• Time Barbarians: January 1981
    Feb 18 2025

    Happy New Year! The Time Barbarians are BACK with a brand new year of exciting content! Yes, we've plundered the deepest recesses of the interwebs to bring you all the exciting happenings of January 1981. So pry off a cap of Michelob dark, kick your sandled feet up, and check out all the cool shit we uncovered.

    Topics Include:

    9 to 5 still dominating

    First recorded use of CRACK cocaine

    Axis and Allies debuts

    Chicken McNuggets make their way into test kitchens

    Minimum wage increases

    The Yorkshire Ripper is captured


    The Great Space Coaster

    The UFO from France

    Stymie passes away

    Dynasty premires

    Yorkshire girl sneezes for two years

    Hill Street Blues airs

    Base jumping becomes official

    13 dead, nothing said

    The agreement is signed between the US and Iran to release the hostages

    Ronald Reagan is sworn in

    Iran releases the hostages

    The DeLorean rolls off the production line

    The official US excecutioner dies

    Reagan ends the gas wars

    Happy birthday Frodo Baggins

    Joel Schumacher makes his film debut

    The first parade FOR Vietnam Veterans is held

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • Time Barbarians: December 1980
    Jan 18 2025

    On this very special Christmas episode our tackle such holiday topics as:

    The U.S. release of Pac-Man

    South Korea introduces COLOR TELEVISION

    The debut of Bravo

    A death squad in El Salvador gives new meaning to Missionary

    October Surprise

    Australia releases Superman II

    Led Zepplin call it quits

    Flash Gordon

    Popeye released in theaters

    Here lies Darby Crash

    The murder of John Lennon

    Magnum P.I.

    Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder go to prison

    Apple enters the stock market

    Reagan is sworn in

    The death of Col. Sanders

    Dolly Parton has two HUGE hits

    The Silent Bowl

    The Losing New Orleans Saints

    The amazing story of the Frozen woman

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    37 mins
  • Time Barbarians: November 1980
    Dec 29 2024

    From wastelands to walkmans, we are your barbaric spiritual guides throughout the decade of decadence known as the 1980's.

    Topics on this episode include:

    Ireland makes contraceptives available for the first time

    Archie Bunker's Place debuts

    Ronald Reagan TROUNCES Saint Jimmy Carter in the presidential election.

    The first insulin pump activates

    The Death of Cool- Steve McQueen

    Cyanide in the Courtroom

    Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo debuts

    The kidnapping of Dan Rather

    Voyager I closes in on the rings of Saturn

    Berzerk arcade game released

    The creepy caverns of Arcades

    the inspiration of Raging Bull

    The worst season of Saturday Night Live

    Big Thunder Mountain Railroad opens at Disney

    Canadian Serial Killers

    Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters

    Goodbye Chrissy Snow, Hello Terri

    the child sexualization of Calvin Klein

    Who ACTUALLY shot J.R.

    John Lennon's tiny Beatle

    Mae West passes

    Eddie Murphy debuts

    Yogi Bear's Christmas

    The Infamous No Mas between Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran

    Cheech and Chong Next Movie hits the home entertainment market

    Bosom Buddies

    The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Lineup

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    50 mins
  • Time Barbarians: October 1980
    Dec 15 2024

    Topics include

    The denial of Goldie Hawn

    Muhammad Ali’s final fight

    Bob Costas debuts

    The Thundar the Barbarian brethren

    The death of Buckwheat

    Bloodshed at Blood, Sweat and Tears

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    43 mins
  • September 1980
    Nov 2 2024

    Sorry heroes and sheroes for the delay! Ol Ty Fighter had to enlarge the font on the mircofische from 12 to 48 cause his eyes are going south.

    Topics include

    Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope

    The Bonnano crime family

    Mothers Against Drunk Driving

    Powers Booth at the Prime Time Emmy boycott

    Solid Gold airs for the first time.

    Ronald Reagan is a SCUMBAG

    1980 Fake News

    Who shot Eddie Haskell?

    Bob Marley plays his final show

    John Bonham dies

    Carl Sagan becomes a household name

    The Ethernet is born

    Hit Parader Magazine fan letters

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    50 mins
  • Time Barbarians: August 1980
    Sep 7 2024

    On this adventure topics include....

    The debut of Cinemax and how our dongs were never the same

    John Lennon and Yoko Ono hit the recording studio

    Panda bears take Mexico by storm for 8 fun filled days

    Deaths. Deaths. And Deaths

    Jimmy Carter wins the Democratic nomination besting Ted Kennedy

    Monsters of Rock festival

    America sees the B-2 bomber for the first time

    America sees Mr.T for the first time

    The Lakota tell the government to kiss their collective asses

    Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin

    The death of Tex Avery

    We seek out TV Guide for a discussion on children’s programming

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    45 mins
  • Time Barbarians: July 1980
    Jul 20 2024

    The clash of metal rang out as T-Bone's axe met the stranger's blade, a hidden sword now gleaming in the moonlight. Sparks flew, illuminating the fierce determination and sweat beaded in T-Bone's eyes. Ty Fighter circled around, seeking an opening, his scimitar trained on the enemy. Fissure Floodplain, Kutchek number two henchman, moved with a fluidity that spoke of years of combat, his every motion calculated and deadly. As the two warriors fought with primal fury, the Floodplain’s laughter cut through the chaos, a chilling reminder of their peril.

    In the midst of the fray, a deafening roar erupted from the darkness beyond. The ground trembled beneath their feet as a massive, armored vehicle, bristling with weapons and adorned with grotesque trophies, thundered into view. Kutcheck’s war machine, a behemoth that had laid waste to countless challengers, bore down upon them. Floodplain leapt back, his face twisting into a mocking sneer. "You fight well, but this is where your legend ends," he spat, retreating to the shadows. T-Bone and Ty Fighter turned to face the oncoming juggernaut, their hearts pounding. As the war machine's cannons locked onto them, the roar of its engines drowned out all other sound, leaving the two barbarians staring down their doom with unyielding resolve. Find out what high adventure awaits in this episode of Time barbarians of the 1980s IN Time!

    Topics discussed in this episode include:

    O’ Canada becomes the new Canadian national anthem

    Airplane! The Movie

    The Grateful Dead incite a riot?!

    The final performance of Led Zeppelin’s classic Stairway to Heaven

    The 1980 Moscow Olympics

    The death of Peter Sellers

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    37 mins
  • Karate Kid part II (1986)
    Jul 14 2024

    BANZAIIIIIII!! The boys are back with another super setting episode of the summer of sequels! This time we're flipping butthole first into 1986's classic the Karate Kid part II: the story continues. Find out why this beauty is a worthy follow up, what exactly the drum technique is, and 10 other movies you should enjoy if you love this as much we do!

    follow us @pumpaction_podcast or skoden_cinema on instagram

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    54 mins