• Taking risks: with Ollice S.
    Mar 11 2023

    Another incredible moment with Ollice at The Undervalued Podcast Kingdom. Ollice, is a courageous young woman who shows up with tons of ambitious energy and there is no one who can possibly stop her from pursuing her dreams. She is currently living in NYC after she boldly chose to move by herself all the way from Ohio- ( she ain't playing ). At 21 years of age she has taken action that has blessed her with wisdom and valuable experiences in many areas of her life - relationships, friendships, dance, family connection etc. The world is aware that one of the biggest fears is change but this powerful young woman is eager for more and her determination is taking her to new places and new success. You would be wise to listen to this moment so you can experience her energy, enthusiasm, and rawness. If you want to know more about her life, go check her out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/olliceee/?hl=en and be inspired by her work. Be bold ladies and gentlemen! See you on the next moment. STAY ELEVATED!

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    28 mins
  • Identity is dynamic - with Ines
    Feb 14 2023

    A moment with Ines Constantin at The Undervalued Podcast Kingdom. Ines, is a brilliant young woman in her second semester of college with aspirations in the field of psychology. She is incredibly self-aware and eager for more. She comes from a Romanian traditional culture, so growing up she was reserved and told what she should believe in. Along the way she is discovering that she is hungry to challenge the status quo and challenge the superficial energy of the new generation. We both agreed to be 'intense' and 'too much', but also concluded that others are just thinking "too little." That was eye-opening and inspiring. She absolutely shined in this moment. If you want to know more about her, please check out her instagram https://www.instagram.com/ines.constantin/?hl=en . I will see you soon on the next moment. STAY ELEVATED!

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    42 mins
  • Identity comes in tradition- with Jenniffer P.
    Jan 30 2023

    A moment with Jenniffer, at the The Undervalued Podcast Kingdom. Jenniffer, is a young latina woman of Dominican descent from NYC who grew up around traditional thinking which almost shaped her way of living and who she should be (identity). As a Dominican woman particularly, she was expected to have the career, husband, kids, house etc. to justify her womanhood and loyalty towards the culture. However, she is different, she sees beyond and she is not settling for other points of views that doesn’t align with her soul. Her discipline has lead her to inner-success and clarity. At one point she says, “many people fall into this prototype about what they should be.” Speaks volume and we agreed that not being aware of this belief can cause confusion and anger. To learn more of her life find her on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jennportoe/ . let's connect on the next moment. STAY ELEVATED!

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    42 mins
  • Identity limits you- with Yesica Bello
    Jan 17 2023

    A moment with Yesica Bello, at The Undervalued Podcast Kingdom. Yesica, is a self-connected young woman from NYC who often finds herself to be different in the way she thinks and perceives life's experiences. Here you discover her perspective in regards to identity and how it shows up in her life. We're clear that most of us feel obliged to follow the crowd and keep up with a particular image (identity) of self to be 'valid' , accepted, loved, or relevant. However, It does more damage than good trying to be what we think we should be. Witness how Yesica, eloquently shares her wisdom with a soft-spoken presence yet through organic passion. You can find her instagram page at https://www.instagram.com/yesicabello_/ for more of her life and what she is about. Let's connect in the next moment. STAY ELEVATED!

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    50 mins
  • Prelude to The Undervalued Podcast
    Jan 9 2023
    An invitation to make yourself available to speak of the unspoken wisdom that is ready to meet you. 
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    1 min