• Questions & Answers 3257
    Mar 15 2025
    1) What does the Bible teach about people going to hell and God’s love? 2) Do you believe that all Christians can have financial security? 3) Can you explain how we should confess our sins? 4) Can you speak about foot washing in light of John 13:14? 5) Will Christians who love this world be raptured? 6) Why does the teaching of the Millennium seem like a new doctrine?
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    27 mins
  • Questions & Answers 3256
    Mar 8 2025
    1) Can you discuss the baptism for the dead in 1 Corinthians 15? 2) What generation was Jesus speaking about in Matthew 24:34? 3) Does the scripture teach the true age of the earth? 4) Dr. McGee clarifies his position on hell not being open yet. 5) Why did God not destroy Satan after his rebellion instead of letting him loose on the earth? 6) Will the Holy Spirit be removed with the church during the Rapture, and will there be witnesses for God during the Tribulation?
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    27 mins
  • Questions & Answers 3255
    Mar 1 2025
    1) Why was only the woman forgiven for adultery in John 8? 2) Can we make a distinction between sins and faults? 3) Dr. McGee discusses the witness of a saved woman to her unsaved husband. 4) Can you explain the timeline of Jesus’ early years in the gospels? 5) Dr. McGee discusses the subject of creation.
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    27 mins
  • Questions & Answers 3254
    Feb 22 2025
    1) Can a Christian donate their body to scientific research? 2) Why do you believe it’s okay to eat pork? 3) Can you explain the process of divorce and remarriage from Deuteronomy 24:1-4? 4) Can two who are separated, but not divorced, get back together? 5) How can we reconcile John 1:18 with Exodus 24:9-11 regarding seeing God?
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    27 mins
  • Questions & Answers 3253
    Feb 15 2025
    1) Does the fact that Jesus turned water to wine allow Christians to drink socially? 2) How important is the doctrine of eternal security? 3) What is the significance of the head covering in Corinthians? 4) Were those who were eating and drinking in the days of Noah an example of drunkenness? 5) Can you discuss the canopy theory? 6) Are we told anywhere in scripture to remember the birth of Jesus Christ? 7) How has the death of Jesus on the cross set me free from sickness and disease?
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    27 mins
  • Questions & Answers 3252
    Feb 8 2025
    1) What does the scripture teach on homosexuality? 2) What will happen to America if our churches continue to fall away from the truth? 3) What are your thoughts on private Christian schools? 4) Dr. McGee discusses the parable of the prodigal pig. 5) How does Psalm 69 speak of Christ? 6) Should a person accept contributions for the Lord’s work from non-Christians?
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    27 mins
  • Questions & Answers 3251
    Feb 1 2025
    1) What is the sovereignty of God? 2) Why do some Bible scholars say that God didn’t harden the heart of Pharaoh? 3) There seem to be two callings: A universal call to salvation to all people, and another to a limited number not to salvation but to the purpose of God. Can you explain? 4) Why do you believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture? 5) Why do you say that you feel like a worm? How can we express His love to others as a worm? 6) Are denominations similar to the division in the Corinthian church? 7) Could you explain Paul’s use of elders in Titus 1:5? 8) Can you explain why you say hell is not open yet according to Luke 16:23? 9) What is your opinion of the matter of religious racketeering?
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    27 mins
  • Questions & Answers 3250
    Jan 25 2025
    1) Does it really matter if a person is a Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian as long as they believe that Jesus is the Christ, born of a virgin, died, rose from the dead, and is now sitting at the right hand of God as our Savior? 2) Does a church or pastor have a right to say who will go to heaven and who will go to hell? 3) Could one of the witnesses in Revelation 11 be John the Apostle according to Revelation 10:11? 4) Will the saints of Revelation 6:9-11 be at the marriage supper of the lamb? And when will that take place? 5) Should a person be allowed to die when there is no hope of recovery? 6) McGee discusses the ministries that send numerous requests for donations. 7) Would you allow an innocent party of a divorce be a deacon or a deaconess? 8) Would you allow an innocent party of a divorce who is remarried be a deacon or a deaconess?
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    27 mins