PHCC San Diego Chapter- PHCCSD.org
    Dec 20 2024
    PHCC San Diego Trades Expo 2/1/25 RSVP HEREMISSION & VISION

    Our Commitment to Our Contractors is Everything

    The heart of the San Diego PHCC chapter beats at the same pulse as our original founders, and even now, more than a century later, the importance and excitement of the PHCC mission have not been diluted. That mission is to advance and educate the plumbing and HVACR industry for society's health, safety, and comfort and to protect the environment.​

    Tradesmen that elect to join their local PHCC commit to the collective values of trust, integrity, and service that our chapter has become known for. When you see a technician with a PHCC patch, you know you are working with skilled tradesmen you can trust.

    Today, the Academy stands strong and steadfast with terrific staff, an improved curriculum, and a growing number of hands-on labs. The PHCC of San Diego Academy continues to add programs based on the needs of the industry, like the Back-flow Certification. Efforts also extend beyond the classroom, with an increased focus on community outreach specifically to San Diego County Agencies, high schools, and the military. Our office can also act as a recruiter for individuals seeking employment in the P-H-C industry. We do our best to match individuals to members based on their location, experience and initiative.

    Our History

    During the 1880’s, the transition from outhouses to indoor plumbing was moving at a rapid pace, starting with better homes and commercial buildings. The burgeoning market for indoor plumbing spurred some gasfitters and other metal workers to specialize in this work.

    The true craftsmen sought ways to distinguish those who knew what they were doing from those who didn’t. In 1882, a group of these new tradesmen in New York City banded together to form the Master Plumbers Association of New York. Shortly afterward, a like-minded group joined forces in Brooklyn.

    In 1883, the 125 members of the New York group formed the National Association of Master Plumbers (NAMP) to provide the public with a complete, safe and sanitary plumbing system. NAMP was the forerunner of the National Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors (NAPHCC), which in 1962 became the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors National Association (PHCC).

    The association has evolved over time, always upholding the standards that advance the industry and protect public health and safety. Today, PHCC continues its tradition of excellence by providing the best education, advocacy and connections to help its North American network of professionals strengthen their businesses—now and in the future.

    Best People. Best Practices.®

    PHCC San Diego Facebook

    PHCC San Diego Instagram

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    52 mins
  • Ep 147 Kevin Choquette- RavinLLC.com
    Dec 5 2024
    Meet Kevin: A Visionary Leader

    Born and raised in South County, Kevin has been captivated by the art of building and crafting since childhood. He comes from a long lineage of skilled craftsmen, with his father, grandfather, and uncles all having worked on different trades and construction projects.

    Over the course of his 20-year career, Kevin has cultivated a team that shares his relentless drive to deliver exceptional products and experiences to his local community. Kevin’s passion for innovation and leadership in the industry is evident through his partnership with manufacturers and his thriving Instagram account, which serves as a resource for other deck builders looking to stay on top of the latest advancements.

    Kevin’s commitment to excellence was nationally recognized when he was named one of two recipients of the 2022 Deckorators Beyond Ordinary Award, further cementing his reputation as a leader in the field.

    Our Achievements

    Ravin Builders is not just meeting industry standards – we’re setting them. Our team has earned a reputation for excellence in the industry, receiving numerous awards and accolades for our craftsmanship and dedication to innovation. Some of our most notable achievements include:

    – First Place Award at the 2022 NADRA National Deck Competition as a First Time Entrant –

    – First, Second, and Third Placings at the 2023 NADRA National Deck Competition –
    – Featured in Deck Specialist’s magazine’s Contractor’s Corner –
    – Kevin, our owner, was named as one of two recipients of the 2022 Deckorators Beyond Ordinary Award –

    Our Mission & Promise

    At Ravin Builders, our ultimate mission is to enable every client to live the best possible lifestyle within their budget and circumstances. We strive to push the boundaries of deck building, making every optimization possible to deliver an unparalleled experience and top-notch product for all our clients. Our passion for innovation extends not only to the construction and design of your deck, but to every aspect of our service and the customer experience.

    By staying ahead of emerging trends and techniques, we ensure our clients receive the most advanced products and designs for their decks. We also know that every client is unique, and we embrace that individuality by tailoring our services to suit your specific needs and preferences. When you choose Ravin Builders, you can trust that your new deck will create a better lifestyle for you and your family for decades to come.

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    54 mins