• E122: How To Curb Alcohol Cravings
    Jan 6 2025

    Fighting the urge to drink alcohol is exhausting. And exhaustion leads to drinking.

    In this episode, we chat with Mary, DeeAnn, and Billie about how to curb alcohol cravings. Whether you're working your way through Dry January and it's turning out to be tougher than you thought, or you're just starting out on a life long sober journey, we're armed with the tools and mindset shifts you need to get through the cravings and urges, take back your power, and gain the strength you need to keep moving forward.

    In this episode:

    • Changing patterns and disrupting old routines
    • Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) including Naltrexone
    • Finding a therapist to overcome trauma that causes cravings
    • Learn to ride the roller coaster without fighting it
    • Cravings are signals and information about unmet needs
    • Find someone to talk to about the urges
    • Shifting to a healing mindset
    • Understanding the physiological and mental effects of alcohol and withdrawal
    • Take the option to drink away
    • Building sober muscles - gaining strength from each craving
    • Learning to change your language to create empowerment
    • Changing the associate with certain activties and alcohol
    • The "Alcohol Monster" tool for making cravings feel empowering

    Looking for more tools to fight cravings? Check out these other podcast episodes to support your sobriety!


    DeAnn is a human in recovery for just under 5 years. She has a non-profit committed to advocacy for those struggling with substance use disorder. Her podcast, Show Up and Stay, focuses on the space between recovering from a substance and starting the steps to healing your life. She also has a special project underway: Sober Positive Workplace, which focuses on helping organizations normalize recovery and substance-free individuals in our workplaces and other shared spaces. DeAnn is currently working on her Masters with Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies and is especially focused on integrated recovery options and counseling services inclusive of resources for co-occurring disorders.

    Sober Positive Workplace showcase page on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/96108017/admin/feed/posts/




    Billie hails from the great state of Oregon in the greater Pacific Northwest. After a career in law enforcement, she now works as a professional elder justice subject matter expert, as well as an instructor in Oregon’s law enforcement academy. She is also a domestic violence advocate for her local police department and meets with survivors of intimate partner violence to provide resources and safety planning options. Billie continues her advocacy by being involved in her states suicide prevention and awareness programs and facilitates her local chapter of a suicide bereavement group for families who have lost their loved ones to suicide. She is wife, mom to two wonderful kids and an avid dog lover.


    Let’s connect!

    Visit our website at throughtheglassrecovery.com to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings.

    You can also find Julie and Steve on:



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    59 mins
  • E121: Early Sobriety: What We Wish We'd Known
    Dec 30 2024

    When you're starting out in sobriety, the unknown of it all can feel really overwhelming. Each day that goes by comes with questions like, "Is this normal?" and "Will it always be like this?" Sometimes it feels impossible to imagine what life will look like a month or a year from now, and that can cause some real anxiety.

    We get it. We've been there - and we've felt all those things. So we decided to gather up some people to have a conversation about what we wish we'd known in early sobriety. In this chat with Alex McRobert (Sober Yoga Girl Podcast host) and Lucy Linger (film writer/director/producer), our hope is that we'll set your mind at ease, make this all feel a little more possible, and let you know you're not alone.

    "You might feel worse before you feel better."

    In this episode:

    • You're going to have to experience your own journey and learn your own lessons
    • There are tons of options for support, outside of AA.
    • There are medication options to help with withdrawals, to make them more comfortable and safer
    • Your experience doesn't have to look like anyone else's
    • Your life is REALLY going to change - for the better.
    • Health benefits abound - both mental and physical health
    • Sobriety allows you to develop resilience you never knew you were capable of
    • Your relationships are going to start changing - some for the better, some for the worse.
    • All emotions eventually pass on their own, with no action from you required
    • Nostalgia is real - and it can trick you into drinking if you're not aware of it.
    • Go find a hobby... and then find more.
    • Learn how to experience emotions instead of fighting them.


    Lucy is a writer-director-producer working in theatre, film, and TV. She has been directing for over 20 years and her work has been seen at theatres and film festivals in the UK, Europe, and the USA receiving 5 stars and glowing reviews from renowned critics such as The Stage, Time Out, and The Independent and featuring on the British Comedy Guide. She is the Artistic Director of Threadbare Theatre Company and Linger Longer films.

    You can visit her website at lucylinger.com


    Alexandra McRobert is a 500-hour registered yoga teacher educator, certified life coach, and holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Education from Queen’s University in Canada. She has lived overseas since she was twenty three in Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and Bali, Indonesia. Alex founded The Mindful Life Practice, a worldwide community for those seeking connection and spirituality on a recovery journey - whether that is recovery from alcohol addiction or something else. Alex teaches yoga online and in-person in Bali, and she leads retreats in Bali and around the world. She also runs 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teacher trainings. Alex is the host of the Sober Yoga Girl Podcast. In her free time, she writes, plays guitar, and likes to spend time with her cat, Princess.


    Visit Through the Glass Recovery for free resources, support, and more!


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    50 mins
  • E120: Is Sobriety Worth It? Insights From Those Who’ve Done It
    Dec 23 2024

    Is sobriety worth it? You hear all the time that it's the battle of a lifetime. That it's a lifelong journey of emotional growth and 'doing the work'. Is it really worth pouring that much time and energy into staying sober?

    When you're in the thick of the struggle, it can be tough to remember why you're fighting. This episode is meant to remind you what life is like on the other side of that craving, or that hard situation, or that tough emotion. Listen, and then bookmark this episode so you can come back to it the next time you're not sure if it's really worth it.

    "Living sober means I get to create memories that never would have been made otherwise."

    In this episode:

    • Sobriety is "The Ability To..."
    • Be present; get healthy; save money
    • Facing the issues on the inside that you've avoided for too long
    • Emotions - understanding and allowing them
    • Self discovery and authenticity
    • How relationships improve with sobriety
    • Experiences keep getting better the longer you're sober
    • Understanding happiness and how to achieve it
    • The health benefits of sobriety - and no longer worrying


    Chris Cardone, owner of Continuous Beverage Solutions, boasts 24+ years in bartending and hospitality, consulting for NYC’s top bars and restaurants. A 2017 Diageo World Class Bartending US Champion, he placed 5th globally and now judges the competition. Featured in Epicurious and major publications, Chris also educates with DiageoBarAcademy.com, partners on Astreaus Gin, and pioneers "healthy mixology." A flair bartending finalist and trainer to stars, he’s shaped the industry with expertise and passion.

    Chris Cardone

    Founder @ Continuous Beverage Solutions

    Chief Mixologist @ Via Carota Craft Cocktails

    Director of Mixology @ Astraeaus

    2017 Diageo World Class US Bartender of the Year


    Matt (shamman780), a 39 year old father of two from Burnt Hills, New York is 19 months sober. He always believed he would get sober but at the same time feared it may never come. He spent five and half years stuck in the up and down battle with alcoholism before finding a better way. He wants to thank you everyone for sticking with him through all this.

    He’d like people to know that substance abuse and mental health issues do not discriminate and that if you are struggling there are people out there who want to and who will help you. Matthew Perry always said to people who are struggling “It’s not your fault”, but this Matthew believes it’s your responsibility. It’s your responsibility to acknowledge, to accept and to treat it every day, just like you would any other disease.

    Be kind to those who are still struggling. Sobriety is hard, but it’s worth it.


    Get in touch with Steve and Julie:

    Visit our website at throughtheglassrecovery.com to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. We also have a Facebook Group where our friends and listeners can offer support to one another. Come join us!

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    47 mins
  • E119:Alcohol and Self Care: Keeping Your Cup Full
    Dec 16 2024

    Self care isn't just for crisis. It's what creates a life where alcohol has no place. Self care is how we make emotional regulation a natural part of our lives, and it's how we provide maintenance for our sobriety. It can also be a challenge to give ourselves permission to take the time for self care, in a world where self care is often seen as selfish.

    In this sobriety podcast episode, we chat with Antje and Lester about how they've incorporated self care into their lives on a daily basis. We all share tips and examples of what works in our lives, and how we continue to make self care a priority in our lives every day, without guilt.

    • Questions to ask yourself to identify self care
    • Meeting your basic needs
    • Self care is a requirement, not an option
    • How to know if self care is working
    • Relaxing looks different for everyone. Learn how it looks for you.
    • The healing quality of nature
    • Connection acts as self care
    • Self care evolves as you evolve
    • Work/life balance and how it pertains to self care
    • Self care as part of routines
    • Savoring, meditation, mindfulness, and gratitude

    Want to learn more about alcohol and self care? Check out this article about self care mistakes you might be making in sobriety, and what to do instead.


    Antje first discovered drinking as a way to “fix” her eating disorder. She thought that drinking was more acceptable than binging and purging all of her meals. When drinking grew more and more out of control, she reluctantly considered sobriety in January of 2022. Soon after, she found connection and support in an online sober community. She is so glad to that she took that first, scary step and gave sobriety a chance.


    Lester Vaskin is a Criminal Justice Recovery Coach at Peer 180 Recovery Community Organization and a State Opioid Response (SOR) Grant Recovery Coach. He lives in Grad Junction, Colorado.

    He is a man in active sustained recovery, which means to him that since December 14th, 2021 he has abstained from any mind altering substance to experience life and all it has to offer, both good and bad, without having to run from it. His life in recovery is a life full of joy with his girlfriend Miranda and their dog Max.


    Follow Through the Glass Recovery on Facebook and Instagram.

    For more free resources, including information about our free weekly Zoom support group, visit our website at throughtheglassrecovery.com

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    43 mins
  • E118: Real Life Examples of Setting Boundaries in Recovery
    Dec 9 2024

    You hear the word "boundaries" all the time in recovery. They're obviously an important piece of staying emotionally and mentally healthy. But what does the word "boundaries" actually mean? How do you set a boundary?

    In this episode of Through the Glass Recovery Podcast, we have invited certified recovery coaches Jamie and Nele, and Jessica, author of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, to join us in a conversation about what boundaries have actually looked like in our lives. You'll hear real life examples and experiences that you can easily apply to your own life - and give you the courage and strength to set boundaries of your own.

    If you're a people pleaser, and put others' needs before your own in order to keep the peace - this episode is for you.

    In this episode:

    • How to determine your "no's"
    • The idea that boundaries are a practice, not a skill to be learned and checked off
    • Learning by example - find strong mentors
    • Getting comfortable with disappointing people
    • Getting past your people pleasing instincts
    • Boundaries can create conflict - and that's okay
    • It's all about telling people what IS welcome in our lives
    • Crossed boundaries can bring a chance for deeper connection
    • Setting boundaries with yourself (which is tough, but necessary.)
    • Navigating boundaries in a relationship when your spouse drinks

    Other episodes you might love:

    • Managing conflict in recovery
    • How to stop people pleasing
    • More about setting boundaries


    Originally from the Bay Area, Jessica lives in Northern California with her husband and 3 young daughters. Jessica has a background teaching special education but she left the field to pursue her passion for writing and to raise her girls. She is a vocal advocate for addiction recovery with over 11 years of sobriety.

    Her debut literary book club fiction novel “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea,” won the Maurice Prize for fiction from her alma matter UC Davis. It is a devastating and poignant novel that meditates on the often-unspoken costs and sacrifices of motherhood, relationships between women, and the slippery slope of using alcohol to take the edge off.

    Available now for preorder and in bookstores everywhere May 13, 2025.



    Jamie Woodall is an entrepreneur and (Still Here) trained Recovery Coach who is passionate about personal transformation.

    She trained as a Therapeutic Tutor for children with Dyslexia, helping them to see their own strengths and self-advocate. Jamie spent over a decade with the experiential education company, Where There Be Dragons, designing and instructing programs in the Himalayas and Indonesia for high school and gap-year students.

    She also co-founded the Odyssey Institute in Bali, which focused on environmental studies, leadership, and global citizenship.

    Jamie is fascinated by experiences which push boundaries and inspire introspection, self-awareness, and personal growth.

    Currently based on Bowen Island, BC, Canada, she is raising two teenagers, has recently learned to DJ, and is living her best life.


    Nele is the Recovery Program Coordinator at The Health Partnership. Check out her work at: Thehealthpartnership.org


    For more great resources, podcast episodes, recovery meetings, and support groups, check out throughtheglassrecovery.com

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    48 mins
  • E117: Real Life Stories - Navigating ADHD and Alcohol Abuse
    Dec 2 2024
    You know that ADHD and alcohol abuse are related; that alcohol intensifies ADHD symptoms. But what is it really like to quit drinking when you have ADHD? What are some of the biggest challenges - and how do you over come them? In this episode, four people with ADHD share their experience of what it was like to quit drinking alcohol while still navigating ADHD symptoms. By the end of the episode, you'll be armed with tools proven to work for your unique challenges. In this episode: Alcohol made it easy to avoid dealing with ADHD symptomsThe caffeine/alcohol cycle that many peopel fall intoThe benefit of understanding that certain behaviors are related to ADHDDealing with the emotional dysregulation aspect of ADHDThe benefits and challenges of medicationThe remarkable strengths of ADHDDecision fatigueThe struggle with planning ahead ADHD resources discussed in this episode: Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most Out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder by Edward Hallowell Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder by Gabor Mate BrainFM app for focus --- Senior Database Architect by day. Husband, Father, Musician, Photographer, Artist, Internet DJ, Astrologer, Designer and Writer by night. Born and raised in Ottumwa, Iowa and later in Cedar Rapids, moved to Illinois in the 80s to go to DeVry. And never left. With many attempts at quitting drinking through the pandemic, it finally worked for me on the 20th of March 2023 and I have not looked back since. My Website: https://www.davidbrucedavis.com/ My YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@davidbdavis --- Hello, my name is Amber and I just recently celebrated 2 years alcohol free on Christmas Eve. I live alone with my cats in Rhode Island and work a FT and PT job, saving money, rebuilding my credit and learning how to live an honest and full life. Growing up as an only child in a toxic family dynamic with alcoholism and undiagnosed mental health disorders running the show, I developed complex trauma that I wouldn’t be aware of until the day I took my last drink and began to uncover the lies that alcohol had me believing for so long. I lacked self love and self worth and believed I was just not built for the kind of life that I desired. Come to find out I had the power to build that life all along, but alcohol robbed me of the ability to see it. Sobriety has allowed me to see an alternative path in life and recovery is providing the tools that enable me to walk that path. I am in the process of finding my voice and discovering where I can be of service to others who are still stuck in the lie. I hope to someday run a sober living community on a working farm where others can unplug from their toxic environments and truly heal. --- Antje first discovered drinking as a way to “fix” her eating disorder. She thought that drinking was more acceptable than binging and purging all of her meals. When drinking grew more and more out of control, she reluctantly considered sobriety in January of 2022. Soon after, she found connection and support in an online sober community. She is so glad to that she took that first, scary step and gave sobriety a chance. --- Ben is 46 years old, married with two boys ages 11 and 13. He lives in New Hampshire. Ben was diagnosed with ADHD at age 43. He quit drinking alcohol one month after that diagnosis, after openly discussing addiction with his primary care doctor and beginning ADHD medication. Ben still considers himself an ADHD rookie, and continues to educate himself through books, podcasts, and conversations with friends, family, and medical professionals. --- Visit throughtheglassrecovery.com for a full list of episodes, and dozens of other free sobriety resources!
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • E116: How To Build Self Esteem In Recovery
    Nov 25 2024

    Alcohol addiction is often surrounded by feelings of shame, guilt, and regret. The result is painfully low self esteem that doesn't just go away once you've gotten sober. Building self esteem in recovery takes intention and effort. In this week's podcast episode, we're joined by Cassie and Brenton, who share how they've taken action to build their self esteem in recovery, and the ways their action has impacted their lives.

    In this episode:

    • The best self help books to build self esteem in recovery
    • Ditching others' opinions to make room for our own
    • All the things you are doing to create a false sense of self esteem
    • What a failure really is, and why you're not one
    • Knowing your value and potential, and embracing it
    • Finding the courage to raise your standards

    "Self worth comes from keeping promises to yourself."

    Need more insight on Self Esteem in Recovery? Check out these other episodes:




    A former Pastor with over a decade in ministry, Brenton has been on a recovery journey since July 2022. He founded the Instagram account @OfficeRecovery to blend humor and healing, helping others smile, learn to laugh again, and take the next right step forward. With an MBA in leadership underway, he's passionate about creating supportive spaces in faith and recovery communities. Available for speaking and writing engagements, he focuses on faith, sobriety, and inclusive, compassionate leadership.


    Cassie Bollinger is a full-time student, entrepreneur, and podcast host dedicated to inspiring and supporting others. As a growing Scentsy business owner and host of Who Nose Best, a podcast for Scentsy Consultants, Cassie shares valuable insights into direct sales and personal growth. With her journey of recovery, she brings a unique perspective on building self-esteem and self-worth, and she’s passionate about helping others discover their potential as they overcome challenges and embrace transformation.



    Check out all of our free resources on our website: throughtheglassrecovery.com

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    43 mins
  • E115: What To Expect In Rehab
    Nov 18 2024

    You know you need help. You've tried everything, and you're still struggling to quit drinking. Rehab is the obvious next step, but the idea of going to inpatient treatment is overwhelming. In this ground breaking episode, you'll hear from four different guests who share what their experience in rehab was like. And not just their experiences, but you'll also hear how they handled telling their employer they were going to treatment; how they got the most out of the experience; what fears they had, and how they faced them.

    Rehab has the potential to be a life changing experience. If you or someone you love is considering going to inpatient treatment for alcohol use disorder, we're here to make sure you're equipped with all the knowledge and advice you need to make this less intimidating, and also to make sure you find lasting freedom from alcohol.

    In this episode:

    • What will you tell your employer? Your family?
    • The danger of comparing yourself to others in rehab
    • What to expect from medically supervised detox
    • The value of connection
    • Giving yourself permission to put yourself first
    • Facing - and reconciling - your past
    • What does "doing the work" actually mean?
    • Going back to your normal life after rehab


    Billie hails from the great state of Oregon in the greater Pacific Northwest. After a career in law enforcement, she now works as a professional elder justice subject matter expert, as well as an instructor in Oregon’s law enforcement academy. She is also a domestic violence advocate for her local police department and meets with survivors of intimate partner violence to provide resources and safety planning options. Billie continues her advocacy by being involved in her states suicide prevention and awareness programs and facilitates her local chapter of a suicide bereavement group for families who have lost their loved ones to suicide. She is wife, mom to two wonderful kids and an avid dog lover.


    My name is David and I am 20 months into my recovery journey. I had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol for 20 plus years. I started in rehab and began putting in the work. I believe everyone can choose their own path in recovery. Through support from family, friends, community, sharing, and counseling, I have been able to begin healing from childhood traumas. It is an honor to be a part of such a beautiful community of people. I didn’t know how lost I was until I found myself. One love!


    Scott: I am a proud father of twin boys. I host The Sober Heathen podcast with which I document my recovery journey. Although it is sometimes painful and deeply raw it helps me tremendously to recover honestly and openly! I have 4 OWI’s, thousands in fines due, no license until the 30’s (2030 :P), I am living back home, and I still have never felt better and in more control! Recovery is worth it because with it there is always HOPE!


    Chris McGuinn served as Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Labor on opioid issues. He created the “Make Them Describe, Before They Prescribe” campaign, encouraging claimants to ask important questions when receiving new prescriptions. He has also worked in the addiction treatment field, managing single-site and multi-state operations for various Intensive Outpatient providers in the Washington, DC area. He founded More Than 28 to advocate for longer stays and better insurance coverage for treatment.


    Twitter: @morethan28

    Instagram: @more_than28

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/morethan28


    Visit our website at throughtheglassrecovery.com to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and to gain access to our FREE weekly recovery meetings. We also have a Facebook Group where our friends and listeners can offer support to one another. Come join us!

    You can also find Julie and Steve on:




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    56 mins